
Love, Death, Sorrow!

The news of Tyr's demise reached Rogoland and Rugalf was in disbelief, he couldn't understand how Tyr could fall with his brothers there but this wasn't what worried him.

The fact that Estrid had yet to hear that her husband had fallen in battle was what worried Rugalf.

Rugalf knew it would break her but Tyr was a great warrior that would no doubt see Valhalla.

"Brother, what should we do?" Salgard asked, addressing his King casually because this was a family matter.

They didn't know if they should place a gag order on this information to stop it from circulating but it would only be a matter of time before Estrid heard this.

Rugalf knew his daughter was no fool and would find a way to fish out the information which would only make her distrust them in the future.

"We will tell her…" Rugalf conceded; Vegard was sitting on Grjötgard's shoulder but he wasn't paying attention to the conversation being had.