
The Son of Merlin

Meet Merlin’s one of many creations: Gino, a African-American born in Louisiana where just his aura was enough to unite gangs at his school making him the most feared among everyone and he’s also a martial artist. what differs him from others is his ability to change his eye color from golden to pitched black. he’s a very cocky person except towards people he genuinely respects one day his boring life at the muggle school was about to change

Zaycanwrite · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


A month had passed since Gino's capture and Merwin's departure to retrieve the sword. Snape sat at the table in front of the Great Hall, his voice filled with defeat. "I fear there is no hope left for the boy," he said in a low tone.

Hagrid sighed and replied, "But if we give up, Hogwarts will be forced to shut down."

Dumbledore, his voice filled with reassurance, chimed in, "Have faith, everyone. Gino is the son of Merlin, he is not one to be easily defeated."


Merwin swam through the waters of the Lady of the Lake, aided by a spell that allowed him to breathe underwater. With a smile, he thought to himself, "I'm almost there." But his smile quickly faded as something bit him. "AHH!" he yelled out in pain as a humanoid fish emerged, wearing a devious expression, and continued to bite him before swimming away swiftly.

"At this rate, I'll be eaten alive!" Merwin winced in pain, realizing he had been bitten once again. His wand slipped from his grasp and sank to the lake's bottom. As he reached to retrieve it, the fish returned, but this time, he raised his feet, colliding with the creature's face and rendering it unconscious. Merwin smiled and continued swimming.


Gino slowly regained consciousness, finding himself in a dark cave, illuminated by a fire. A gruff voice spoke, "Wake up, little one." Startled, Gino looked up to see a young man who bore a resemblance to him but had lighter skin. Fearfully, he asked, "Who are you?"

The man replied with offense in his voice, "I'm your father, you brat!" Gino's head spun with questions. "My father?" he exclaimed. "You can ask any questions you have," his father, Merlin, said as he reclined.

Filled with curiosity, Gino eagerly asked, "How many children do you have? Why are you white? Why did my brothers try to kill me? Why are you here? How are you not dead?"

Merlin sighed and said, "Okay, calm down, brat! I only have two children – you and Cobalt." Confusion clouded Gino's face as he looked at his father. "Two? What about Merwin?"

Merlin understood Gino's confusion. "Merwin isn't my son," he paused, stood up, and continued, "Years ago, when Arthur used Excalibur to start a war, a baby was born on the same day as you. Arthur's son. He gave the baby to me for safekeeping. On that very day, your powers caused an imbalance in the wizarding world, taking away the powers of multiple wizards, and giving rise to the term 'mudblood'."

Gino interrupted, "Please don't use that word." Merlin nodded in agreement and continued, "My apologies. Cobalt's powers were among those taken away. In his anger, he grabbed Excalibur and attempted to kill you. I intervened, and he ended up killing me instead. Half of my power went to Merwin, while the rest went to you. Cobalt was sent to Azkaban for life but escaped, and now he's back, leading a cult of muggles who torture wizards and drain their powers. You and Merwin were found by different orphanages because, thanks to my powers, you didn't start growing until the wizarding world became safe again."

Gino rubbed his head in shock. "He... he killed you?" he said angrily, rising to his feet. "Did he lock me in here?"

"With the help of Voldemort's Death Eaters, they created a ball to trap you in this purgatory, where I've been trapped since my death," Merlin explained, taking a bite of roasted meat from a purgatory creature.

"How can I free you?" Gino asked, determination in his voice. Merlin shrugged. "Come on, son, it doesn't matter. I'll just die anyway."

"I will free your soul, just tell me how!" Gino demanded, gripping his father's arm tightly.

Merlin sighed, chuckling softly. "Demanding, just like your mother. Even with my powers, you wouldn't be able to handle my spells and energy. You might even end up like Cobalt."

"I DON'T CARE, JUST TELL ME HOW!" Gino yelled, standing up. "Fine, fine, stop yelling. I'm right here with you," Merlin said, acquiescing.


Merwin finally reached the surface of the lake and collapsed onto the grass. He breathed heavily, his arms bruised from the strenuous swim, blood seeping from his skin. Using a spell, he healed himself.

"You made it, son of Arthur," the voice of the Lady of the Lake resonated as her spirit manifested before Merwin.

Confused, Merwin looked at her and said, "Son of Arthur? I'm Merlin's son, I have the golden eye to prove it! Cobalt even said so. That idiot Gino took half of my powers, and all of his!"

The Lady of the Lake smirked and laughed. "Of course he said that. After all, he did murder your father."

Merwin dropped to his knees, fear and memories flooding his mind. "You're lying! Cobalt wouldn't do that. He's trying to kill Gino for killing our father!"

Suddenly, a punch landed in Merwin's stomach, causing him to cough up blood. A golem stood before him, and the Lady of the Lake waved her hand, flooding his mind with memories of what had truly happened.

"C-Cobalt is responsible for all of this?!" Merwin exclaimed, filled with disbelief.

"Yes, and there's no way a muggle like you, who was only lucky enough to gain such power, could ever be worthy of pulling out Excalibur. Be gone now," she softly said, and the golem kicked Merwin, sending him flying. However, he used his wand to halt his momentum. "Ack!" he groaned, struggling to his feet.

Raising his wand to cast a spell, Merwin was struck by a powerful counter-spell from the golem, which broke his wand. "Why do you keep trying? There's nothing left for you. Even if you return to Hogwarts, you're living a fake life. Senile? Arthur is rolling in his grave right now," the Lady of the Lake taunted, laughter escaping her lips.

Defiant, Merwin spoke, "You're right. Being the son of Merlin was the only thing I had going for me. And now that it's over, I have nothing. Or so I thought."

"He may not be my brother, but he's a true friend. He pursues his desires and doesn't complain when things get tough. And that Granger girl – I apologized for calling her a mudblood, and she forgave me and became my friend. She may have muggle parents, but she's cooler and a better person than you! If I go back, I won't have fame or anything, but I'll have friends who love me for who I am," Merwin said, tears streaming down his face. "Oh God, just leave already!" the Lady of the Lake yelled, sending out more golems.

Without warning, Merwin conjured spikes from the water, impaling and destroying the golems. "What?!" she screamed in confusion, sending more golems his way.

Merwin raised his hand, his eyes shining with a golden hue, a combination of Arthur and Merlin. He was the worthiest muggle, and his true power was creation.

He unleashed a powerful blast that obliterated all the golems, leaving the Lady of the Lake in awe. Approaching the lake's edge, he reached for the sword and effortlessly pulled it out. With the sword in hand, he dove back into the water.

"Arthur would be proud," she whispered as Merwin disappeared beneath the surface, wielding the sword.