
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Livros e literatura
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14 Chs

Destruction vs Regeneration and creation: the final battle

Merwin and Cobalt looked at each other and nodded. They know they're incredibly outmatched but they knew they had to stop the peak of the wizarding world before they die.

Merwin, fueled by adrenaline, charged at Gino with his sword raised high. As he leaped towards his opponent, Gino attempted to counter with a spell, but Merwin's golems intervened, holding back Gino's arms. Cobalt swiftly moved to immobilize Gino further by restraining his legs.

"YOU ONLY HAVE ONE SHOT AT THIS! JUST STRIKE HIM DOWN!" Cobalt's voice boomed, urging Merwin to deliver a decisive blow. With a primal scream, Merwin swung Excalibur towards Gino, aiming to end the battle once and for all.

However, Gino, displaying a surprising level of control, tilted his head and effortlessly destroyed the golems. He retaliated by extending his fingers and lightly poking both Merwin and Cobalt, sending them hurtling through the air and crashing into the dark forest.

In a stroke of quick thinking, Merwin conjured a mud wall to cushion their fall. Struggling to stand, Merwin gasped in pain, feeling the weight of their predicament. "How do we defeat him? It feels like every bone in my body is broken, and my insides are torn apart," he exclaimed, coughing up blood.

Cobalt, also struggling to catch his breath, spoke with a mix of anguish and determination. "Little brother, or cousin, I believe. The stories... they are all wrong," he managed to say between coughs.

Merwin's eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "What on earth are you talking about?" he asked, his attention momentarily diverted as they saw Gino hovering in the sky, scanning the forest for their whereabouts.

"I didn't try to kill our little brother. I intentionally killed our father, he physically abused me when I never did the spells write, and I knew once I lost my powers he'd kill me!" Cobalt revealed, as they continued to trek deeper into the forest, seeking refuge and a moment to regroup.

Merwin was frozen in horror. "So, you mean..." he trailed off, unable to comprehend the revelation.

Gino touched down in front of them, his mere presence causing trees and grass to wither and decay. Cobalt clenched his fist, and Merwin conjured multiple golems, ready to face their formidable opponent.

"All those innocent wizards whose powers I've stolen and tortured... I can't apologize, but perhaps exorcising my younger brother is a way to atone for my actions," Cobalt admitted, tears welling up in his eyes as he prepared to strike.

The two brothers unleashed a flurry of precise strikes and coordinated movements, each hoping to land a blow on Gino. Yet, despite their efforts, Gino easily dodged and defended against their attacks, his power and rage seemingly unstoppable.

As the battle raged on, Merwin and Cobalt realized that their usual tactics wouldn't be enough to defeat Gino. They needed to think outside the box and find a weakness in his overwhelming power.

Merwin, his mind racing, remembered an ancient spell he had come across in his studies. It was a forbidden incantation, one that tapped into the darkest depths of magic and exorcised the darkness of a wizard. He hesitated for a moment, knowing the risks involved, but desperation pushed him to make a choice.

"Brother, trust me," Merwin whispered to Cobalt, his voice filled with determination. Cobalt, sensing the urgency in his brother's tone, nodded in understanding.

With a surge of energy, Merwin channeled the forbidden spell, unleashing a whirlwind of dark magic. Shadows twisted and swirled around him, forming a vortex of pure malevolence. The air crackled with an ominous energy as Merwin directed the dark force towards Gino.

Caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, Gino's defenses faltered for a moment. Seizing the opportunity, Cobalt launched a devastating attack, combining his remaining strength with the newfound power of the spell.

Their strikes hit home, and Gino staggered backward, momentarily weakened. "DON'T STOP STRIKING AND REPEAT AFTER ME!" Merwin and Cobalt nodded at him.


As Merwin and Cobalt channeled their combined strength and the forbidden spell, a blinding light erupted from Gino's chest. The air crackled with energy as the darkness within him fought against the purging force. Gino screamed in agony, his body writhing in pain.

The forest trembled under the sheer power of the spell, and the very fabric of reality seemed to waver. As Merwin and Cobalt continued their relentless assault, their voices echoed through the trees, their words resonating with ancient incantations and forgotten power.

With each strike, the darkness within Gino diminished, his once formidable presence fading into oblivion. The light grew brighter, and a sense of hope washed over Merwin and Cobalt. They could feel their purpose, their determination, fueling the spell, driving it forward.

In one final surge of energy, Merwin and Cobalt unleashed their most powerful strike yet. The spell reached its crescendo, shattering the remaining darkness within Gino's soul. A shockwave rippled through the forest, disintegrating the remnants of Merlin's darkness and scattering them into the ether.

As the light subsided, Gino's body fell to the ground. "You assholes, that really hurt." He said groaning and chuckling.

"Shit! That was my strongest spell and it only knocked you down for a bit." Merwin groaned in a chuckling voice. "Brothers, I don't know if this alone will help me atone but I'm glad I can help a bit." Cobalt said with a slight smirk.

Merwin sliced Cobalts arm and Gino erased his foot. "It won't." They both said in unison.

Cobalt regenerated both body parts and chuckled. "You're right but you guys won't get a pass either. The council of the pheonix will probably lock us up for the rest of our lives."

"Well we'll just have to see what happens." All three said in unison.