
the solution

Jakes just gained the power he's always dreamed of and despite his town being destroyed he can't help but feel excitement as he escapes from his old mundane life.

First_Last_1726 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Our house was pretty far away from the town, maybe a mile or so. There was a long dirt road from my house leading down to the desolate town. It was a completely open path with no trees or anything. The forest only started behind my house. As I walked across the road I couldn't help but feel a little excited, but I knew that was wrong, so I kept those feelings down and wore a plain face whilst looking at the scene in front of my eyes.

It was atrocious. There was no sign of life anywhere apart from the forestry surrounding the valley, pretty much every building I could see was destroyed in one way or another. Although there was no fire which I found peculiar since even if a bomb didn't do this with that amount of destruction shouldn't there be at least a couple fires here and there.

Once I got to the main road leading to the town, I could finally get a proper look at all the buildings that were destroyed. They had a massive whole in each one as if they were shot with cannon balls, rubble was scattered everywhere and cars were flipped over and destroyed, nothing was left alone.

I started to see the bodies, old and young, female and male, ripped to shreds and some crushed from the debris. Whatever did this clearly did not discriminate, but I found it odd there was no smell or any flies buzzing around them as if it had happened a couple of hours ago.

As I was pushing my way through the towns I shouted out "hello!" I kept shouting the same thing but to no avail.

As I came to the conclusion that this was pointless I came to a halt and began to wonder about what the hell was going on but I pushed that aside since night was approaching, so I decided to look for a place to sleep for today.

"It took a while but I finally found a nice house to settle down in"

As nightfall took over the valley, the darkness that came with it was haunting. It's never been this dark before; the lights from the town during night would never allow it to get this sombre, so this was a first. I found it unsettling and couldn't get to sleep, although I'm not entirely sure if it was due to the darkness or because of the excitement I was feeling.

The building I found was a local pharmacy. All the useful meds were locked up behind a gate so I had no means of getting to them. I did attempt to get in but it was no use so I tried to scavenge for anything else I could find but the best I could get was some paracetamol which I didn't think would come in handy but I chucked some in my bag anyway.

The pharmacy wasn't completely destroyed but a nearby lamp post fell and broke the glass, so I could get in easily despite the fact that it was still locked.

I took some towels they had been selling and laid them out behind the counter. I thought it would be the best place to sleep.

As I drifted off to sleep I wondered if this could all be a dream and that once I'm out I would return to the darkness. Or even worse, return back to my mundane life, I wished for neither.

As the morning sun jolted me awake a grin appeared on my face as I found myself still in the pharmacy. A grand sigh escaped my mouth as I was flooded with relief and my anxiety dissipated. Now sitting up I stood and reattached my backpack that I was using as a pillow.

"Now that I've realised that this town is useless I should move on to the nearby city" I spoke to myself, some people would find this weird but I was good friends with the person in my head and found great comfort in talking to him, although I was fully aware that the other person was me i still had fun chatting.

I chucked myself over the counter, landing back on the side where I should be. The shop was small and was separated into two sections with a rack of items dividing the two, although it wasn't as big as the ones in supermarkets as I could easily see over this one into both areas.

As my shoes crushed the little bits of broken glass below them I made my way to the exit that was made, before I left, I peered back towards the counter and stared at the till contemplating on whether or not I should try and steal some more cash, but I decided I couldn't be bothered and swiftly made my way back onto the ravished street.

I took a left and followed the road back out of town walking through the demolished streets. I made my way to the edge of the town passing by more and more destroyed cars and more and more devastated corpses, each one ripped apart, some flung into nearby walls or houses but all of them dead.

As I got to the edge of town I was met with a single road leading to the city about 10 miles away. Normally I'd take the footpath that cuts through the mountain since there wasn't a pavement but due to the present circumstances I didn't see any need in doing that.

The route was surrounded by forestry and to my right was a metal fence that led to a 20 metre drop followed by more trees and to my left was a mountain completely vertical and unscalable.

I passed by a couple houses on my way there, all in the same state as the town. Just as I'd predicted there were no cars or life at all during my travels. "Halfway there" I uttered as I saw a sign stating Glamorgan 4 miles. I wasn't particularly tired, after all I was in no hurry to get there so I kept traversing across the long road engulfed in trees.

Until I came to a stop I turned my head slowly due to an unknown noise that crept upon my ears "what is that noise"