
The Sound of Despair

Transmigration. What if the cause is not a bus running you over, nor you falling into a pond, but you get five years to prepare, fully aware of what you’re getting into? Well, at least you think you know what you’re getting into... This is the situation Mike, a professional MMA fighter, finds himself in. Given the opportunity to leave behind his life on Earth and enter a world of swords and magic, he prepares to face the challenge. In a world of discrimination, injustice, and social class inequality, Mike demonstrates how far Earth has come in developing its martial arts and how much a simple low-kick can hurt. You’re stronger? Well, first, you will have to land a hit. You’re faster? Does it really matter if your movement is so wasteful? You know incredible techniques? Are they better than the legendary one-two combo, perfected by legends through thousands of years? You have more money? That indeed seems to be a problem. You have companions? It’s not like I’m lonely... I don’t need anyone… You know magic? Ok, now it’s just getting unfair. Mike will have to learn to adapt, improve and find his path in a world that is ruthless beyond compare. --------------------------------------------------------- The first five chapters can be a little slow and serve more as a prologue. If you find yourself bored or generally dislike "training arcs," just skip to the sixth chapter when Mike's life in the new world officially begins. In general, there will be a lot of training, as I love training sequences like in the 36th Chamber of the Shaolin. There will also be close to no romance, and while this is not a pet taming novel, there will be companions. I just enjoy writing as a hobby and hope I can share that with you. =) Link to full cover: https://imgur.com/a/YrzVqNg

Stormfury · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs


"You told me your race only reaches platinum and that dragons are powerful diamond beasts beyond comparison, right? Do you just accept being below them in the pecking order? You should not surrender yourself to fate! Fight against it! No matter if you are facing dragons, phoenixes, or any other natural diamond beast. They are lazy, just as you were. Every day you are improving yourself, and they are not, is a day you will be closing the gap."

Indeed, they had been training for only three months, and already there has been a substantial change. Innate diamond beasts were even lazier than most platinum races, often hibernating for hundreds of years. They would wake up considerably more powerful, and there would be no ceiling to their strength. What would happen if they instead trained? How much progress could be made in that time, how many skills developed and perfected?