
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Chapter 7 George Blair

George was as sharp and direct as ever, and he teased Wynne for being with snakes. He was that kind of person, so few people in high school liked him, she didn't like him either. But this time she had to put up with his annoying attitude since she was in need of his help. She promised him that she would help him find the girl he liked, so Geoge was willing to take her to his hometown to find the witch who was his grandmother.

The next day, she drove the old rental car to George's house.

He came out, still eating two pieces of toast and shoved a mouthful of toast into his mouth and happily got into the car. As he got into the car, George looked her up and down and said, "Hey, Wynne, I haven't seen you this semester. You're still ugly."

Wynne gave George a look and said, "Don't laugh at me. You suck too."

George brushed the hair on his forehead with confidence.; "The men succeed not by appearance, but by ability."

"Oh, shit!" Wynne replied. George was not care about her words, said; "Tut, even college students say dirty words!"

George's grandmother's house was not far from Wynne's grandmother's town, which also required a lot of mountain roads. After driving for nearly 4 hours, they finally arrived at the town named Cloud. It's where George used to stay when he was a kid.

Wynne was surprised when George took her to a very well-maintained house and told her that it was her grandmother's.

The house looked very nice, but a little strange.

There were two man-made ponds in front of her house and many fishes of two fingers size in. Even strings of dried fish hang from the doorbeam or the window. It was like food for someone.

"Grandma! I'm back!" George called from the door and led her inside.

"Ouch! Little thing is back!" An excited old woman's voice came from the room. And followed an old woman dressed in black embroidered cloth and with a turban wrapped around her head walked out of the room.

She looked about eighty years old, shambling, but her face was rosy, and looked very kind. "Who is this? girlfriend?" His grandma asked.

"I don't have such an ugly girlfriend. This is my classmate in high school, Wynne Morr, and she says she was put the spirit of reptile in and needs your help." Said George, as he turned to lie down in a rocking chair on the porch.

"The spirit of reptile in?" Said his grandma, and her kind face became serious.

"Come and show me?" She continued.

George stood beside her and reminded in a low voice, "Hey, Wynne, don't worry. My grandma specializes in that, she will figure it out. Don't forget what you promised me then!"

"Gotis grandmother tapped her wrist and rolled her eyelids

it!" Wynne replied angrily, and then put her hand into his grandma's.

His grandmother tapped Wynne's wrist and rolled her eyelids then let her spit out her tongue, then touched her abdomen. And then his grandma's face froze even more.

Wynne was nervous and trilled, "W...what's wrong with me? Can i be cured?"

"You were put the spirit of balck worm of Eveline Mayfair who lived in Mayfiar town!" Said his grandma, in a affirmative tone.

The old lady was good, she even knew where her grandma lived and even the pre-name of the Dooley. So Wynne told her all things happened on her in Mayfair town. The tears streamed from her eyes when Wynne was saying what the black snake had done to her and she would be die if she didn't get rid of it.

George's grandma comforted her and said angrily, "It wasn't enough for Eveline to hurt others, she even hurt her own granddaughter. That's really tough!"

With that, she was a little helpless to continue; "If my Jade was here, I might be able to fight with the black worm in your abdomen. But Jade is a play boy, doesn't like staying here for a long time, it just went out several days ago."

"Jade? Is it a name of the spirit of reptile?" Asked Wynne.

"That's right!" George replied by the side, "Jade is the most powerful spirit of cat my grandma keeps. It is the only one that can be changed into a human being. I have seen it before who is a white cat with two different eyes, very handsome, and is my grandma loves!" Said George, pointed out of the window and continued, "the fish in the pond outside are raised by my grandmother for Jade ."

The cat spirit? Wynne lost in thought.

Could cat be cultivated the spirit? She heard that only poisonous insects or reptiles, such as snakes, centipedes, etc could be cultivated the spirit, how did George's grandma make a cat the spirit?

But now Wynne couldn't think about so much, she begged George's grandma: "Could you please summon your cat spirit for helping me?"

George grandma looked at her so pitifully, and sighed with great sympathy; "I really want to help but Jade is not my born spirit, i picked it up from outside fifty years agao, so i don't know the spell to call it home."

Wynne was down to bottom when she heard.

George was anxious and said to his grandmother, "Grandma, don't you have others workable? Let's try and see if we can get the black worm off Wynne. I don't come back for nothing." He went to his grandmother and looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Any other spirits might not be a match for a black worm." Replied his Grandma, worried.