
Chapter 4

Once they got inside, they looked around and saw that the place looked creepy. Then the front door slammed behind them, and Gwen hurried over. She put her foot on the door and pulled as hard as possible, but the door wouldn't open. Gwen said, "We're trapped." Carl said, "At least we're safe." Then they heard the wind howl and the crows cawing outside. While they were inside, they saw a bunch of cobwebs and spiders. Heather said, "This place is creepy." Gwen said, "Really? What gave it away? The creepy animal heads on the walls? The weird paintings? Or the fact the place looks deserted with all the cobwebs?" While they were looking around, a painting on the wall was watching them. Since they thought they were safe in the house, they decided to spend the night inside it. Then Lou counted how many people were with them and only counted five, counting herself. Lou said, "Where's Kristina?" Everyone looked around but didn't see Kristina anywhere. Cody said, "I don't know." Gwen said, "Let's just find the bedrooms so we can have places to sleep."

Everyone went upstairs and found the bedrooms. When they did, they fairly divided them up. Carl and Cody shared a room, Gwen and Heather shared a room, and Lou got the last room to herself. At the same time that Gwen was reading a magazine, a drawer opened by itself. Then Gwen set her magazine down and closed the drawer, but another opened. Gwen then shut that one, and another one opened. Then she closed that one, and all the drawers opened. Gwen said, "Forget it; I'm returning to my magazine." Once Gwen returned to her bed, she saw her magazine was gone. Gwen said, "Heather." Heather came into their room and asked what was wrong. Gwen said, "Give me back my magazine." Heather said, "I don't have your magazine, and neither do the others." Gwen said, "Well, if you guys didn't take it, who did?" Heather said, "I don't know."

After Gwen lost her magazine, they went downstairs to the kitchen to find something to eat. Once they got in there, the lights wouldn't work, so they used their flashlights instead. They flashed their lights on the walls and saw one dripping blood. Then, a bucket of red paint on the ground lifted itself in the air and dumped its color on the ground. It moved all over the room and poured five letters on the ground. When it finished, the paint bucket dropped, and all the kids saw that the word "Angry" was spelled out on the ground. Then they screamed in terror and ran out of the kitchen.

Once they got to the next room, they all calmed down and tried to find a phone to call for help. While the kids were searching, a suit of armor came to life, and it walked up towards them. Gwen saw the suit of armor coming towards them and pointed at it. Gwen said, "Um, Heather." Heather said, "Not now, Gwen." Gwen screamed and ran for her life while the armor suit chased her. Then Gwen hid, peered out from behind the chair she was hiding behind, and saw the suit of armor sneaking up on Heather. Gwen said, "Heather, watch out." Heather said, "For what?" Gwen ran up to Heather and grabbed her while she screamed in terror. Once Gwen got Heather, Heather saw the suit of armor and saw it chasing them. Then Gwen ran into the closet with Heather, set Heather down, and locked the door. Heather said, "Why are we in the closet?" Gwen said, "We're safe in here."

While they were in the closet, Heather's pigtails got lifted in the air, and Heather didn't even notice. Then Gwen pointed at Heather, became speechless, and lifted her arms to show Heather what was happening. Heather said, "What?" What is it?" Then Heather's pigtails got pulled back, and they hurt her. Heather said, "Ouch. Hey, cut it out." Then her pigtails got hauled in front of her, giving her pain. Then they got pulled back behind her, which upset her, and then they tied themselves in a knot and pulled themselves back hard, which upset her. Then her hair dropped, and she got the knot out of it and pulled it back to how it was. After Heather put her hair back as it was, Gwen and Heather left the closet and went to find the others. Once they did, they all ran upstairs and went to their rooms.

Once they returned to their rooms, all the kids slept and waited until morning to look for the others. While they were asleep, they heard a loud noise coming from downstairs, and Heather picked up her pillow and hit Gwen with it. Heather said, "Gwen, wake up." All five of them gathered, grabbed their flashlights, and headed downstairs. Then they flashed their lights on the wall and saw an old painting. The picture said, "Get Out. Get Out." All the kids screamed in terror and ran downstairs. Then, a candle levitated up in the air and chased after them. Then they all ran for the door, but Gwen thought about it for a minute and blocked it.

Then the candle's light went out, and the haunted candle vanished. Heather said, "Where'd the candle go?" Lou said, "What happened to the candle?" Cody said, "It's a ghost candle that vanished." Carl said, "Ok, that's it, let's get out of here." Gwen said, "Wait, don't open the door." Carl said, "Why not?" Gwen said, "In 3, 2, 1." Then a psycho killer wearing a hockey mask used a chainsaw to open the door, and all the kids screamed in terror.

Gwen then threw the bookshelf ahead of the entrance to block him off. Gwen said, "Don't let him get in." Gwen and Heather barricaded the door with almost everything in the door, while Carl and Cody blocked off the windows while Lou tried to find them a place to hide. Lou ran into the kitchen and found a door labeled "Secret Room. Do Not Open." She opened the door and saw a staircase leading to the basement. The others ran into the kitchen and found Lou looking down a staircase. Lou said, "This leads to the basement. We can hide down there." Gwen said, "I'm not going into the basement of a spooky old, haunted house." Then, the psycho killer tried to cut through the door and past the kids' barricade with his chainsaw. Lou said, "You were saying?" Gwen said, "I'm not staying up here to get killed." All five of them ran down the stairs to the basement. Lou slammed and locked the door on her way down so the psycho killer wouldn't think to look for them down there.

Once they reached the bottom of the staircase, they opened another door, entered the basement, and locked it when they were all in. Lou said, "I think we're safe." Gwen said, "So, we're in the basement of a spooky old, haunted house. What could go wrong?" While down there, everyone split up and tried to find as much stuff as possible to entertain themselves and keep themselves warm. Carl found a trunk, opened it, and a bunch of bats flew out. Then he looked inside and found warm blankets to wrap themselves in to keep warm. Cody found a deck of cards on a desk, Gwen found some pillows for them to sit and sleep on, Heather found a game of chess and checkers for them to play, and Lou watched the door just in case they were still in danger.