
Chapter 1

Once upon a time, a group of kids watched a scary movie together. The film had many ghosts and monsters, and all the kids were scared while watching it. When the movie ended, all the kids went to bed and were excited about Halloween. The next day, two children named Emma and Hannah walked to school together. Since it was too far to walk, they decided to cut through The Dead Woods. While walking, they heard animal sounds, including a bunch of howls. Then Hannah fell, and Emma helped her back up. While Emma was helping Hannah, a dark shadow walked up towards them. When they saw the dark shadow, they saw whose shadow it was. Emma and Hannah held each other, scared, while the person approached them. Then he brought out a burlap sack, bagged Emma and Hannah, and they both screamed in terror simultaneously.

Later that afternoon, Emma and Hannah's friends went looking for them. Lou said, "I wonder why Emma and Hannah weren't in school today." Carl said, "Well, there has to be a good explanation for this." Cindy said, "Yeah, maybe they just skipped school, or maybe they're pranking us." Kelly said, "If that's true, then why don't they just come out and scare us already? Something's not right." Cindy said, "Yeah, with your brain. Someone's trying to prank us." Cody said, "We should check out The Dead Woods." Then, a man passed them up and heard what they said. The man said, "The Dead Woods?" You best not go there if you know what's good for you. Those woods are full of ghosts."

The kids got scared but went into The Dead Woods anyway. They searched all over for Emma and Hannah but couldn't find them. Then Carl found Emma's notebook full of the drawings she does and Hannah's favorite butterfly hairclip. Carl said, "Hey guys, look what I found. They must have been here, but something must have happened, so they dropped their stuff." Cindy said, "This is a little strange, but I still say this is a setup." Lou said, "But Emma and Hannah could be in danger." Cindy said, "Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." Cindy started to walk through The Dead Woods by herself. Kelly said, "Are you crazy? The first rule of horror flicks is never to go off alone. It'll give the monster a perfect shot at you." Cindy said, "As if I believe in monsters. See you later." Cindy's friends let her go as she headed for the end of the woods. A hockey mask person saw Cindy go off alone because he was spying on the kids.

Cindy had almost reached the end of the woods when nightfall came, and she started to hear crows in the woods. Then she began to hear growling, and her footsteps began to echo. Then she turned around and glared at who was following her. Cindy said, "Alright, who's there?" Then, four pairs of red glowing eyes appeared in the shadows and glared at Cindy. Then Cindy backed up and tripped over one of the roots of a tree. Then she fell to the ground, and four werewolves came out of the shadows. Once Cindy saw them, she screamed and ran for her life. Then, the werewolves chased after her. Cindy almost left the woods, but one of the werewolves blocked her. Cindy tried to climb up a tree to escape, but another werewolf jumped on the branch she was on, and Cindy jumped down. Once she got to the bottom, she landed in one of the werewolves' arms, and it growled at her. Then Cindy screamed, and all four of the werewolves carried her away.

Later that night, Lou went to Cindy's house to see if Cindy was alright after she went off alone. Lou knocked on Cindy's front door, and her mother answered it. Lou asked Mrs. Heisenberg if Cindy was home, but Mrs. Heisenberg told her she thought Cindy was with her. Lou got worried, grabbed the others, and returned to The Dead Woods to look for Cindy. When they arrived, they set up two campsites, hoping the thing that took Emma, Hannah, and Cindy would take them too. One camp was for the boys, and the other was for the girls. Zack, Cody, Carl, and Nick slept around the fire while Mike, Chris, and Sam slept in their blue tent.

Meanwhile, Kelly, Zoey, Linda, and Kristina slept around the fire with the boys while Gwen, Heather, and Lou slept in their pink tent. Lou said, "Goodnight, guys." Then, the kids in the tents slept while the kids around the fire waited for the monster to come. Nick started to fall asleep with everyone else when a witch flew by on her broomstick and floated in front of him. Then he screamed, and all the others woke up. Cody looked at Nick's sleeping bag and saw he was gone. Cody said, "Where's Nick?" Lou heard a frog noise coming from his sleeping bag, opened it, and saw a frog in it. Lou said, "Mercy, a witch, turned him into a frog." Cody said, "First Emma and Hannah, then Cindy, and now Nick. Which one of us is next?" Lou said, "We'll find everyone. I'm sure nothing bad happened to them. Now, I'm going to get more firewood for the fire. While I'm gone, try to sleep." After he heard what Lou said from behind one of the bushes, the guy in the hockey mask watched her leave.

Once Lou returned to camp, she put the firewood on the fire and made it bigger and warmer. Then she returned to her tent with Gwen and Heather and went to bed. While asleep, the hockey mask guy took a bucket of water to put out their fire. After it got put out, Kelly woke up and wondered how it had happened. Then she saw a fog roll in, flying by an old tree. The words "Get Out" were spelled on the tree when the mist vanished. Then Kelly cast her flashlight on the tree and saw the writing. Kelly said, "Ghost writing." Then more fog rolled in, and the word "Beware" got added onto the tree, so now it says, "Get Out. Beware." Kelly said, "No ghost is going to scare me off." Then Kelly turned around and bumped into somebody. Kelly quickly cast her light on what she bumped into and saw a guy wearing a hockey mask carrying a chainsaw. Then the guy lifted his chainsaw, and Kelly screamed when he did. Then the guy grabbed her and carried her away.