
The Sorcerer of The North (GOT/ASOIAF)

Mc is obsessed with magic in his previous life and that transfers to the new one. And he get the chance to study it, what will he do with knowledge and power will he go after the throne or will he sit in the back and watch I own nothing of the source materials other than my ocs and my plot I also don't own any of the photos the updates will be irregular but I will shoot for 1 to 2 a week

dovahkiin1_7446 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Tower, Business

A few days after the death of Minerva.

As Woden was pacing in his new solar he was thinking about the future and what he would have to do.

First is to secure a source of magical knowledge.

Second was to gain political power.

Third was to start teaching magic to the populace.

These were the three primary goals that he was coming up with. Along with smaller ones like a source of magical resources or gaining a stable income for the north.

Woden was broken from his musings by a knock on his door. As he said enter a few guards bring in the servant from a few days ago in chains.

The guards chain the man to a chair and proceed to leave. Woden walks over to a book shelf with an odd assortment of items including books that are made out of flesh, skulls with oddities in them like horns and extra parts, and jars with body parts in them and greenish goo. But one jar is empty with the greenish goo.

Woden grabs the jar and heads over to the chained up servant with greed in his eyes.

"Do you know what this is.." Woden asks "no, if course not. This my friend is what I will be putting your hands in. This is a preserving agent mixed with an assortment of magical ingredients that will make your hands more excepting to my magic. You my friend will be the key to bringing magic back to the world. And not the human sacrificial magic that those in Essos use but real magic. Sure there will be sacrifices made but not to gods or children no less. No my friend the only sacrifices that will probably be made are criminals and the scum of the Planetos. But first I need your hands." Afyer Woden's glee feeled monolog he proceeds to his desk which has an elegant looking dagger on it. Once he has the dagger he turns back with a expression that would scare the devil himself and proceeds cut off the servants hands off.

Did he gag the servant or give the man some poppy... no.

When he is done he puts the hands in the jar and seals it with a spell.

Later that day

Lord Stark and his family are having dinner when Woden walks in for his meal as well.

When he sits he notices the lord and lady Stark flinch.

"What seems to be the problem, uncle."

Lord Stark notices the lack of honorific and in the back of his mind he has an inner conflict with himself about his nephew's loyalty. But eventually shrugs it off.

Lady Stark is visibly shaken and wants to be anywhere but here.

While Robb and Jon are just being playful children.

"Nephew, was it appropriate to at least gag the fellow or something." Ned Stark looks disappointed and a little afraid.

Woden thinks for a few seconds and he finally replies " Yes, it was nessecariy for him to scream in agony. As you know magic is dieing so outside special areas we students of the arcane must create scenarios where magic comes to us using a foci or talisman. But another way is for us to create those special areas ourselves. The best way is some sort of sacrifice, the larger, more intelligent, or magically inclined the sacrifice the more potent the magic.

But since I gave my word I would not sacrifice the material... sorry servant, I had to get creative and instead I fed all his emotions into the tower. This inturn will make magic darker magic gravitate towards the tower. But the downside is that I will need more emotions to complete it." Throughout the whole explanation Ned and Catlin are both horrified.

And just as they are about to object. Woden continued. "Worry not though I will not be torturing anyone anytime soon. No

I will be using the already stored energy with some of my master's talismans to gather all the energy negative or positive from wintertown and use that to power a sort of loop spell that will continue to gather more energy. The energy will concentrate on my tower and will attract magic from the surroundings. Creating one of those special places. In essence I will probably never need to sacrifice a human being. I mean who is stupid enough that they would say 6 year old would kill just so he could light a candle."

When he finished Ned released a sigh he didn't know he had.

"If you no longer need a sacrifice then why take the poor man's hands." Lady Stark questioned a little less tense.

"Have you ever heard of a scrying spell. No. Well there are hundreds of types of scrying spell and they are some of my favorite. Scrying spells reveal things such as locations, truths, and if you are powerful enough the future." Woden started patiently as if talking to a child. Which Catlyn bristled at.

"Now my master and I thought that if we had a powerful enough scrying spell we could collect knowledge and store it. The hard part was the way to keep the knowledge without losing any of it. This was my genius idea that we could tie the super powered scrying spell to a pair of hands from a man that was literate and the hands would magically write everything down." Woden continued.

"There is a peice missing in this plan of yours how are you going to keep producing these books without paper." Ned had a frown on his face as he said this.

"That my lord is where you will come in." At Ned's confused stare Woden continued. "I need a loan to buy the first btach of paper where half will be used for my books that we keep and the rest will be used for us to copy down books that the other lords and the Citadel would buy at a high price."

Lady Stark looked intrigued at the prospect of more money.

Ned was in deep thought about this new venture.

The last push was when Woden said he would give Lord Stark 80 percent of the money until his loan was paid the he would get 30 percent after