
The Story Factory [DISCONTINUED]

The world is filled with infinite beings, each one with a different story. But what if only one person is chosen as a 'mc' of a world. Does that make everyone else just extras? How will the world, this world, or any other world, work like that? Let Emily Brown explain that for you. Not by story or presentation, but by perspective.

ctpppytrnr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


"X is 36, so if X is multiplied by the y and then subtract by the sum we got there it will result in over millions. So how are we supposed to count it? Without the calculator of course. First, we have to put this….."

The neverending sounds of a marker scratching the board will never be boring to those smart kids. While I sit at the back, yawning waiting for it to end. My hand says otherwise, it kept track of Mr. D's explanation. I didn't even tell it to do so.

"Now for your homework. I want you to do all pages 546 until 567. Submit it next week. You may work together but make sure you understand this lesson because I will not be re-explaining this" Mr. D said as he grabbed his bag from the teacher's desk and left the room.

I grabbed the small notebook that I have been writing notes on alongside my textbook. With both books wrapped in my hands, I left the classroom.

Outside, the sounds of students talking were heard from every corner. I went to my locker located across the hallway. Inside, I saw another 10 pairs of textbooks exactly like mine. I let out a small sigh before taking all the textbooks with me.

As I was about to close my locker, I felt a pair of eyes looking at me. I swiftly close my locker to find Caleb Johnson, one of the scholarship kids, behind my locker. He was staring at me then stared at the pile of books in my hands.

"Looks like you got a lot to do," he said, giving out his hand.

Without hesitation, I placed all the books in his hands and walked away.

"Where the hell is Darren?" I asked, looking around.

"He and his girlfriend got into a fight this morning," Caleb said, trying to fix the book positions.

We walked about 3 minutes following a hallway that led to the cafeteria. As usual, it was crowded.

Beyond the cafeteria is a long hallway with abandoned classes. This hallway connects to the elementary part of the school. It was no longer used since they got a better and bigger building.

While walking through the hallway Caleb placed the pile of books on the floor and took out a key.

"Benefits of the student president team," I said, with a jealous tone.

He smiled at me before clicking open a specific door.

While I turned on the lights, Caleb brought in all the books from outside. He sat down on the floor, putting the books beside him. He then scattered the books. There were a total of 12 books including mine and Calebs'.

"We got a lot of work to do," he sighed.

"Is the cafe open today?" I asked, standing to go outside.

While I was about to open the door, the door slammed open on my face. When I opened my eyes I found about 7 or 8 big boys in front of me. When I mean big, I mean big. They were way bigger than me, to the point where I can hide behind them without being seen. I am also one of the 'biggest' girls there are.

"You're late," Caleb said, greeting them.

I looked at the person in front of them, Luke, and signaled him to sit down. Luke is the leader of this so-called gang. He is the coldest person in this world and nobody, not a single soul, can read this mind. The person on his left grabbed my waist and pulled me in.

"Sean let her go," Carter said from behind.

Sean, the popular boy, let go of my waist and sat down on the floor. All the others came tagging along.

"Should we meet as usual? Tonight at the Game Cafe?" Darren's voice was heard amongst them.

"I got a family thing to do" Luke answered coldly.

"Then the rest of us can go," Owen said.

After saying that, Owen proceeds to lay down in Carter's lap. Those two have been close since day one. Sadly, they got different classes.

"Emily got the notes?" Kylie asked.

"Yup" I answered, tossing her my notebook.

"Guys, guys, I heard some news this morning," Sean said, teasingly. "Emily Brown, the leader of the female leader or so to be called mommy of the most popular and naughty gang finally lost her cool"

"Excuse me. It wasn't my fault" I told him off.

"What actually happened?" Carter asked.

"She chased that god damn teacher to only get scolded," Luke said with a giggle.

"Why did you get scolded?" Caleb asked in worry.

"He said I wasn't honest with my eczema, even though it was obvious Hunter cheated on me," I replied, staring down Hunter who was laughing his ass out in the corner.

"I have to go early," Kylie said, taking my hand.

"We," I corrected her

"Yes we"

"Where are you girls going?" Owen asked.

"I have to attend my dance class and Emily here has to watch," Kylie said, opening the door.

As she opened the door, I heard a very disturbing noise. It was the sound of a girl crying. I looked down to my left and saw Anna, Darren's girlfriend, sitting there hugging her knees.

Both I and Kylie let out a sigh. Kylie looked back in the room, calling Darren.

