
The Sorcerer of The North (GOT/ASOIAF)

Mc is obsessed with magic in his previous life and that transfers to the new one. And he get the chance to study it, what will he do with knowledge and power will he go after the throne or will he sit in the back and watch I own nothing of the source materials other than my ocs and my plot I also don't own any of the photos the updates will be irregular but I will shoot for 1 to 2 a week

dovahkiin1_7446 · TV
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11 Chs

The Start

Matt was walking through the parking lot at his work place thinking about the new fanfic that he had just finished. He never understand why most fanfic GOT MCs don't try to learn magic. He has always been enamored with magic especially the occult and hedge magics.

As he was in his thought all he hears is a honking sound and then nothing. The next thing he knows is that he is waking up with a major headache and as it settles he realizes that he has memories not from Matt but from a 5 name day old Woden Stark.

Woden Stark is the son of Benjen Stark and Allaryia Blackfyre. It is the year 284ac 15 years from the start of the plot. He does not know it but feels that instead of taking over Woden's body he is Woden and only rembered Matt.

Woden remembers that he had just awoken his warg abilities and was so lost that his consciousness found Matt.

Woden decides to get a better look at himself by going to the wash basin that has a mirror beside it. He is amazed by himself he has the Stark look with snow white hair and blood red eyes.

Whole he ogled himself Woden starts seening a vision of himself stand before a cabin in the woods talking with an old woman he calls master frequently.

Woden hears his stomach growl and is broken out of his trance and  decides it is time to break his fast and goes towards the dining hall.  When he gets there he sees Lady Catlyn Stark and baby Robb Stark.

Upon seeing Woden Lady Stark sneers at him in disgust. The servants in contrast look at him as if he was a god himself. That is a major difference between Northern culture and southern culture. While the south despised all things magic the north idolized most of the magic as something akin to godly.

"Good morning, Lady Stark" Woden said.

"Don't speak to me demon" was the reply that he got .

Woden was used to this behavior and he shrugged it off as her being her and continued to the table to eat. What he did not notice was the servants eyeing the Lady Stark as if she were the most evil in the world.

After eating Woden decided to go and find this old woman and whatever else she can do for him.

He walks out the gate towards the Wolfswood. Oddly unimpeded. Once he arrives at the edge he sees a weird crow staring at him and flies off and landing on a branch and looking back as if to say follow me. And so Woden does just that.

After walking for about five minutes Woden sees the old woman and the cabin .

"Who are you and why did I call you master in my visions of you?" Asked Woden

"My name is Minerva and that would be because I will be your teacher" she answered simply.

"What will you be teaching and what will I be learning" Woden asked another question.

"Magic of course" replied Minerva