
Getting Powerful

It's around 3 PM in the afternoon, and 2 guards rush into the barracks to wake up Leviethein. "Leviethein… Leviethein wake up, we're being attacked... LEVIETHEIN!" Leviethein wakes up to the knight yelling at him to get up. "What is it?" "WE'RE BEING ATTACKED BY DEMONS, WE NEED YOU!" "Give me a minute, I just woke up" The knights stare at him in disbelief. The knights run out of the tent and to the gates to get ready for the demons break it down. Leviethein comes out of the barracks all suited up in some of the knights armor and his personal weapons that he created. The gates finally break after another 10 seconds and the archers keep firing from up on the walls. Leviethein climbs the wall to look at what demons are raiding the fortress, and it looks to him as this is going to be a very, very difficult battle to win. He can spot at least a couple hundred low tiers and medium tiers, and what seems to be a couple of the huge, high tiered demons from the battle he had with the demons defending this fortress last time. Leviethein jumps off of the walls and straight into the middle of the demon army, slowly slicing away every demon that he sees. He gets cut and punched every now and then by the low tier demons, but the cuts cant penetrate his body and the punches feel like water droplets. Leviethein really has reached the human body limits for how durable he can get, but for some reason he still feels himself getting stronger. He heals his small wounds whenever he kills an enemy so after this battle he shouldn't feel that much physical pain. After killing around 30 low tier demons, he made it closer to the back and started fighting mid tier demons. Whenever these demons cut or punched him, he felt like he was being tortured with sharp daggers and small hammers. While the battle on the outside is raging on, on the inside of the fortress, archers are trying their best to keep demons from climbing the walls, knights are trying their best to keep the demons from coming inside, and Jace is no where to be seen. "God damnit Jace it'd be nice to have you out here!" Seconds after he said that, Jace jumps over the wall and onto a demon with full shiny iron armor and two axes made of steel. "What the hell happened yesterday..?" Jace starts swinging his axes furiously as he hasn't ever held a weapon before and doesn't really know how to use his weapons. Leviethein starts to follow what Jace is doing and he just starts to swing his sword as hard as he can and as fast as he can to kill all the surrounding demons efficiently since these demons are only focused on hitting their enemies instead of defending their body. Jace and Leviethein get closer while killing the demons and Leviethein calls out to Jace "We need to go kill the higher tiered demons!" "They are the only huge threat here!". Jace nods in agreement and the grabs Leviethein and jumps towards one of the high tiered demons in the back. Jace stops when he is in front of one of the big high tiered demons and he drops Leviethein "Ow". They kill some of the surrounding demons so it would just be Jace and Leviethein versus a high tier demon. Jace dashes towards the demon after its legs, but the demon swipes Jace away. Leviethein takes the moment of distraction to leap behind the demon and slice its back. The demon turned around quickly and hit Leviethein in the face, making him fall back a couple of feet. "Damn, these demons are way to strong for me and Jace, but if I can just kill one..." "JAYCE ATTACK WITH ALL YOU GOT AND REMEMBER, I NEED TO KILL IT!" Jayce pounces towards the demon and with everything he has, he slams his axe head as far into the demon's arm it will go. The demon yelled out in pain and then grabbed at Jace with its other arm, but missed, which Leviethein runs up and slices a couple of the demons fingers off, and then Jace slams his other axe into the demon's left leg. The demon is now on it's right knee, but its still swinging at Leviethein and Jace. "Alright, let's finish this." Leviethein swings down his sword with everything he has to cut off the demon's head and gain his new power that he will get. Blue and red essence flows from out the demon and into Leviethein, he can now feel this new strength coursing through his veins. "I... I feel like a god..." "Jace... go help the knights with their battle, I'll finish off the rest of these demons here and then join you down the hill. Jayce nods and then jumps down the hill, landing on a demon. Leviethein looks at the high tier demons and goes after one that is alone since he still can't beat them in pairs. He charges a high tier demon that is alone and slides, slicing the leg of the demon, and then the back of the demon. The demon looks around to see where the cuts came from, and it sees Leviethein standing their with its blood on his sword. The demon takes out its weapon and starts to swing at it's enemy. Leviethein counters an attack and then slices his sword through the demon's arm. "The longer you don't try, the faster you will die" Leviethein says as he kicks the demon to the ground and slams his sword into it's leg. The demon stands up shakily and then roars for all the high tier demons to come and fight Leviethein. "I will shower the grass with your blood" Leviethein says smiling. As the rest of the high tier demons charge over to save another, Leviethein cuts the demon's head off, and then charges after the rest of the high tier demons. Leviethein leaps from off the ground and kicks off from a demon's head and back onto the ground, and straight after that he dashes behind the demons and slices a demon in the back. The demons turn around and charge at him all together. One by one the demons swing at Leviethein until one of the demons hit him, making Leviethein slide back two feet. Leviethein uses this distance to dash towards the demons, and then jump over them, slicing one's head off, and then another one's back leg. As the essence flows through Leviethein, the demons take this as an opportunity and hit him into a tree. Leviethein looks up at the demons, and then stands back up and dashes at the demons as they dash at him. He slices one of the demon's legs off, and kicks another one into a boulder. The demon with one leg hits Leviethein in the arm with its battle hammer, breaking Leviethein's arm. "AGHH". He turns to the demon and slices it's other leg off, and right after that, he cuts the demon clean in half vertically. Leviethein walks over to the other demon as his arm gets healed from the essence of the demon he just killed, and grabs the demon by the throat, slowly choking it out. "Report back to Argemaul, and tell him that I am coming to avenge my fallen allies." Leviethein cuts off the demon's left hand, and then throws the demon to the ground. "If the rest of you want to meet me in battle another day, I suggest you run away now, because if not, I will drench the ground with your blood" Leviethein yells. Some of the demons turn around and see the high tier demons dead, so they run away into the woods nearby. Leviethein sighs and slowly walks down towards the rest of the demons. A couple of the demons jump at him, but within a second, Leviethein slices them all in half. A couple more demons see this happen as they are charging towards him, but instantly turn around and run into the woods where the rest of the demons went. Leviethein looks at a knight getting surrounded by demons, so he runs over and one by one, the demons drop the ground. "I suggest telling the rest of your men to get back into the fortress." "Yes sir..." The knight goes off yelling to the rest of the knights to get back into the fortress. As the knights start to hoard back into the castle, Leviethein starts to yell at all the demons to gather attention on him. The demons start to surround Leviethein, and Leviethein smiles, as he has just bunched them all up. All of the demons charge at him at once, and they start to collapse and get split in half in every second that passes. A couple demons in the back of the hoard starts to run off as they've just seen a bunch of demons die in just a couple of seconds. Leviethein kills off the rest of the demons, and closely watches where the demons run off to in the forest. He then walks into the fortress and calls for Jace. Two knights jog over to Leviethein as he calls for Jace. "Sir... If I'm right, Jace is the um.. river troll, right?" "Yes, why?" "Well... Jace... Jace saved me and my friend from a high tier demon, and he got taken away into the forest behind you." Leviethein looks shocked to hear that a river troll could be taken away. "Then I'll be back tomorrow." "Wait sir... don't you need rest?" "No." The guards are in awe at how Leviethein can just walk off with that must energy.

Its been two hours since Leviethein started to look for Jayce, until finally, he saw something unordinary, something that hasn't ever been discovered before... a hole in the ground that leads all the way down to hell.