
The Sovereign's Awakening: Shaping a New Realm"

In the epic tale of "Monarch: Creator of a New World," follow the extraordinary journey of Evan, the central protagonist, as he embarks on a quest for redemption, power, and the chance to reshape the very fabric of existence. Evan, a once ordinary young man with a tragic past, discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unimaginable abilities—the power to manipulate time itself. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a path of vengeance against those who have wronged him

demansalv · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: The Duel of Destiny

The day of the duel had finally arrived. June 10th, a date that had once brought me anguish and despair, now held the promise of redemption. With my newfound determination and the guidance of Wise, I stood ready to rewrite the course of my fate.

As the sun rose, casting its warm rays upon the world, I found myself in the training grounds, clad in my chosen attire: a simple yet sturdy black tunic, with a silver belt to hold my trusty sword at my side. The weight of the weapon was a comforting presence, a reminder of the power I had honed over the past few days.

My youngest brother, Aric, awaited me at the center of the training grounds. He was a formidable opponent, having inherited our family's exceptional talent for swordsmanship. But today, I was not the same person I had been in my past life. I possessed a newfound strength, both in body and mind, and I was determined to prove that I could surpass the limitations that had once bound me.

Aric's eyes met mine, filled with a mix of confidence and curiosity. He had no knowledge of the transformation I had undergone, unaware of the power that now resided within me. It was a secret I intended to reveal on the battlefield.

The crowd gathered around us, their murmurs of anticipation filling the air. Many were skeptical of my ability to stand against Aric, the undefeated champion of our family. But I remained undeterred, my conviction unwavering.

The crowd roared, and his eyes scanned the faces before him. To his surprise, he noticed the presence of his entire family, their eyes filled with a combination of pride and concern. However, there was one notable absence—the figure of his elder brother, Reynold.

The Veil family, renowned for their extraordinary powers, lived in a world where magic and swordsmanship intertwined. At the heart of the family stood Lucas, the patriarch, a formidable 6-star swordsman known as Golden Veil. His dedication to honing his skills had earned him respect and admiration from all corners of the kingdom.

Lucas had four sons, And single daughter.

Lucas's first wife, Rosale, possessed a power that burned like fire. She was a 4-star fire attribute magician, a member of the esteemed Flame Hashira family. The union of Lucas and Rosale bore three sons, each blessed with their mother's fiery legacy.

Reynold, the firstborn, possessed a rare genius that set him apart. A 4-star swordsman, he showed exceptional skill and a strategic mind, earning him the admiration of his family. Reyod, the second-born, was a 2-star swordsman, following closely in his elder brother's footsteps. Young aric, the third-born, a mere 7 years old, displayed astonishing talent as a 1-star swordsman, leaving those around him in awe.

Louis, brother of Lucas, and a 5-star swordsman. He stood as the head of all knights within the Veil family, a position earned through years of loyalty and unmatched skill. Louis took it upon himself to train and mentor all four of Lucas's sons, passing down his expertise and wisdom.

Emilia, Lucas's second wife and my mother, had her own ties to the world of knights and valor. She was the sister of Lucas's childhood friend, a revered 5-star knight. Though her powers were not explicitly mentioned, Emilia's presence brought a sense of unity and harmony to the family.

Among Lucas and Emilia's children was Emy and me , the firstborn daughter after Reynold. Emy possessed the gift of water attribute magic, manifesting her power as a 3-star magician. With her gentle yet determined spirit, she complemented the strength and resilience of her brothers.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward, the soft earth beneath my feet lending me stability. Aric mirrored my movement, his sword gleaming in the sunlight. The air crackled with anticipation, the tension building with each passing moment.

"Witness the beginning of a new era," I proclaimed, my voice steady and filled with resolve. "Today, the tables shall turn, and I shall rise above the shadows of my past."

Aric chuckled, a hint of arrogance coloring his tone. "You've always had a way with words, sibling. But words alone won't save you from defeat."

We assumed our battle stances, the clash of steel imminent. My grip tightened around the hilt of my sword, my fingers finding their rightful place. The weight of the weapon felt natural in my hand, an extension of my being.

In that moment, time seemed to slow. The world around me faded into the background, and my focus narrowed to the figure before me. Aric lunged forward, his sword aiming for my chest with swift precision.

But I was no longer the person he remembered. I moved with a grace and agility that surprised even myself. With a fluid motion, I deflected his strike, the clash of steel ringing through the air. The crowd gasped in astonishment, witnessing the first crack in Aric's invincible facade.

A fire burned within me, fueled by the knowledge that I had the power to shape my own destiny. I counterattacked, my sword weaving a dance of determination and skill. Blow after blow, I pressed forward, each strike infused with the newfound strength I had acquired.

The whispers of the crowd grew louder, a mix of awe and disbelief permeating the air. Aric, now on the defensive, struggled to match my relentless assault. He had never faced an opponent like this before, someone who had risen from the depths of defeat to challenge his dominance.

With each swing of my sword, I could feel the magic within me stirring. The dark attribute that I had chosen resonated with my very being, amplifying my physical prowess and granting me a newfound power. It coursed through my veins, enhancing my speed and strength, as if the shadows themselves fought at my side

As the duel reached its climax, the battlefield became a blur of flashing steel and swirling dust. Aric fought valiantly, refusing to yield to his unexpected challenger. But I could sense his energy waning, his movements growing sluggish under the weight of my relentless assault.

With a final surge of determination, I mustered all my strength and unleashed a devastating strike, aimed directly at Aric's defenseless flank. The crowd held its breath, witnessing the culmination of my transformation.

The impact was thunderous, the collision of our swords echoing through the training grounds. Aric staggered backward, his grip faltering. In that moment, victory was within my grasp.

But instead of pressing forward with the intent to strike the final blow, I paused, my sword hovering just inches from Aric's chest. The fire in my eyes softened, and a flicker of compassion emerged. This was not just about victory; it was about redemption and forging a new path for Myself.

Evan: 9 years old, 1 Star Swordsman, 1 Star Dark Attribute Magician

Family Members:

Lucas: Evan's father, a renowned 6 Star Swordsman known as the Sword of Gold.

Emilia: Evan's mother

Emy: Evan's sister, a talented 3 Star Water Attribute Magician.

Rosale (Lucas's 1st Wife):

Position: Sister of Flame Hashira family patriarch

Power: 4 Star Fire Attribute Magician

Reynold (Evan's Cousin, First Born):

Position: Eldest brother among Evan's cousins

Power: 4 Star Swordsman

Notable Trait: Genius of the Veil family

Reyod (Evan's Cousin, third Born):

Position: Second brother among Evan's cousins

Power: 2 Star Swordsman

Aric (Evan's Cousin, fifth Born):

Position: 3rd brother among Evan's cousins

Power: 1 Star Swordsman

Notable Trait: 7-year-old genius

Louis (Lucas's Brother):

Position: Brother of Lucas

Power: 5 Star Swordsman

Role: Head of all knights of Veil family

Teacher: All four of Lucas's sons (including Evan)