
Chapter 6

After they lost Bobby, a scarecrow approached them and grabbed Heather's shoulder. Heather saw the scarecrow's hand and got scared. Heather said, "Gwen, who do we know who has hands made of straw?" Carl, Gwen, and Heather looked behind them and saw a walking scarecrow. Then, the scarecrow lifted its arm, and a giant sword emerged. Gwen yelled, "RUN!" Carl, Gwen, and Heather ran for their lives, and the scarecrow chased them. Carl, Gwen, and Heather ran out of the mist and found an old barn. Carl tried opening the doors but couldn't. Carl said, "They're locked." Then, the scarecrow with a sword and the psycho killer with a chainsaw came out of the mist. Heather fainted, and the scarecrow grabbed Gwen while the psycho killer grabbed Carl. Both screamed simultaneously, and the scarecrow and psycho killer carried them off.

An hour later, Heather woke up and saw Gwen and Carl were gone, leaving her to find the others. Since she didn't want to get killed like the others, Heather ran for her life and tried to find a way to leave the woods. While Heather was running, she bumped into a guy wearing a hockey mask and a cape. Then Heather fell to the ground and screamed while the guy walked up and helped her up. The guy removed his mask and showed Heather who he was. The guy said, "Hi, Heather." Heather said, "Kevin? You're the psycho killer?" Kevin said, "Of course not." Kevin put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Then the psycho killer with the hockey mask and chainsaw showed up, and Heather screamed in terror. Kevin said, "Calm down." The psycho killer showed Heather her actual face; Heather saw it was only Rachel. Rachel said, "Hi, Heather." Heather said, "Rachel? You're the psycho killer?" Rachel said, "Relax. There is no psycho killer. It was us all along." Kevin said, "Everybody's safe. They're all back at my mansion having a Halloween party."

Kevin and Rachel took Heather to Kevin's mansion, and when they walked in, Heather saw Everybody partying. Heather said, "Wait, everything was a prank?" Kevin said, "Yep." Heather said, "And everyone at this party was in on it?" Rachel said, "Not exactly. Kevin and I planned this prank the day you guys watched that horror movie and decided to make life a horror movie." Kevin said, "When Emma and Hannah walked into The Dead Woods, I put on my psycho killer costume and spied on them. Then Rachel played back the animal sounds on a tape recorder. When I saw Hannah fall, I found the chance to walk up to Emma and Hannah and sack them, which made them drop their stuff." Carl said, "That's why we found Emma's notebook and Hannah's hair clip on the ground." Kevin said, "When Rachel and I saw you guys heading into The Dead Woods, Rachel disguised me as an old man, and I warned you not to go into The Dead Woods, but you did anyway. After you did, Rachel played back the animal sounds on the tape recorder we used on Emma and Hannah. Then I saw you in the woods and watched Cindy head in the opposite direction after she called the whole thing a prank."

Emma said, "Once it got dark out, Kevin had us all wear werewolf costumes to scare Cindy. That's when we grabbed her and let her in on our secret." Rachel said, "Afterwards, you guys went camping in the woods, and that's when I decided to dress myself up as a witch, grab Nick, and replace him with a frog so it would look like I turned him into one." Hannah said, "And we powered the broomstick she rode with a jet engine and remote control that I operated." Kelly said, "But what about the mist that spelled out the message on the trees?" Cindy said, "After we took Nick away and let him in on the secret, he operated a mist machine, and I spelled out the words on the trees while the mist was going on. And to scare you more, we did it a second time."

Cindy and Nick slapped their hands and laughed. Kelly said, "But I saw the psycho killer carrying the chainsaw." Rachel said, "That was me. After Cindy wrote on the trees, I removed my witch costume and put on my psycho killer costume to scare you. After I took Kelly, I brought her to Kevin's house." Zack said, "The green glow?" Lou said, "And the ghost that looked like you?" Kevin said, "While you guys were in school, we recorded a video of Rachel and set up hologram projectors in the trees. We activated the cameras that projected lights that made the river glow green when we saw you by the river. When the glow vanished, Rachel's projection was all over the woods, so it looked like she was chasing you." Lou said, "What about the bubbling water and the zombies?" Nick said, "The zombies' hands were animatronics controlled by me." Zack said, "And while you guys were in the trees, we went into the water and blew the bubbles from under it, so it looked like it was bubbling." Rachel said, "As for the zombies that came after you, they were also animatronic. That's how that one zombie could take off his head and throw it at you." Mike said, "What about the graveyard and the caretaker with the rifle?" Rachel said, "The graveyard was fake, and we made the tombstones out of cardboard." Kevin said, "And Bobby Billwood wasn't real. He was just me in disguise carrying a rifle." Zoey said, "What about Baba Yaga and her chicken leg house?"

Rachel said, "After we took Kelly, we convinced her to wear the Baba Yaga costume." Kevin said, "And we borrowed the house from the monster exhibit at the wax museum. After we borrowed it, I convinced my dad's scientists to enhance it with robotic legs instead of wax ones so they'd move." Kelly said, "Before you guys walked in and found the spell book, Cindy attached a fishing hook to lift it out of your hands to make it look like it was levitating. Then Nick flipped the switch and made the house move." Kevin said, "After we let Mike and Zoey out, we let them in on our plan." Zack said, "The vampires?" Rachel said, "That was me, Kevin, and everyone we took." Lou said, "What about me getting lifted in the air?" Kevin said, "I lifted you myself with invisible wires and let go of them to make it look like the ghosts vanished."