

ladies and gentlemen please applause for miss kim yura the winner of this year soloist!"

"oh my! Thanks thank you for all the love you gave." she bowed coming forward to the stage.

"please miss kim."

"i cant believe am here. Ladies and gentlemen,

I am beyond grateful and filled with joy today. I want to thank each and every one of you for this amazing recognition. Seven years ago, I started on this journey with dreams and aspirations, and tonight, I am truly honored to receive my first award.

And lastly, to my fans, you are my everything. Your support and love keep my passion alive. Your presence at every show and your kind words mean the world to me. This award is because of you. Its for us.

my lovely kids thanks. They are still young. But they helped. They will appear here one day who knows. I wish he was here too. He is pretty busy you see. I love you oppa!" she smiled.

"you heard that mr kim buckle up your wife is determined to give an idol family!"

Later that week

"Sister guess what i have?" I hid a paper i picked up behind me.

"What do you got show me." she smiled.

"guess." I say playfully.

"looks like a paper.. want a paper plane" she said attacking me.

"yup!" I said giving her the paper.

"Hey where did you pick this up?" she frowned.

"Huh.... dad's office."i pout.

"Stay here..."

"Hey nonna.." and she left.

Nonnas POV

"dad what is this? "

Dad frowned"where did you get this?"he took the paper.

"Byeol picked it up...you arent planning to send him away because of a piece of paper right? we talked about this!"

"Its not a piece of paper its your moms will!" He shouted at me.

"Still....he is only seven we cant just send him away"

" I am planning to send him to france. He can live with his aunt. Your mom will be thrilled. He will replace her think about it"he sounds crazy.

"How would you know that? Mom isnt here dad we cant just let byeol go through the same sh*t as her."

"She never went through sh*t!"

"Dad! Mom wont want that."

"that was her last word"



"Fine..." i left out. How can he be so cold. mom why would you.....


"Byeol what are you doing here? did you..."

"am i going somewhere?"

"No you're not. Not alone. Come here buddy." I hold him up.

"But...ahhh dont throw me like that." I laughed.

"Why isnt it fun? High you go."

"Sister! Stop Hehe." He gigled.

"Hey sis!" i ignored him.

"sis you are acting weird." He hugged.

"What did father say?" He probably heard.

"Nothing much he told me you are going to attend art school."


"I dont know he said we will all visit it tommorow." he seems excited.


"Where ever you are i will come okay? I will come and steal you away. How does that sound?" I smiled.

"Hmm i wont go anywhere cheap though." he smiled back.

"Thats fine by me." I hold him up.

"sis stop hehe."

"I love you so much." I cant loose him like mom i just cant.

"me too."

"want to sleep with me." i hugged.


My mom and dad were not very fond of each other. They were together because of contract marriage so they werent really lovebirds to admire. they werent the perfect parents but they werent that bad either their love was more like a respect for each other. they say you never knew you need something until you lose it. I think thats what dad is going through now. After moms death me and byeol started attending art school in seoul. He said we should remember mom by that. I wasnt fond of music nor i was skilled but byeol was differnt. dont want to admit it but he sounds alot like mom anglic. Dad didnt want to waste this talent thats why he wanted to send him aboard. And grew up to replace our mom. To make people remember her. I know he is just trying to fill the void inside of himself by using her as a motivation. I am not sure if thats what she would want. She was a loving woman. Not someone who would want to be remembered for something like this. But i guess dad is just too much of a selfish man to understand that.

Byeol's pov

"Byeol! wake up."

"Hmm dad."

"We are going to france today wake up."

"Help him prepare." He said to the servant.

"But....." i pout.

"I said pack his bags now."

"Dad please."

"Let me help." She started paking.

"Now!" He said grabbing my arm.

He dragged me into a car.

"Your going to like it there, study well"

"i will be back soon right dad?"

"Yea just few years."

" dad!" eonni looks ferious.


"We finished this go back home hanna."

"let me say goodbye atleast." she held his hand.

"Fine.... make it quick." he opened the door.

"Nunna!" I started crying i soon as am in her arm.

"I know I know byeol." she hugged me tight

"Be happy okay? *sob*" she start crying.

"I will call you everyday, okay." she let go of me.

Dad started the engine.

"come on we will be late."

"Bye bye" I waved at my sister.

"Byeol." She cried.

Dad drove away.

I sat on the back seat. looking through the window until i could see my sister anymore. she is like my mom she took care of me played with and do anything for me.

We arrived at airport. Aunt was standing there.

"I want to go home!" I shouted at him.

"you cant!" He said with anger in his voice.

"Why not?" I started crying. I just felt like crying and crying and crying.

"stop this byeol!" he held me is his arm.

"your mom wants you to become a nice and talented idol. since you already are the kindest person i know the only thing left is talent and you are going to go get it, okay?"

"But.. I...." i dont want to.

"dont worry your aunt is a great person. she will help you with your studies. now lets go greet her okay?"

"okay.." i mumbled.

"sis!" he hugged her.

"this must be our lil star." she hugged him back looking at me.


"you must be byeoung. stop crying okay?" she hugged me.

"we should get going. take care." she hugged dad again.

"yeah, byeol be good okay?"

"he will wont you?" we walked away.

"Are you like him?" I asked her.

"i dont want to be like mom *hic*" she patted me. she didnt say anything.

"bye son!"

"bye..." i waved my hands