

The old Herder's weathered face displayed genuine curiosity, as he posed the question, "Pray tell, madam, where have you been in these past days following the attack?"

SHE paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts, before responding with grace, "Hmm... me? ... ah, I accompanied our LADY CHIEF on a mission to negotiate with the Tribesmen in the eastern region."

The married woman among the Slingers chimed in, a hint of skepticism in her voice, "Let me guess. You were well aware that it might just be all for naught, but you still gave it a try?"

"Exactly!" added the bowgirl, who shared a similar age with SHE, her voice filled with a hint of cynicism. "We all know the Tribesmen are a bunch of religious cults, deeply rooted in their fanatic beliefs. They would never leave their tribe for any cause."

The bowman, stealing glances at SHE while cautiously watching his lover's reaction for fear of being caught-in-the-act, couldn't resist asking, "So, they won't assist us in our battle against FIRE?"

Regret mingled with determination in SHE's gaze as she replied, "Sadly, you are all correct," her voice tinged with melancholy. "However, I firmly believe that faith without action is fruitless... And though our efforts didn't yield the desired outcome, we did not return empty-handed. The Tribesmen bestowed upon us additional supplies and equipment as a gesture of their 'obligation'."

As SHE remembered the equipment, she also had a flashback of that time when she and I were still training at the Hunting Camp…


"Now, speaking of equipment," the Trainer Overseer began, his voice filled with enthusiasm, "let me show you the marvels of our Village's Hunters' bows 'n arrows, as well as the slings 'n ammos."

The young SHE saw her best friend, I, leaning in, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Please, do enlighten our eyes!"

He nodded and continued, "Now, the Archers wield bows and arrows that may seem ordinary at first glance. However, their bows are as long as the Archer holding them."

He noticed SHE staring way up at the tip of his model bow and he smiled then continued, "So, young as you are, you will be given different bows from time to time as you grow older. Now, what sets them apart is the Fibre Bag positioned at the midpoint of the bow. This ingenious design allows them to store hundreds of arrows within easy reach, enabling you, our little Archers, to unleash consecutive shots with remarkable speed."

"Awesome! It must take great skill to handle such a weapon." HE raised, who was eavesdropping outside, intrigued by this unique equipment while trying to reach the window (he was still about the same height as the window's base).

All eyes moved towards that same window.

I tried to peak, "Hey, see, I know that voice!"

SHE also noticed, "Hmmm… definitely the same HE who is being chased by that poor Trainer."

Upon hearing this, HE shrieked in surprise and ran as he saw her Trainer Overseer from the Collectors Class shouting, "You again, HE! Get back to your camp!"

The Hunter Class laughed at the intermission.

The Hunter's Trainer Overseer just smiled, acknowledging HE's remark then the class eagerly listened again as he said, "Indeed now, it requires precision and dexterity to make the most of the Archers' arsenal."

Turning his attention to the Slingers, he explained, "Now, let's talk about the Slingers and their formidable weapon, the Shepherd's Sling. To effectively wield this tool, they require a strong grip and a steady hand. The slings are crafted from durable Fibre material, and what sets them apart from traditional slings is the placement of the ammunition. Instead of being positioned in the center, the ammo is stored at the tip of the sling. This unique design allows the Slingers to swing the sling in an arc, and at the precise moment, with a slight grip on the handle, the ammo is released from the opening at the tip. It eliminates the need for reloading, allowing the Slingers to utilize both hands in combat."

The class wowed in adoration as he explained and demonstrated it in front of the class.

I, captivated by the explanation, marveled at the ingenuity. "I see, I see, so Slingers can focus on their aim without worrying about releasing any tabs. Brilliant!"

SHE nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it will provide you with an advantage in combat situations, enabling swift and accurate attacks."

Eager to share more, the Trainer turned her attention to the young Herders. "Now, let me introduce you to the Herders, the strongest members of our Hunter class."

The young Herders went wild in joy, "AWOO! AWOO!"

"Now now, settled down children. Kindly listen first," the Trainer calmed the class as he continued, "Your equipment is not for the faint-hearted. Herder's tool possesses two mighty weapons known as the Arrow Roller and the Artillery Roller. These Rollers resemble catapults we learned from the topic yesterday about the tools used from other places. They are capable of launching large arrows and massive ammunition respectively."

The class was filled with awe as they saw the massive and seems like such heavy Arrow and Artillery Rollers.

"The rubber used in their construction is crafted from resilient Fibre Rubbers, reducing friction during the pulling motion." the Trainer warned, "However, make no mistake, it still requires considerable strength to cast a fatal blow. Herders primarily utilize these weapons for hunting when they are not engaged in taming duties."

