
The Space Pirate

This is a story about the journey of a soul from one life to another. The first book tells about his journey to become a feared space pirate in the known galaxy. Will he be the feared pirate or will he die trying.

LogiaDurfen · Ficção Científica
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Chapter 4 the junk

2 weeks passed

I can't believe I spent all my money making it. I call it JD 001. I looked for parts at the junkyard. bought a processor to make his heart, make him the eye of another used droid eye, or more accurately called a camera for his eyes. I made it so that its eyes and body could rotate 360 degrees. I ended up spending all my money on a gun. More precisely, a blaster that can be loaded with ammunition. Each mag can fire like 24 times before needing to be reloaded and I only have enough money to buy 2 mags and one gun. I still wonder how cheap and easy it is to get weapons here, is it possible because it's a remote area.

By the way, the AI for JD 001 was built by nana. Because the processor is garbage, so the data that can be stored is only a little and a little basic for an AI that can learn, even though compared to my world it was quite far in comparison. Nana herself uses a computer that my father bought. I wish I could move it to a much better processor. oh, and you know, I told my dad this droid was a school assignment and he believed it. although my mother was quite suspicious; since I didn't ask for money, she didn't really mind it.

So I practiced with JD at a junkyard not far from my house and had him practice shooting from the data I had inputted.

[So what do you think]

[I think there's still a lot to improve, but against thugs and soldiers who lack training, it's still possible to win]

[Yeah, at least he didn't get shot once and die]

if you ask how I can talk to Nana. Nana is connected to my phone bracelet.

[Reporting the trial results showed 3 misses out of 24 shots]

With his robot voice, JD gave the results of his training. I was quite satisfied with that and returned home. And as usual, my mom and dad are still fighting hard to survive under this pressure. They look quite stressed. So as a good boy, I have to help them earn money.

What I did were rob the robbers.

I sent JD to kill some criminals in my area and took their treasures and weapons. cold hard cash is in front of me, maybe because it's easier than doing a transaction with their bank account and keeping their money with precious metals.

Then my day continues. I used the money to create a new JD unit and armed it with any weapons I found and the junkyard became a sort of secret hideout for me where I put my treasure. I couldn't possibly bring it home because my mother would find out.

Oghu Pov

[I don't know what happened boss. But someone attacked some gangs here. They come fast, kill, and loot.]

[Yes I know. I just hope we're not the targets. Even the Goruga gang was also attacked yesterday.]

[Was Goruga that attacked, and they lost. Don't they have 20 members. They even have enough weapons to become one of the 3 strongest gangs in this area.]

[Yep, and they all died. I don't know who they are, but they make quite a mess here.]

[So what should we do boss.

I think we should keep it low for now. Keep a low profile and don't make a mess.

There were only 5 of us. We only fry small here. we can only hope they don't target small fish like us]

Who are crazy enough to attack the local snakes and wolves of this city. Almost half were slaughtered and they still hadn't shown up to take over. Even the Goruga gang who had just taken over the gambling business was instantly slaughtered.

I hope they just want to take over this town and not cleanse it.