
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 30 The golden coffin

Only to hear a worker excitedly shouted to them: "Boss, is a pair of gold coffin!"

"The golden coffin?

When Wynne heard about the golden coffin, she walked to the edge of the pit and looked down. At the bottom of the pit, there was a golden coffin shining brightly in the sun.

Gane's right. Five meters below this hole, there's a coffin.

The workers who had come to dig the coffin were quite afraid, but when they saw that the coffin was made of gold, they swung their hoes a lot harder and wished they could knock a piece of gold off the golden coffin.

After three hours, the workers dug out the whole golden coffin.

The size of the coffin was no different from that of an ordinary one. The surface of coffin was carved with peonies and some grass vines and cranes. It looked like the owner of the coffin was indeed a woman.

"Open it, and you will find the man you want to find." Gane was on hand to direct workers to open the casket.

Dooley was still leaning against the tree for cool, with his head propped up on his hands, leisurely watching the busy workers.

"Aren't you going to do something?" Wynne asked, "Now Gane is about to win."

Dooley gave her a little look, raised his red lip and smiled.

"Why, you're afraid I'll lose, you don't want me to leave?" 'he said.

"How could Wynne not want you to leave?" Gane came up behind her and deliberately hugged her around the neck right in front of Dooley and said, "Dooley, you have to keep your word. If you lose, you have to leave Wynne."

Dooley rose from the tree and looked at the coffin behind us.

"The coffin is open." 'he said.

As soon as Dooley finished speaking, there was a loud, dull noise. The lid of the coffin was overturned by a dozen workers, and a cloud of black smoke poured out of the coffin.

"Zhemen is really in here!"

This Zhemen, should be the name of the missing employee, the workers, standing by the coffin, one after another, shouting his name.

Wegr heard the cries of the workers, went to the coffin, looked inside, made sure it was the missing worker, and then excitedly walked towards them!

"You're very good, amazing!" Wegr pleased to Gane, "To tell you the truth, before you came, I found no less than ten people who claimed to be experts, but did not find anyone, only you easily found my missing employees back, is really impressive, is really powerful!"

Gane was flattered by the adulation from Wegr.

"Don't thank me. Thank Wynne. Without Wynne, I wouldn't even look at your deal."

Gane said, giving her a content look.

Wegr heard Gane's words and thanked her.

Wynne was embarrassed to be thanked by Wegr for doing nothing.

As they basked in the joy of having found the body.

"Hey, Dooley, If you give up on me now, I might be able to grudgingly agree to let you stay with Wynne as a secondary spirit." Gane taunted Dooley.

"Is it? Dooley shot back at Gane: "It's a little early to make a decision."

As Dooley's words fell, there was a sudden shriek of panic from the workers behind them!

A white-faced man, with a red coat attached to his back, flew sideways out of the coffin and lunged straight at Gane's back!

She and Dooley were standing right in front of him, and Dooley's first instinct was to pick her up and move away from him as the thing flew toward them.

Gane, facing us, had no time to react, and was kicked to the ground by the body. A mouthful of blood was immediately spit out of Gane's mouth!

"Gane! Wynne yelled his name! As she tried to help Gane up, Dooley pulled her behind her.

"That thing has been honed for thousands of years. Even Gane can't stop her attack. You're going to die." Dooley said.

"And now what? We can't let Gane die!" Wynne said, looking at the red dress floating out from under the dead body of Zhemen, it was clearly the clothing of the ancient woman, Zhemen was shielding her from the sun so she could come out and attack them!

By this time the workers around them had dropped their hoes and were running away. Even George and Wegr had been scared away.

Gane was good at geomantic omen, but when it came to fighting, it's not his strong suit!

Watching that thing went after Gane again, Dooley said; "Gane, this evil creature was originally the daughter of a minister in the ancient age who died in a foreign land and has been practicing for thousands of years. You are no match for her. But if you promise to leave Wynne, I will save you."

Dooley had been quiet all the way here, just trying to figure out where this girl came from?

Gane sat on the ground clutching his chest, the corner of his lip bleeding.

"A thousand years of practice, isn't it? What am I afraid of, i am not gonna leave Wynne!" Gane responded angrily, casting a spell that created a gold transparent circular shield on his chest, shielding him from the blow of the dead woman being carried by the Zhemen! Suddenly the shield radiated with gold flashing and a woman's shrill scream from behind the Zhemen!

That thing was hurt. But Gane was even worse. Despite the charm protecting him, he was still thrown seven or eight meters by the object's attack, and his body directly broke dozens of trees behind him!

Seeing that Gane was dying, Wynne quickly pulled out her Porgu whistle and tried to save him!

But when she was blowing, it seemed to have no effect at all. She suddenly realized that her whistle was only reacting to the reptile spirits, and the dead woman who was hiding behind Zhemen had turned from dead to evil, and the Porgu whistle had no effect on her at all!