
Welcome To My World

Wake up Mary and get ready for school, your now a senior and you need to be in school early" I sluggishly stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom. I came out jumping a few minutes later trying to put on a skirt "Come on you bloody thing" "Mary how many times have I told you to stop swearing!!" "I know Mom I'm just frustrated with this zipper it is difficult to put on" "No more excuses" "Yes Mom". Picked up my breakfast and was heading out when my mom said "I hope you know why you are in school and make me proud would you!" "I know Mom and I will I always will" I said giving her a hug and dashing through the door. I'm Mary, my life is a particularly boring one you might say, no vacations to exotic beaches and hotels nope just me and my books but I like it. Even though I have to walk 5 miles to school am still happy except the occasional bullying that is. I trotted to school happily when a car drove through a puddle and the water soaked me from head to toe. I heard girls giggling and I immediately knew who the culprit was, Clara, the queen bee of our school. I don't know why she has picked me to as her special target and bullies me constantly. What have I ever done to her?. I walked through the school gate amid stares and laughter and burning hatred for Clara. I went to the back of the school to dry myself off and sighted something that left me scarred for Life this  change my life forever. I saw a freaking vampire sucking blood of one of our seniors, I took a step back in fear and was visibly shaking it turned to me and said with a croaky and scary voice "your next". As it launched for me another of its kind jumped on wrestling it to the ground he turned to me and said "run as fast as you can and say this to no one"before taking a bite out of it killing it in the process. I ran as fast as my legs could take me but was stopped short when another stood in front of me "You know too much, it is either I kill you or make you one of us " with that she grabbed me so fast I didn't have time to retaliate and sang her fang  into my neck and I was loosing consciousness. Will I die or wake up reborn, I was soon to find out as I felt someone pressing my chest and saying "wake up! wake up!! don't die, please, oh God, you must live" and I blacked out only to wake up finding my self in a warehouse alone. I picked up my jacket and walked off checking my self if I had changed or something. I ran back to that corner to find one of Clara's minions. Immediately she saw me she started making fun of me I was so mad that I jumped on her I'm bit her neck when I looked down I saw her lifeless body staring at me for the first time I turn to look at my face on a window and what I saw shook me to the core. I saw... fangs