
The Sovereign's Awakening: Shaping a New Realm"

In the epic tale of "Monarch: Creator of a New World," follow the extraordinary journey of Evan, the central protagonist, as he embarks on a quest for redemption, power, and the chance to reshape the very fabric of existence. Evan, a once ordinary young man with a tragic past, discovers an ancient artifact that grants him unimaginable abilities—the power to manipulate time itself. With this newfound gift, he sets out on a path of vengeance against those who have wronged him

demansalv · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Shadows of Betrayal

The tranquil stillness of the night was shattered by the abrupt awakening from my slumber. Startled by the clamor that permeated the air, I found myself jolted into consciousness. It was a sound unlike any other—a cacophony of clashing weapons and desperate cries. Curiosity mixed with a tinge of fear compelled me to investigate the source of the commotion.

Groggy and disoriented, I stumbled towards the window, drawn by the flickering glow of distant flames and the echoing clash of steel. Peering through the glass pane, my eyes widened in disbelief at the scene that unfolded before me.

In the midst of the chaos, I beheld two figures locked in a ferocious battle. The first was Asmo, a dear friend and a renowned 5-star Dark Mage. Though his allegiance was shrouded in shadows, his power was undeniably formidable. He fought with an air of desperation, his dark magic crackling around him like an aura of malevolence.

His opponent, Alden van Hoth, son of Count Adell van Hoth, was a 5-star Wind Attribute Magician. A prodigious talent in his own right, Alden was known for his mastery over the elemental forces of wind. The winds danced around him, amplifying his attacks and carrying him with an ethereal grace.

Beside them stood Jiffre, the son of Grand Duke Albert Henry and a formidable 6-star Knight Aura User. His presence exuded authority and strength, his blade gleaming with an aura that commanded respect. He led a contingent of soldiers, their armor glinting in the dim moonlight.

Confusion gripped my mind as I struggled to comprehend the sight before me. Why were they fighting? We were all loyal subjects of the Second Prince, who was set to be crowned as the king on the morrow. The harmony that had once bound us together now seemed fractured, replaced by this inexplicable violence.

Driven by a desire for clarity, I stepped out of my house and into the midst of the unfolding chaos. The acrid scent of burning debris hung heavy in the air, mingling with the metallic tang of spilled blood. Fear and trepidation coursed through my veins, yet a sense of duty propelled me forward.

As I moved closer to the heart of the skirmish, my eyes locked onto Asmo, who lay writhing on the ground, his body pierced by numerous swords. His life force waned, but his gaze found mine, pleading for me to flee. The urgency in his eyes was palpable as he weakly mouthed the word "run."

Before I could process his words or react to the situation, a forceful blow struck the back of my head. The world around me dissolved into darkness as my consciousness slipped away, consumed by the depths of unconsciousness.

Unbeknownst to me, a sinister web of betrayal had been spun, casting a shadow over our once-united realm. The delicate balance of loyalty and power had crumbled,

As I remained unconscious, my mind plunged into the depths of memory, retracing the moments that had shaped my life. In my reflections, I couldn't escape the truth—I was not gifted in the ways of magic or the prowess of the sword. The lack of talent had led to my expulsion from my own family. However, my greatest strength lay in my intellect, in the power of my thoughts and ideas.

It was this very reason that caught the attention of the Second Prince, who recognized my potential as an adviser and strategist. Together, we shared a vision of a world where all could live in peace. For twelve long years, we stood side by side, working towards this noble cause.

As consciousness slowly returned to me, I found myself in a dark room, disoriented and alarmed. Alden and Jiffre stood before me, their smirks casting shadows on their faces. I couldn't contain my anguish and frustration as I shouted, demanding answers for their betrayal of Asmo, the Second Prince, and myself.

Their laughter echoed through the room, a mocking symphony that fueled my anger. And then, the Second Prince appeared, his presence dripping with malice. I pleaded with him, urging him to abandon this path of destruction. But his response only deepened the wound within my heart.

He approached me with a sinister glint in his eyes, confessing that my pursuit of justice and peace had become an annoyance to him. The impending coronation had twisted his ambitions, and he reveled in the freedom to act as he pleased. The weight of his betrayal crushed my spirit as I continued to question why.

In a chilling revelation, he informed me that if I were to live, he would perish. My mind, my intellect, had been the key to his rise to power. And with a callous grin, he declared that I should rest in peace. In one final act of cruelty, he commanded someone to end my life.

As the executioner approached, the blade poised to strike, my thoughts turned to vengeance. But before I could react, the sudden touch of my blood-soaked necklace triggered a voice, resonating through the room. It spoke of an ancient artifact, dormant for ages, and declared that I had met the necessary criteria to wield its power—a power to travel back in time to the moment of my birth.

Though my throat bled profusely, I mustered every ounce of strength to utter a faint "yes." The artifact, sensing my intent, activated its magic. However, due to its age and depleted energy, it could only send me back nineteen years,

And so, the processing began, reality warped, and I awoke with a jolt. My eyes beheld a sight I had not seen in years—I was a nine-year-old child once again. As I gazed into the mirror, tears streamed down my face. It was not only the reflection of my younger self that overwhelmed me but the presence of my family—my beloved family—alive and well.

Their voices filled the air as they called out my name, their faces filled with joy and disbelief. Overwhelmed with emotion, I rushed toward them, embracing each family member with a fervent hug. Tears of joy mixed with tears of relief as I reveled in the realization that I had come back to them after a long and arduous journey through time.

I couldn't find the words to express the depths of my emotions. All I could do was cry tears of happiness, gratitude, and a profound sense of finally coming home. It felt as if I had been away for an eternity, yearning for this very moment.

The warmth of their embraces, the familiar scent of their presence, and the sound of their laughter brought solace to my heart. It was a reunion that transcended words—a reunion that mended the broken fragments of my soul.

In that precious moment, surrounded by my family, I knew that this was a second chance, a new beginning. The weight of the years of loss and pain began to lift from my shoulders, replaced by a renewed sense of purpose and an unyielding determination to protect and cherish every moment with them.

As I looked into their eyes, I could see the reflection of my own joy and relief mirrored in their expressions. This was not just a dream or a figment of my imagination—it

A surge of determination coursed through my veins. I had been granted a chance to rewrite history, to prevent the suffering and loss that had plagued my life. Armed with the knowledge of the future, I would navigate the treacherous path that lay ahead, seeking justice and vengeance, and ultimately shaping the destiny of this tumultuous world.

With a firm resolve, I stepped forward, ready to embrace the challenges that awaited me, for I was determined to alter the course of fate itself.