
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 29 Goddess flying to the Moon

Then Mr. Zoe was completely stunned and shook, as if he was suddenly awakened and quickly grabbed Gane's hand.

"Gane, please help me. If you don't help me, our project will be ruined, and my whole family will be ruined!" He pleaded to Gane and burst into tears in front of them.

Dooley saw Wegr crying so hard that he looked up at the mountain where the accident had happened, and a flash of thought came into his dark eyes.

Gane, as if amused, laughed and helped him to his feet.

"It's all right. I'll take care of everything." Gane promised, clapping his chest and glancing at Dooley.

"Dooley, I already know where the missing worker is. Do you?" Gane said to Dooley.

Wynne looked at Gane in surprise. Amazing how quickly he figured it out.

No wonder Dooley had previously admitted that Gane's abilities were comparable to his.

"Gane, can you tell me where the man is and I'll send someone to find him right away!" Wegr asked eagerly, holding Gane's hand.

Seeing Wynne was looking at him in surprise, Gane became more pleased, pointing across from them to the big mountain behind Stockade town.

"Look at those mountains, all these mountains together, each higher than the other. What do they look like?" He asked.

"Like a monkey? Wynne said, looking at the layered mountains.

"Guess again!" Gane said.

Wegr said a couple of them, but they're all wrong.

Dooley just watched silently, not saying a word, looking thoughtful.

George, looked back and forth for a long time.

"Hey hey, like a woman undressed, those two steamed stuffed bun on her chest are quite plump!" He said, with a particularly sleazy smile.

Wynne immediately understood what he meant by stuffed bun and turned her head and glared at George

"Half right." "Said Gane, chuckling as he led them into an open spot and pointed to the mountains opposite.

"If you look at it that way, it makes it more like so." "He reminded.

Looking in the direction Gane pointed, Wynne saw the mountains in front of her eyes and formed like a woman with a S-shaped figure. This woman was about to fly away with her arms splayed to the sides and her head raised.

"The mountains behind Stockade town are a rare and special magnetic field which is called the Goddess flying to the Moon. Human beings living in this location will make their daughters lucky." Gane said, looking at Wegr Zoe.

"There are more girls than boys in this Stockade town. If a woman who died of natural causes is buried in this place, the good fortune of the women will continue, and if a woman who died of murder is buried in this place, all the men in the neighborhood will be in trouble. If I am right, there are many men in this village who have died in this hill." Gane continued.

When Wegr heard this, he couldn't help but give Gane a thumbs up.

"You are quite right! In the town, every family has two daughters, and all of them are very beautiful. There are not many sons. Most of men are live-in sons-in-law, but they are away from home and seldom come back." Wegr paused, then turned to Gane; "Can you help me find the missing employee? The employee's family has come to the construction site to make trouble. If we don't hand them over, I'm afraid our tourist area will have a bad reputation before the development is finished."

"Sure!" Gane promised.

"In the whole mountain range, this is the only one place to be buried. As long as you dig five meters down the mountain, you will be able to dig out the coffin. Your missing employee is in the coffin." Gane said, pointing to the hollow mountain socket of the goddess's face.

Seeing Gane speak with such certainty, Wegr rejoiced.

"Well, well, I'll listen to you. I'll send someone up to the mountain with tools." He said, hurried back to his company.

"Can the body of the missing employee really be in this cave?" Wynne asked Gane.

"That is certain. The place of this cave is the goddess's eyes, which look at the sky and absorb not only the essence of the sun and the moon, but also the nourishment of the earth. Only when people are buried here can evil spirits be born." Gane said, looking at Dooley with pride.

"My dear master, you will soon be all my own." "He said with a smile.

Wynne looked at Dooley with some concern, wondering if Dooley was going to lose? ! But he just gave her a faint smile back, no any word.

After a while, Wegr brought a dozen workers with hoes and shovels here.

Their group marched up the hill.

When they reached the edge of Gane's designated acupoint, the workers began digging under Gane's direction.

Under the hot sun, Wynne, Gane and Dooley was relaxing in the shade of a tree while George watching from the crater.

"What if that thing in the coffin turns into a zombie and jumps out?" Wynne asked Gane, a little worried.

"That's impossible!" Gane replied with great confidence.

"All the creatures of the dead are afraid of the sun. Now is the dog days of summer, the sun is in the sky, even if the things inside have been demonized, under the sun's direct light, will be ash." Gane continued.

Wynne was relieved to hear that.

The workers was diging in the crater.

One meter, two meters, when nearly five meters, suddenly there was a sound of metal against each other.

-- Here it was!