
The soul-less mirror.

The Mirror Without a Soul. ISBN 10 1694527743 ISBN 13 978-1694527745 August 1, 2019 September 20, 2019. Author: Alfonso Vazquez Herrera. Pseudonym. Yurik Vazquez. This is the story of a man who already entered his 40s, after having lost all his lifestyle, his friends, his economic belongings and even his family, being left alone in life, a man already expert in being alone, since he was an only child, and his parents had also been only children, And so, with no brothers, cousins, nephews, no uncles, he decided to restart his story at the end of a fatal event in his life, with a few coins in his pockets and a pair of old sports shoes, She began a long journey always trusting in her good luck, which at the same time was not so good, because apparently such good things begin to happen to her, that you will think she has it very easy, and as a reader you will want to be in her place, and as a reader in the place of one of the co-stars of the story, But when the plot is triggered, you will realize that it is actually not so easy, and in the middle of some exciting events, such an exciting drama will unfold, In the middle of 2 intense impossible loves and one almost non-existent, I assure you that you will not want to be in the shoes of him, or any of the co-stars.

YurikVazquez · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Beauty salón "Rivas Paoli"

He took his laptop and lying down, putting it on his legs he located the hotel's internet network and in the main search engine he wrote: Employment of driller on Carmen Island, and happy he saw that several companies applied for that position in which he was a specialist, although he had been inactive for more than 7 years, because it was his lifelong trade and happy he began to open the applications one by one, discouraged when reading the requirements because they asked him for courses and certifications that he did not have, among other things, Like the marine passport, requirements that before the accident were not required to work in that industry that he knew very well, the same and decided to make the attempt by sending his curriculum to each of those companies, because he did meet the necessary experience to apply, leaving pending for the next day to find out the cost of the updates and certificates that were required and that he obviously did not have.

After a while he turned off the laptop and started getting dressed to go out and get To get something for dinner, it was 10:30 at night and without thinking much he went out to look for the hamburger and hot dog stand on the corner, although the air like some nights on that tropical island of thunderstorms was annoying, and while eating everyone saw a cute girl pass through the storm, she did not seem native to the island, because rather her appearance was that of a Caribbean mulatto, and Martín recognized her as that beautiful and strange girl who had come to ask for his phone to give it to Lolis, he immediately paid his bill and still with half a hamburger in his hand set out to follow her.

-Be careful friend, that things are not what they seem on Carmen Island. The cook at the food stall tells him.

-I know.

He replies smiling ready to follow the strange woman who walked straight to the forbidden park, where it was obvious that at that time of night the ladies and transsexuals of the nightlife began to arrive who were engaged in prostitución.

And he thought for a moment of breaking his promise, but he reconsidered remembering his own classic phrase, the more he knew about the girl in the park, the sooner he would know when he would have to leave, besides that he was terrified of finding her there offering her beauty to the highest bidder, and feeling a chill just thinking about it, He went back to the hotel as he had nothing to do in that park at night, let alone investigate something he didn't want to know.

And already in his room when leaving the bathroom, after From brushing his teeth, some things about the dressing table caught his attention, some business cards from different commercial premises, a couple of credit cards of which one was golden and an ID that the girl had forgotten.

-Maria Dolores Cocoom Rivas Paoli. He thought when looking at the photo in the identification.

-Of the Cocoom I do not know, but the Rivas Paoli are a family of ancestry on the Isla de Tris, and are practically the founders of the city, if not the owners of the Island.

Where did I have my head if at some point I thought my blondie girl was one of the girls in the park? Rather I think I never thought about it, or maybe I just assumed it when she asked me not to go to the park at night anymore, and never to ask anything about her; Daemons! Precisely this is what I did not want to find out much less to know when I would have to leave, although thinking about it, the fact of knowing that she is a decent girl does not take me away from her, in fact, nor, even if she was one of the girls of Park would not move away from her either, rather I would take her away with me, in short, I think it is better to know this than not to know anything; Although in reality nothing is! They are only assumptions, although not the same assumptions, this identification instead of answering the one, two or three questions that I would have to ask her, opens another 15 or 20 unknowns that leave me much more intrigued.

And thinking like this he closed his eyes just for a moment, To visualize the wild nature of those green eyes that had him in love, although he was even more intrigued, at least he was glad to know that he had made a mistake.

Because if there was one thing he was sure of was that his blondie girl, was not one of the girls in the park, the alarm on his cell phone sounded at 8:30 am like every day and that was a Thursday, July 25 and although he had only been on the island for 4 days, he felt that he had wasted time, Because for one reason or another, he had not gone out to look for work and because he had not received any proposal by email or phone call from the Human Resources department of any company yet, he decided to start another career path and when he was brushing his teeth he realized that he already needed a haircut, Although when he was in prison he learned to cut it himself, with only scissors in front of the mirror, on that occasion he considered that he already needed to go that he already needed to go to the hairdresser, because he could not cut his hair from behind, so he looked for an economical place to have breakfast although he had enough to eat wherever he wanted, after breakfast he hesitated a little when he arrived at the forbidden park for him at night, and shrugged his shoulders smiling since it was not night and did not apply the prohibition, and steadily advanced along the cobblestones, although he was an atheist, he considered the faith of others as a living energy that surrounded all things and liked to hang or take advantage of that current, and went for a few minutes to the church of the Virgin of Carmen where there were also images and figures of the god of Christians, made a particular prayer mostly asking for his good luck, for a job and went out in search of a hairdresser, wore blue jeans and a closed dark green shirt, Wearing his backpack and wearing his old sneakers, he appeared to be a normal person or tourist but only for men, because for the ladies it was an event to meet a male specimen like that so tall and stocky, who walked carefree looking for a place to cut his hair.

Although it was not a hairdresser, that beaty salon caught his attention, more than anything for the beauty of the girl who acted as an aide-de-camp, inviting customers to pass by offering him the haircut for men at an affordable price, and the others looked astonished at that giant who that crossed the threshold of the large place that, although it had some chairs occupied, mostly by ladies receiving some kind of special beauty treatment and without noticing the silence caused by their presence. 

With a smile he greeted and requested a place from those stylists who seemed not to react.

- Over here cute daddy!

She is told by one of the stylists whose voice seemed strange to him when heard her speak, but he still didn't care, because his goal was to cut his hair, And he wasn't going to discriminate against her because of her sexual preferences, and he just sat down where he told her.

"I take care of him, Carolina.