Unlike the advanced gears and levers of your civilization, the Herders rely solely on their own brute force, pulling the Fibre Rubber with their bare hands.

The group listened attentively, captivated by the description of the Hunter's unique equipment. The air filled with a sense of awe and admiration for the craftsmanship and skill required to wield such weapons.

"Hunting is so coooool!" SHE adorned internally… and went back to the present (the flashback ends)


"SHE! SHE! Glad you're finally back!" I said as they exchanged waves from a distance.

As they approached, I instructed SHE, "You see, you need to go to the Council's Hut."

"ahmm... and why would they want to talk to me, may I ask, I?" SHE replied.

"See, just hurry SHE!" as she escorted SHE to the Council's Hut...

"Welcome back, SHE," FATHER greeted the huntress as she returned to the Village after the successful hunt.

SHE offered a polite smile, her eyes briefly meeting FATHER's before averting them, as her timid nature took hold. "Umm... thank you, sir. Our party managed to bring back a large catch that will provide sustenance for the night... ahmmm... may I ask please, why the Council has summoned me?"

FATHER, now a member of the Village's Council, took a moment to explain the circumstances, "After the third attack," (and his son leaving the Village), "I had engaged in discussions with the Villagers, realizing the need for a new plan of action to bring an end to the threat of FIRE. With the approval of the LADY CHIEF Overseer, we established a small military-like troop in the Village as other places have, comprising core leaders who would serve as representatives and strategists."

The LADY CHIEF added with a hopeful smile, "And for the first time in forever, a Herder had been appointed as an Overseer and one of the core leaders, and that Herder was FATHER.

For the first time in forever, the core leaders are not only Overseers.

"Following the failed joint force with the Tribesmen, the core leaders have devised a plan to put an end to the hostilities caused by FIRE." FATHER proceeded to explain, "We will be needing all the classes and schools in the Village for The Plan to work. So, we gathered all the grownups that are best at their class. They may be able to handle this by themselves but with a minute chance. However, we face formidable odds unless someone is willing to step up and fill a crucial role."

FATHER then sighed, meeting SHE's gaze as he continued, "And that crucial role is the Hunter's Tricycle. It may demand a great sacrifice from the one possessing its unique ability—the ability that you have inherited."

"I must admit, I am reluctant to ask this of you, but would you consider lending your aid in this upholding?" FATHER reluctantly asked SHE.

SHE was taken aback by the sudden request, her mind swirling with a mix of shyness and confusion.

FATHER reassured her, "You are under no obligation to accept. We, the Villagers, will not hold it against you if you choose not to. You are still so young, with a multitude of paths ahead of you."

Lost in her thoughts, torn between her own reservations and a sense of duty, she looked around the room, and saw every eye of each leader she knew staring at her. She then turned her gaze toward the villagers outside, still diligently rebuilding their homes. There were no curves of smiles on their faces, no laughs nor jokes. They only bore the weight of grief.

It was like that time when your friend comes crying to you, and you can't seem to comfort her, feeling the helplessness. When you don't know what to say to ease your friend's pain. You feel powerless, incapable of ending their suffering—an emotion that now resonated within her.

Then SHE also saw her best friend, I, looking at her, filled with such determination and support in her eyes as if she was saying with a smile, "You can definitely do it!"

"Faith without action is fruitless," SHE thought.

Then she let out a deep, sorrowful sigh before summoning her courage. "Would I want to?... The truth is, I do... I would really hope that I can step up. I believe that my purpose calls me," she affirmed with newfound determination.

FATHER witnessed the fire burning in her pinkish eyes—not a destructive fire, but one fueled by bravery, justice, and compassion. It was as if her usual timidity had been cast aside, replaced by an extraordinary resolve like the Filipino heroes innate character of 'makabansa'.

He responded, his voice filled with reassurance, "Everything will be alright. We will surely support you all the way in this endeavor. We will do our utmost to keep you safe from harm."

The Council's eyes lit up with renewed hope, their gazes fixed on SHE...

FATHER opened the newly crafted map of the Village, a labor of love meticulously created by a Planner Builder, showcasing the Village's transformed layout, different from its Pre-FIRE appearance.

He then declared, "As for The Plan..."

---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~--- ---~~~o~~~---

THE PSALMIST tried to put them into words and tune,


She's creaflections

So rhymes with work o' wonder

Her beauty none can compare

Such creature is She

Wonderfully made


She's creadroitions

Sublimes from here 'n yonder

Her skills, all are aware

Such creature is She

Fearfully made


Such pulchritudinous

Such prodigious nesses

Calls her purpose




I tried but can express it


No more..."