
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 20 The human spirit

Dooley was standing behind her, with one of his hands pushing toward the bodies standing in front of her. They were like dominoes, all falling stiffly backward.

As soon as it hit the ground, the body melted into a black liquid from the head down to the tip of the foot, and flowed randomly on the ground.

The wind blew, causing a flap of Dooley's raven hair to her face.

A few withered leaves fell at her feet in the wind.

"You failed!" He whispered in her ear. With his warm breath in her ears, Wynne had a sudden feeling that it was just providence. If it wasn't for him, she might have been one of those bodies. Wynne had never imagined her failure would come so quickly.

"SO what? "She said shamelessly.

"I never knew you could have been so cheeky," Dooley said, releasing her, "It didn't matter, but tonight in BED you had to at least thank me with some "sincerity"!"

"Dirty Snake!" Wynne muttered to herself.

"My God, what's going on? What did it wither such a big tree?" George's doubt voice came from downstairs.

Wynne gazed it along, the willow had been full of vigor when they entered the village, now all dying. The dead leaves flew all over the sky as the wind blowing, and the whole village became more desolate.

George had just been deluded by a vision and had completely lost that memory, while Shunbr had indeed disappeared.

"You sort him out first. The thanks you owe me, you can pay back at tonight." Said Dooley, and vanished before her.

Wynne went downstairs to meet George, who was shocked to see her covered in blood.

"What the hell did you do? Where is Shunbr?" He asked in nervous, looking about, and double entry and exit of the room. His silly behavior totally was ignored by Wynne, who was alerted much by Shunbr's gone.

She rushed into the room and found only the old lady was still left.

After all that had happened, the old lady behaved calmly as before, and walking slowly to the kitchen on crutches.

"Mrs, have you seen Shunbr?" Wynne asked, stepping up to the old woman.

The old lady kept walking as if she hadn't heard her. Wynne yelled at her a few more times, still no response. George beside stared at the old woman for a moment and sighed.

"I am afraid the old woman is blind or deaf!" Said George, frustrating, and to prove his point, George kept shaking his hand side to side in front of her eyes.

Wynne and George searched inside the room again and found nothing but a few clothes and a blackened bed.

Apparently, the old woman had been living alone all year round and was not at all living with him as Shunbr had suggested.

"Fuck, Shunbr is not a liar, is he?" George sensed something was wrong and took out his phone to contact him. Predictably, Shunbr turned it off and blocked his What 'sapp account. He knew finally that they had been tricked and searched the whole village, which was empty except for the old woman.

What a waste of time! A trip for nothing!

On the way back, in the car, George had been complaining for the first deal that had ended like this. Wynne cared more about Shunbr's history than money.

"How did you get in touch with Shunbr?" "Wynne asked.

"Last night, he added me as his friend through account of what's app. He said he wanted my grandma to cure his villages by her witchcraft. As you know, my grandma's condition, so I called you." Said George, chuckling, and scratching the back of his head.

It concluded that Shunbr had come prepared. He had made a thorough investigation of her and George. As she stood in the attic, Shunbr, standing on the ground, turned his head back 90 degrees watching her, which was absolutely a weird pose that a real human would never be able to do. With that momery, Wynne shuddered. She had a hunch, the prey for Shunbr was actually her!

Back downtown, Wynne rushed home to wonder Dooley's comment for what had happened on Shunbr?

As soon as she walked in, Dooley was in a good mood, lying down on the bed, playing with his waterfall of hair.

"How's it going?" Asked Dooley, leaning sideways, diverting his eyesight to her; "Was your experience exciting today? Without me, you would have died in that village today."

Wynne turned on the switch on the wall, the whole room glowed slightly orange.

Dooley's incomparrable face was shone in her eyes just like jade, besides, the tiny mole under his eyes was just the essential, highlighting his whole person as delicate, sexy and imaginative.

Oh, Man! Wynne finally learned that femme fatale was not just for women, men were no exception.

"You knew Shunber was prepared to work against me, and that's why you made that bet with me, is it?" Asked Wynne. "What exactly is Shunbr? ?"

"The spirit of human" Dooley answered, standing in front of her.

"Can a human transform into the spirit?" Wynne asked in surprise.

"Absolutely!" Dooley laughed.

"As long as witches are powerful enough, they can transform all things in the world into the spirit. Shunbr is supposed to be inspired by his master to seek opportunities to kill you. Once the spirit takes on a task, he will not stop until he has achieved his goal. The next time you two meet, he'll be more than that If he's absorbed enough human blood, or if he's assimilated the energy of another reptile spirits." 'he said.

"You meant I'll meet him again?" