
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Chapter 34 Wynne is venomed with reptile spirit

Wynne frowned.

"Wynne, I just went shopping for groceries and met Ms. Wan. She told me that you made $60,000 for her deal. Come on, baby girl, I thought you were hopeless when you became a witch, but I can't believe you make so much money." Her mother continued, and was excited on the other end of cell phone.

"Then you didn't order the porridge. Who ordered it for me?" Wynne asked again.

"Wynne, now that you've made money, you should think about me and your dad!" When you were six years old, your father and I took you to the hospital, and the doctors said you were dead. Then your father and I begged the hospitals and then we took care of you well for saving your life." Her mother did not answer, but kept talking.

"Wynne, you know our family is not rich, you young people will certainly spend money in a disorderly way, you give your money to us, we will keep it for you. Later you can transfer the money directly to my bank account." Her mother continued talking about her money, Wynne couldn't get a word in if she tried. She got a little upset, replied briefly to her mom, and then hung up her phone.

She looked out of the window, loneliness enveloping her. It's almost 9:00, she was going to the bathroom.

Wynne felt an itch in her throat, like something was blocking as she put the toothbrush in her mouth.

Thinking she had a cold, she coughed some thing out of her throat.

She was so frightened that goose bumps started to creep all over her when she saw what she had coughed up in the sink.

It was a dense mass of worm eggs!

It seemed she had been venomed with the reptile spirit!

And poisoning required a connection, food, or water. The last night's takeaway!

The takeaway was delivered to her after Dooley left, and she didn't even know who bought it for her.

There was something wrong with the seafood porridge she ate last night!

So, who wanted to kill her?

While she was thinking about this matter, she suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her stomach, which was like a thousand insects in her body madly biting her viscera, and before she could grasp the sink, she fell painfully to the ground!

She was so tortured by the insects inside her that she could not stand up at all. The pain was spreading from her stomach to her whole body. The insects were constantly gnawing away at her body. There was blood coming out of her eyes, nose and mouth, and if she didn't do anything to save herself, she was going to die in this rental house.

Shaking violently, she got up from the floor, picked up the cell phone on the sink, and called her mother. But her mother's phone couldn't get through at all, and his father's was the same if she tried.

The pain in her body was beyond her endurance limit. Every time she pressed the phone screen, it would send out a piercing pain. Finally, when she tried to dial the emergency number, she could no longer hold the phone, and it slipped out of her hands and fell into the toilet next to her. She fell hard to the ground again.

She thought of the nurse at the Horsytown clinic inside whose body was infested with bugs as she lay on the cold bathroom floor.