
The Streetfighter and the Gang Lord

One would expect the guy was the gang lord while the girl was the feisty streetfighter right? Oh how are you so wrong. .............................. Xavier Collins was the streetfighter known as 'The Crusher' at night and the 'bad boy' at school. He was known for being arrogant, reckless, and has a pride of a boxer. But don't get me wrong, he doesn't sleep around like those players. No, he would rather spin his motor than sucking a girl's face. Now, Meet Annalissa Winters. The 16 year old loner at school but the leader of the most feared yet respected gang in the town. Black Blood. Like her last name, her demeanor was of an ice princess in the cold winter, but that's what makes it more scarier. Both of them are different yet in similar situation. How will they coexist in this strange world of their?

Fallen_Wings8Tears · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs


Emotion. is something I don't need. imust not have.. yet why.. did i start caring about him now?

Alejandro was looking at Annalissa in the corner of his eye while he was playing with Alec. He didn't missed the confusion that past through her eyes before it disappeared as she stared at Xavier. He was fully aware of why she lacked emotions.

It was because of regret. Guilt. For she was wronged. In hopes, Alejandro knew Xavier was the key to opened her heart. Alejandro was fully aware of the boy's street fighting. His reputation that was undefeated impressed Alejandro.

Now he was praying that his hopes would not be disappointed.

As the night came by the group all went their separate ways home. Xavier took Sheila and went home, hitching a ride with Sam of course. Alejandro was resting in the guest room at the 3rd floor announcing that his family was coming over a few days later while Taylor went home by himself. Annalissa then wash up for bed after Alec. As they lay in bed, Alec for some reason loved to cuddle with his sister (not that she complaint) he then asked an unexpected question for a 9 year old..

" Will Zachary take away Sheila and Xavier too?" His eyes were wide and held innocence of a child yet he knew something was up. A genius as they said. Annalissa reached out and patted Alec's head lightly, soothing him of his disturbing thought.

"I won't let that happen. okay?" her voice was soft and caring, one that was used only when it was with him. He believed his sister's words as a grin immediately took over his face."Okay! but can you sing me a lullaby? " he pouted. Damn.. Why is he pouting! He knows that I can't resist it! Annalissa thought.

She sighed in defeat and said in a defeated tone. "Alright..."

(♡♥Play Song now♥♡)

Mukishitsu na bokura no chikyuu wa

Kirameita toki wo nazotte dekita

Mizu sabaku ni dekita raguun to

Tada haeteiru nokosarete ikimono

Our Inorganic World,

Was able to follow a period that shined

It has deserts that are now lagoons

And it left a world of flourishing creatures

Fuhaishita metoroporisu

Migarusa wa kanjinai

Anata no nozonda kekka

Haiiro ni afureteru kore ga risoukyou?

This decayed Metropolis

Feels in no way nimble

The outcome which you wished for

Overflowing in Ashes, this is what you call a Utopia?

Hoshii mono wa subete te ni ireyou

Hoshii mono wa taemanaku ataeyou

Muishiki no naka ni hisonderu

Mienai koe ni shita ga ikitte yuko

Get everything you want in your grasps

Give everything you want, without holding back

Lurk in your unconscious state of mind

And live your life through a voice you can't see

Nozomanai monogatari wo

Michibiite usunde kuru no

Mou ichido tashikamete

Hontou ni hoshikatta kagayaki wo

All those stories you don't desire

Will you bring them all to an end?

Make certain of them all

That shine that you really wanted

Hoshii mono wa subete te ni ireyou

Hoshii mono wa taemanaku ataeyou

Nemuranai machi no mabushisa ni

Me wo ubawarete boku ra no honnou

Get everything you want, in your grasps

Give everything you want, without holding back

In the radiance of the city that never sleeps

Our instincts were all taken away from us

Mukishitsu na bokura no chikyuu wa

Kirameita toki wo nazotte dekita

Mizu sabaku ni dekita RAGUUN to

Tada haeteiru nokosarete ikimono

Our Inorganic World,

Was able to follow a period that shined

It has deserts that are now lagoons

And it left a world of flourishing creatures

Tada haeteiru nokosarete ikimono

And it left a world of flourishing creatures

(Italic BoldAnnalissa sang. Italics Translation. )

When she look down at Alec he was fast asleep with a peaceful smile. The song she sang was the song their mother used to sing for them when she was alive. She told her that the song was by her side of the family that was passed down in generations whom she never met before.

