
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Cautious probing (1)

Every wizard is a favorite of heaven, or in the words of the Dominic Continent, a person who enjoys divine favor. While it may be an exaggeration to say that they enjoy divine blessings, in many ways, wizards are indeed extraordinary people, and one of the most obvious is that they rarely get sick.

One of the results of their infrequent illnesses is that wizards have little experience in dealing with them. When Tyler suddenly suffered from epilepsy, the novices from the Watson Magic Guild didn't know what to do. What surprised them soon turned into horror as Tyler's symptoms worsened. Not only was his whole body convulsing, but he also kept foaming at the mouth.

Looking at the panicked members of the Watson Magic Guild, Drogo had a surprised expression on his face, as if he couldn't understand how Tyler could suddenly fall ill. But in his heart, Drogo was sneering.

Tyler was sick? Epilepsy? Of course not. It would be incredible for an ordinary person to suddenly develop epilepsy, let alone an intermediate-level wizard.

Just a moment ago, Drogo and Tyler seemed to be quarreling. Drogo quietly used a magic spell, the same soul shock he had used on the young master of the McKee family.

This necromancy magic belongs to the realm of mental magic, directly stimulating the brain. Mild cases can lead to idiocy, and severe cases can lead to madness and death. Like the third-order warrior Anfu, who convulsed to death because of Drogo's soul shock. At the moment, Tyler had almost exhausted his magical power and was weaker than Anfu. How could he withstand this soul shock?

Drogo was actually gambling when he made this move. He was betting that no one in the current magic arena had seen this magic before.

Fortunately, Drogo won the bet. From the moment he spoke with the soul shock to Tyler's convulsions and foaming at the mouth, no one recognized this invisible killing necromancy magic, let alone linked the two together.

The only thing that worried Drogo slightly was the mysterious man in the red robe. Unlike the other members of the Watson Magic Guild, he seemed to have no concern for Tyler's condition, as if he didn't care about Tyler's life or death.

He just turned his head and looked at Tyler for a long time, as if he was thinking of something, but not sure...

Drogo didn't care how crazy the other party was, but he didn't want to give this mysterious guy any time to think. If he really figured out something, that would be bad.

So Drogo shouted, "Hey, I'm talking to you! Are you guys going to fight or not? If you're not going to fight, then get out of here. I still have to drink with my big brother."

The members of the Watson Magic Guild glared angrily at Drogo. They were angry. Tyler was in such a state, and this guy was still shouting up there. He was really heartless. But they couldn't argue with Drogo, because the two sides were originally hostile. If something happened on Drogo's side, they would only applaud and cheer.


The man in the red robe seemed to be unable to tolerate the chaos of his own people anymore and shouted loudly. But even his shouting tone didn't have much momentum.

However, his words made all the people on the Watson Magic Guild side shut their mouths, and even Fennimore, who was frantically running around, immediately quieted down.

"Send two people to take Tyler back. Fennimore!"

The man in the red robe gave the order, and then shouted Fennimore's name.


Fennimore replied.

Drogo was just thinking about it when the man in the red robe raised his arm again and pointed at him.

"You take care of him, then we'll take over here."

"Yes, sir."

Fennimore agreed and stepped onto the field. Then the man in the red robe seemed to glance at Drogo and walked straight down.

Drogo was stunned by the other's confident demeanor. Fennimore had been sent in to face him, and had even said he would let Drogo deal with him. Was this a sign of disrespect? Did they think he was not worth their effort, or were they trying to test his abilities?

The last thought crossed Drogo's mind, and he suddenly remembered something. There had been something strange about Gleson and Tyler's fight earlier, but Drogo hadn't paid much attention to it because Gleson had won.

The strange thing was Tyler's actions. Despite knowing he was no match for Gleson, he had dared to use magic he couldn't control, which not only depleted his own magical power quickly but also put him in a nearly fatal situation.

Would a sane mage have done something like that? Tyler couldn't have done it on his own, which meant someone had arranged for him to do it to consume Gleson's magical power with the help of the spirit's right arm. This person must have promised Tyler that they would save him if he were in danger, so Tyler had taken the risk.

As for who that person was, it was no longer a question. Drogo looked at the red figure walking away and narrowed his eyes. The thought that Tyler's actions might have been orchestrated by this person to consume Gleson's magical power, and then have him defeat or even kill Gleson, made Drogo suspect that Fennimore, who had been sent in now, might also be a pawn.

Perhaps this person had sensed Drogo's unusual strength but was not certain about it, which was why they sent Fennimore to test him.

Despite having formidable power, Drogo was still cautious, and his wariness of the mysterious person in red grew. However, regardless of whether his suspicions were correct, Drogo had to deal with the problem in front of him, which was Fennimore, who had just entered the arena.

As for whether the other party would see through his true intentions, Drogo sneered in his heart. He thought to himself, if you were a great magician, then yes, you would be able to see through my intentions, even recognize my identity as a necromancer. But if you really were a great magician, just a casual move of your hand would crush me, there would be no need to test me at all.

On the field, Fennimore had already stood still. Seeing that Drogo seemed to be lost in thought and hadn't even glanced at him, Fennimore, who was already irritable, suddenly became impatient.

"Kid, don't waste my time, come over here and let me crush you."