I squatted next to Anna and held her chin up, "Don't cry. You look weak" I said, examining her eyes getting redder and redder.

Kylie took my hand and escorted me away. As we look back, Darren was there walking to Anna.

"Pain?" I asked Kylie.

"Shut up" she replied, sounding annoyed.

I let out a small giggle. Everyone, except Darren, knows Kylie liked Darren. It has been like that since high school. Now we are in the second year of college. I feel somewhat bad for her.

We walked to the main lobby in silence. Once we got there, Kylie called her driver and asked him to pick us up. I was looking around the place when I suddenly realized something.

"Is it me or is it raining flowers?" I asked as I looked up to the sky.

Flower petals were falling from the sky just like how they would in movies.

"What are you talking about?" Kylie said, walking up to me and looking in the sky.

"Wait, you don't see it?"

"Nope" she replied, getting back on her phone.

While I was admiring the beautiful pink sky, a big black long car came to us.

"Hello there, miss," the guy in the driver's seat greeted us.

"Let's go" Kylie dragged me in the car.

I sat down on the right side of the car and watched the flowers outside. It was odd. The flowers don't seem to appear on the ground. It's as if they disappeared before touching the ground. I guess maybe that's how it would look in movies.

On the way to Kylie's dance class, I took out my phone to check my messages. The group chat was filled with people talking about Darren's situation earlier. I also checked my social media account to try to find anyone who can also see the flowers. I scrolled for about 20 minutes but found nothing. At the time I snapped back, out of my phone, we were already at the place.

Both me and Kylie got out of the car on separate ends.

"I'll come in after getting some drinks," I told Kylie while pointing to a nearby cafe.

I walked across the streets, still seeing the flowers, and entered the cafe. Small dogs were greeting me as I opened the door and a 'Hello' from the parrot beside the counter.

"Emily" the person behind the counter greeted me.

She was a senior in our middle school, and now she has her own pet cafe.

"The usual please," I told her while looking around to see the other customers.

There was a family of 4 and 2 couples there. But what caught my eye was a very shady person in the back. I looked at my senior and asked who he was.

"Oh him. He has been here for about an hour. He seemed to be drawing something" she said.

"Tried getting his number?" I asked.

"And failed," she sighed.

I giggled.

She passed me two cups, one with chocolate and one coffee.

"You should learn how to drink coffee darling," she said.

"Yea yea" I replied walking away.

I sat somewhere behind the guy I saw earlier and took out my laptop.

I thought to myself, 'I'm just going to spend 15 minutes here before going back to Kylie'.

I opened up the file I kept hidden in my folders and started typing. My biggest secret, something nobody else knows, is that I love writing. I took the psychology major to help me advance in my writing skills. But others thought it was because I just randomly picked.

While I was typing, the guy in front of me looked back.

"Hi" I waved at him.

"You're writing an essay?" he asked in such a deep and calm voice.

"No, I'm writing my book" I replied with a smile.

He looked forward and continued doing his thing. I was left hanging and confused.

After 15 minutes, I packed up my laptop and stood up. As I grabbed my two cups, I realized the guy in front of me was drawing a beautiful scene of a boy and a girl with flowers everywhere. The flowers were identical to the ones I saw outside. Then I saw a glimpse of him opening his social media and saw a post of a verified person asking about petals falling.

'Does this mean I am not the only one who can see?'

I quickly brushed it off and went to my senior to thank her. She stopped me mid-way and replaced my cup of coffee.

"On the house. Since you managed to talk to that guy" she said, with a tint of blush on her cheek.

"Get a life," I told her as I left with my two cups.

While crossing, hovering around the crossroad, waiting for the red light, I realized the flowers aren't dropping down anymore. It was sunny and bright.

I heard a long honk then crossed the street. I was crossing the street with about 4 other people. Suddenly, a big truck came out of nowhere and couldn't seem to stop. He was about to hit the 5 of us.

I braced for impact as I saw the people in the streets start yelling. I tried to help the four people there, by pushing them away, but somehow didn't move.

I was ready to get hit by the truck as I tried to run. I took a big leap towards the big crowd of people on the other side. When I landed on the ground, the world became silent.

'I am so dead'

I opened my eyes and stood up. The crowd in front of me was staring at me. Not my eyes, but my toes.

They didn't move an inch.

I looked back at the street and saw the truck just there with the driver closing his eyes. I looked at the other vehicles that were scattered around.

The world froze.

Everything froze.