Her mother...

She was a brave woman with a heart of gold, yet the mystery of her death was still unknown to her. She never got to know as she killed her family's killer the same night. Alejandro never met her family as he picked her up during her childhood and told her he was only hunting for the killer.

When sleep slowly took over her, she remembered her parents smiling faces. How she wished they were alive..


Thursday: January

Tonight's the fight.. was the first thought Xavier received when he woke up. His ears were blaring as his alarm clock was beeping repeatedly. He remembered he had school as he sluggishly and reluctantly sat up from the comfort of his bed and took a bath and got ready.

As he was done, he went down to the kitchen and sat with his sister who was scuffing her pancakes eagerly.

" Morning." he greeted his mum as she placed his share of pancakes in front of him. His father was absent as usual since he was busy with his work early in the morning.

As they were done, Xavier took Sheila with him and strapped the helmet on her. Biding their mum goodbye, he placed her in between the steering and him. Ensuring her safety, they left for school.

But for some reason, he had a nagging feeling that tonight won't be a good night..


Annalissa was dropping off Alec as usual, when they reached the main gate, Alec turned to Annalissa.

"I'll be off, Lisa! You'll come as usual.. right?" Alec was hesistant to ask this. He knew she had bisiness tonight, but he hoped that she would greet him for him to be sure she would come back.. unlike their parents.

"I'll come, but I have a task for you. Can you do it?" she asked. Alec nodded.

"I need you to look after Sheila. She may be sucked into our world since Zachary saw her. You're the same class as her so you might be able to look after her right?" Alec nodded again.

"But Lisa, why don't you just assign the guys?" Alec asked with a confused expression. Annalissa sighed, she thought of that too..

"It'll attract attention, and Alejandro taught us the basics of martial arts right? Use your speciality then it'll be fine." Annalissa consorted him, making him agree. Alec was known as a child prodigy as much as Annalissa was. They seemed to have adapted to their gene since both their parents were prodigy themselves. So making him understand was easier.

"..okay.i'll look after her, but.." he trailed off, making Annalissa frowned. "What?"

"Who'll take care of her brother?"He tilted his head in question.

"He can take care of himself, Alec. You know men, always about pride.." she started to say but then she notice it was about time for his class, as well as hers. "Alec, go to class, I handle the rest alright? Just take care of the girl." she ruffled his hair and walked away, but for some reason he felt a storm coming tonight..

And his intuition was never wrong before..


When Homeroom started, Xavier found himself wondering where a certain mismatched eyes girl was. After awhile with chatting with Sam, the door to the classroom opened, revealing the girl he was thinking of.

"Why were you late, Miss Winters?" Mrs. White frowned at her in distaste. But Annalissa just sealed her mouth shut as the whole class was staring.

"I'm sorry, I had an appointment to do." She lied. Well tecnically she wasn't but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

"... Alright. But there will not be a next time Miss Winters. Now go to your seat." Then she began teaching again.

When Annalissa was seated, she was looking at Xavier as he was looking at her. What's wrong with me? They thought simulatiously. But quickly turned away and focused onto the teacher. All through out the day, it was normal. Well, unless she counted a stuck up called Candace Moore tripping her and sabotaging her. Then it's all normal for her.


¤Time Skip: After School¤

"Where are you going?" Sam asked Xavier as he trailed behind him, following Annalissa's order to not let him out of his sight.

"The Ring. Rick signed me in without telling me. Damn him.. I have to pick up Sheila first though." Xavier answered. Hoping onto his bike, he left Sam and went to Sheila's school.

When he reached there, he was greeted with the sight of Alec and Sheila talking at the gate. He hopped off without a word and called out her name.

"Sheila. It's time to go!" he shouted and the said person looked up at him, almost immediately saying goodbye to Alec and rushed over.

