
What am I doing here?

The ground was shaking and the sky was roaring, the rocks were quaking and the rain was pouring. What am I doing here? I don't remember a thing, maybe I can search for someone, something to get me free. This dreaded storm, it's making me cry, I just need to find a place to hide.

Finally I found a little cave, thankfully I am saved from the lightning that struck, please God, give me luck; I need to last, until this storm has passed.

All I need is to get some rest, to close my eyes and stop thinking about this mess. I drifted off to sleep, into a dream- I recognise this place, it's really familiar to me. I then realised, I'm in the exact same place, with the ground shaking and the sky roaring, the rocks quaking and the rain pouring.

I'm in a never-ending dream, or should I say- nightmare...