
The story of the daughter of the demon queen

You will follow Eloise's story which is full of pitfalls and love and you will see how she will succeed in either realising her dream of doing good or becoming a master of evil. the character on the cover does not belong to me. In rewriting

nini45000 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs


"I love you, Maria," said Alice, her voice filled with sincerity and vulnerability. The words slipped from her lips, and in that instant, a wave of regret washed over her. She couldn't help but wonder what kind of excuse she had just made.

Maria stood there, her mind racing as conflicting emotions tore through her. She had never expected this confession from Alice, and now she found herself grappling with her own thoughts. "I don't really have feelings for her, and she's a princess," Maria's inner monologue reasoned. "It's better if I don't break her heart. But what the heck is happening?" Maria pondered, her mind clouded with confusion.

Meanwhile, Alice, unaware of Maria's internal struggle, pressed on, her voice quivering with anticipation. She couldn't hold back her feelings any longer and decided to lay it all on the line. "Yes, I have been in love with you for a long time," Alice admitted, her voice trembling with honesty. "My feelings for you have grown stronger with every passing moment, and I can no longer contain them."

As Alice continued to speak, Maria found herself mulling over the confession, trying to make sense of her own emotions. "I have no feelings for her, but..." Maria's thoughts began, her inner demons whispering in her ear, reminding her of the potential benefits. "If I play along, she might provide valuable information about Eloise," Maria contemplated, seeing an opportunity in this unexpected turn of events.

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Alice anxiously awaited Maria's response. The room fell silent as Maria weighed her words carefully, her conflicted emotions visible on her face. Finally, she found the courage to speak, her voice gentle yet hesitant. "To tell you the truth," Maria started, her words hanging in the air, "it's just that we met a few months ago. I would like to start a friendship with you first."

Alice, taken aback by Maria's unexpected reply, swiftly masked her disappointment with a forced smile. "I didn't think she would say that, but that's alright," Alice mustered, attempting to appear unfazed. "Yes, if you want, we can be friends," she replied, hoping that their connection would deepen over time.

Maria managed a small smile of her own, relieved that her response had been accepted. Closing the distance between them, she leaned in and placed a tender kiss on Alice's cheek, a silent assurance of the bond they were forming. "Well, I have to go now. See you later," Alice bid farewell, her heart slightly bruised but still holding onto a glimmer of hope.

"See you later," Maria responded softly, her gaze lingering on Alice's retreating figure.

Switching perspectives, the scene shifted to Eloise, who stood on the edge of the arena, anticipation bubbling within her as she prepared for her upcoming match. The atmosphere crackled with excitement, and she could feel the weight of the spectators' expectations resting on her shoulders. She took a deep breath, mentally steeling herself for the challenge that lay ahead. Victory was within her grasp, and she knew it.

Just then, a familiar figure approached her, weaving through the bustling crowd. It was Jade, her presence providing a sense of comfort and reassurance. Eloise's face brightened as she caught sight of Jade, and determination glinted in her eyes.

"Hi, Jade," Eloise greeted, her voice infused with a resolute tone that matched her mindset.

Jade returned the greeting with a warm smile, her eyes filled with genuine care and unwavering support. "Hi, Eloise. So, you're ready for your match today?" she asked, leaning in slightly to convey her interest.

Eloise nodded confidently, a glimmer of assurance shining in her eyes. "Yes, I am. And since you're here to cheer me on, I'm sure I'll win," she replied, her voice resonating with unwavering self-belief.

Jade's smile widened, and she leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss on Eloise's cheek. The gesture carried a mix of affection and a tangible belief in Eloise's abilities. "Good luck," she whispered softly, her words brimming with sincerity.

Surprised by the unexpected display of affection, Eloise couldn't help but express her gratitude. Her voice tinged with appreciation, she replied, "Thanks, Jade. I think I'm going to win. Thanks for the kiss too. I didn't expect you to be that kind of person."

Jade's eyes sparkled with amusement as she playfully teased Eloise. "Yes, but it's just my way of wishing you good luck," she explained, her tone lighthearted. "Now go on, your match is about to start, and I expect nothing less than victory from you."

As Eloise made her way towards the arena, the scene transitioned seamlessly. The grand arena loomed before her, its expansive space filled with eager spectators, their cheers blending into a symphony of anticipation. The spotlight was about to shine upon her, and she was ready to embrace the challenge.

The referee's commanding voice boomed through the arena, reaching every corner of the vast space. "Are you ready to start the match?" the referee called out, their voice carrying a sense of authority.

Eloise, brimming with confidence, locked eyes with her opponent, Akira. "Yes, I am ready," she declared, her voice resolute and unwavering.

Akira, equally prepared, stood across from Eloise, his gaze locked firmly upon her. A glint of competitiveness danced in his eyes, a silent promise of a fierce battle ahead. "I'm ready too," he retorted, his voice laced with a touch of overconfidence. "Get ready to lose."

As the referee began the countdown, the tension in the air escalated. The audience held their breaths in anticipation, their gaze fixed on the two formidable opponents. "1... 2... 3... the match can start," the referee's voice echoed throughout the arena, signaling the commencement of the long-awaited clash.

With an explosive burst of energy, Eloise propelled herself into the air, utilizing her mastery of fire magic. Flames danced around her, illuminating the arena with their fiery brilliance. However, Akira proved to be a formidable adversary, swiftly nullifying Eloise's magical onslaught with his own powers. The sudden counter left Eloise momentarily stunned, her confidence momentarily faltering. She swiftly regained her composure, reminding herself that she possessed more than just magic to secure victory.

"How do you plan to get in if you can't use magic?" Akira taunted, a smug smile tugging at the corners of his lips, his voice dripping with overconfidence.

But Eloise was not deterred. She met his gaze head-on, her eyes ablaze with determination. "You'll see that I don't need magic to beat you," she retorted, her voice laced with a fierce resolve.

Undeterred by the nullification of her magic, Eloise closed the distance between herself and Akira, her movements fluid and purposeful. In his hands, Akira brandished a gun infused with crackling energy, a testament to his own formidable abilities. He attempted to intimidate Eloise, issuing a veiled threat, a wicked smile playing on his lips.

"Your end is near, so if you give up now, you won't get hurt," he sneered, his voice filled with a sinister edge.

Eloise's resolve remained unshaken, her unwavering determination shining through. "I will never give up," she stated firmly, her voice carrying a resolute conviction.