"Big brother! Why are you early today?" she asked with a pout. It was no lie that she wanted more time with Alec since she liked him. But today he really was earlier than usual.

" I have work tonight. And since mum's home, I'll just dropped you off." he said while he strapped the helmet on her head. But when he looked back, he saw Alec was looking at their direction with a frown.

What'swith him? Xavier thought but brushed it off as nothing. When he and Sheila sat on his bike, he saw Annalissa's car in the driveway. But ignored her and went home.


Annalissa was picking up Alec as usual as she saw him frowning at Xavier who was leaving.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"He's going somewhere tonight. I can see it in his eyes" he said, looking up to her approaching figure.

"Hn. I have Sam on his tail though. So I shouldn't be worried. " She hummed in agreement as Alec took her hand and they walked to her Camaro.

They were silent until Alec opened his mouth to asked: "Where are you going tonight? "

Annalissa looked at him with a glance from her eye with the eyepatch still on. "A place downtown. Some shady bar with an underground bisiness. " She said. It was useless hiding from the boy, even when she told him about their parents whrn he was 6, he accepted it. He would find out one way or another anyway.

"Oh.. " he mused. She was sure that Alec would be playing the Win and modify the electronics in their room if he was bored.

When they reached the mansion, Alec immediately went to the living room who she spotted Alejandro was sitting, watching the news.

"Uncle!!" Alec shouted as he jumped onto him in surprise. Annalissa merely waved her hand before making a b-line straight to the elevator and went to her room at her floor. Showered and applied some waterproof make up.

She changed into a pair of navy jeans that hugged her legs and a long white sleeveless top that was over her upper thigh with a black leather jacket over it. She wore a pair of combat boots and a pair of sunglasses over her head. Then she went down to the ground floor and went to the storage room at the end of the hall.

There were 7 people selected to go with she included. Each had two Cal-45 and two spare magazines strapped onto the holster on their hip. Annalissa on the other had had two Cal-45 on the holster of her hips and a pair of HK70 behind her back where the holster that was under her jacket on hair couldn't be seen.

They decide to take a black SUV with them. They stocked several rifles and semi - auto guns in case at the back.

When they're ready, they hoped on and was wished good luck by almost everyone there and left.

"Boss. Where we're going? " The driver, Garrett asked Annalissa who sat in the passenger seat beside him.

"..The Ring. We're meeting up for a deal and I have unfinished bisiness for those guys who ran the last time." she said monotonously.

"Heh.. You've tracked them?!" The ever so excited Logan asked as he popped his head between the gap of the seats.

"Logan. Leave Boss out of you hyperactiveness will you?!" A girl who sat beside him scolded, pulling him back by the collar. "Ow.. Mitchell! What the hell-?!" he retorted with a frown, rubbing his neck.

"You ate candy again didn't you?!" Mitchell accused.

"No I didn't! ..Maybe a little.. But! " and the two began fighting.

The guy stuck at the other side of Mitchell rolled his eyes and faced the the window, trying to block out their fighting while the two others at the back was enjoying their fighting.

" I think I picked the wrong ones this time.." Annalissa muttered that only Garrett heard. He chuckled as Annalissa placed a hand over her right ear where the direction of the two fighting was at.

The ones picked was Garrett, a 23 year old man with blond hair and gray eyes, Logan, a 19 year old man who has a hyperactive problem with his bright red hair and black eyes. Mitchell, a 19 year old who came in with Logan, has black hair with light blue highlights at the side and brown eyes. Jason, a 20 year old with black hair and eyes. Jane, his twin sister who has brown hair and black eyes. And Christine, a 18 year old girl with brown hair with orange highlights and Amber colored eyes.

Tonight Annalissa hoped that it'll go well. With their mission today. They can't fail..


OK. That's it! New characters introduced! Ha haha!

Logan: Is she crazy?

Mitchell: You idiot! Don't talk back!!

Logan: Ow! Why did you hit me?!

Jason & Jane: There they go again..

Anyway. I actually have nothing to say soI'll just transfer to my credits..




But read first! Bye Bye.

Fallen_Wings8Tears out!! Peace@@!