
The Sovereign's Awakening: Shaping a New Realm"

In the epic tale of "Monarch: Creator of a New World," follow the extraordinary journey of Evan, the central protagonist, as he embarks on a quest for redemption, power, and the chance to reshape the very fabric of existence. Evan, a once ordinary young man with a tragic past, discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unimaginable abilities—the power to manipulate time itself. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a path of vengeance against those who have wronged him

demansalv · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 : Awekning

After reuniting with my family, I retreated to my room, seeking solace and time to process the incredible events that had unfolded. As I lay on my bed, letting the weight of the world slip away, a sudden sound startled me—a gentle ding that seemed to resonate from within.

"Master, congratulations on returning to this time," a voice echoed in my mind. Startled, I questioned its source, demanding to know who was speaking and where they were.

"I am in your Inner Space, Master," the voice responded calmly. "The Inner Space is a realm that is created when one reaches the pinnacle of the Mind attribute. It is also a condition for activating the Time-Space artifact."

Perplexed, I inquired further, seeking to understand the significance of this revelation. The voice explained that to activate the Time-Space artifact, two criteria had to be fulfilled. First, the person must reach the peak of the Mind attribute. And second, they must possess the bloodline of Magnus Golden Veil—the founder of the Veil family, and my family first patriarch.Magnus Golden Veil, a name steeped in legend and whispered with reverence, he was not only the progenitor of our lineage . He was A 9-star swordsman, he possessed an unparalleled mastery of the blade, reaching heights that few could fathom

It dawned on me that Magnus Golden Veil was my master, the one who had created me. The voice revealed that I had inherited his magic attribute, the Mind attribute, which explained my unique abilities. However, due to the nature of my mind, I was unable to use conventional magic. The energy I gathered would simply vanish within me. It was because my mind consisted of nine consciousnesses, each operating independently but interconnected. I could process information and think nine times faster than others, but my magic had remained dormant.

However, the voice from the Inner Space assured me that reaching the peak of knowledge had unlocked the full potential of my nine minds. Now, I had the ability to delve into the realms of magic, swordsmanship, and more.

Overwhelmed by the possibilities that lay before me, I became fixated on the idea of using magic. The thought of manipulating the elements, like fire or other forces, ignited a sense of excitement and wonder within me. In my elation, I almost forgot the presence of the all-knowing book that resided within my Inner Space—the vessel of Magnus Golden Veil's wisdom.

As I immersed myself in the newfound realization of my abilities, I momentarily disregarded the guidance and knowledge offered by the all-knowing book. Little did I know that its wisdom held the key to unlocking my true potential, to understanding the secrets of our lineage, and to guiding me on the path that would lead me towards fulfilling my destiny.

But for now, in the innocence of my excitement, I basked in the joy of knowing that I had finally tapped into the wellspring of magic that had eluded me for so long.

As I delved deeper into the mysteries of magic, I found myself frustrated by my inability to harness its power. I would take slow breaths, trying to focus my mind and channel the energy within me, but my attempts proved futile. Seeking answers, I turned to the All-Knowing Book that resided within my inner space.

"Why am I still unable to use magic?" I asked, my voice tinged with both curiosity and frustration.

The All-Knowing Book sighed, seemingly irritated by my impatience. "How can a newborn baby be expected to perform magic? You must first master the art of mana control and learn to draw in the surrounding mana into your being. Only when you reach the level of 1 star in mana control can you begin to tap into the world of magic. My apologies for forgetting to mention this earlier."

Determined to progress, I diligently practiced mana control, focusing on drawing the ethereal energy into myself. With each breath, I visualized the mana flowing through my body, intertwining with my own essence. But despite my efforts, the desired results eluded me.

Turning to the All-Knowing Book once again, I inquired about the specific attribute of magic I could use. I yearned to discover my magical affinity and unlock its potential.

The book's pages rustled as it revealed its knowledge. "You possess the ability to wield all attributes of magic," it declared, surprising me with its answer.

Perplexed, I questioned how such a feat was possible. After all, conventional wisdom dictated that beings could only command a single type of magic attributed to their singular mind.

The All-Knowing Book elucidated the uniqueness of my existence. "You are unlike any other being. In your one mind, you possess the power of nine. Your extraordinary nature defies comparison to others. As a result, you have the capability to utilize magic from all attributes."

The revelation left me astounded. I realized that my journey into the realm of magic was far more extraordinary than I could have ever imagined. Not only could I harness the forces of fire, darkness, thunder, wind, light, water, ice, summoning, and earth, but I could also delve into the rarest and most elusive attribute of all—space.

With newfound determination and a sense of awe, I embraced the vast possibilities that lay before me. No longer confined to a single magical path, I could explore the intricacies of each attribute, unlocking their secrets and weaving them into a symphony of power.

But the All-Knowing Book had more to reveal. It informed me that my connection to magic went beyond spellcasting. I possessed the ability to summon and contract spirits, forging alliances with otherworldly entities that would aid me in my endeavors. Just like my creator, Magnus Golden Veil, I was destined to tread a path of both magic and spiritual communion.

As I absorbed this profound knowledge, a surge of excitement and anticipation coursed through my veins. The world was now my playground, and I was ready to embark on a journey that would unravel the mysteries of magic, fulfill the legacy of Magnus, and shape the destiny of both myself and the world around me.

With determination burning in my eyes, I took my first step towards unlocking the limitless potential that lay within me, ready to embrace the boundless possibilities of my unique existence.

Part 2: The All-Knowing Book's Guidance

Overwhelmed by the revelations that the All-Knowing Book had bestowed upon me, I sought to understand the extent of its capabilities and how it could aid me on my journey.

Curiosity filled my voice as I asked the book, "Tell me, what can you do? How quickly can I reach the peak of magic with your assistance?"

The book responded with a sense of purpose, reminding me of its purpose as a guide and companion. "I was created to assist individuals like you, those who have reached the peak of the mind attribute. I can remain with you, my entire entity devoted to serving your needs. I possess the wisdom and knowledge of my creator, bestowing upon me a wealth of information."

Excitement coursed through my veins as I realized the immense power and potential at my fingertips. The book continued, "I can support you, provide you with guidance, and help you navigate the complexities of magic and beyond. I hold the knowledge of both your past life and the wisdom imparted to me because I also come with you.

Eager to learn more, I asked the book to share the specifics of its capabilities. I desired to know the extent of its assistance in my journey towards mastery.

The book responded, "As your master, I can provide you with insights and information about various subjects. I possess the ability to divulge details about your path, the techniques you should practice, and the knowledge necessary to reach the pinnacle of magic. I can serve as a constant companion, sharing my vast knowledge and supporting your growth."

The book's next revelation left me in awe. It informed me that my creator, Magnus Golden Veil, was not only a 9-star swordsman and magician but an unprecedented 10-star in both disciplines. I struggled to comprehend the implications of such power, as it surpassed the known limits of magical attainment.

Perceiving my confusion, the All-Knowing Book assured me, "Fear not, my master. The truth of Magnus's power and the reason behind it will be revealed in due time. Rest assured, his immense capabilities were not without purpose."

Trusting in the book's words, I accepted its guidance. I was eager to utilize its vast knowledge and experience to expedite my progress. As I expressed my readiness, the book affirmed, "You are now my master, and I will serve you faithfully. I will provide you with t

he wisdom and insights necessary to walk your chosen path."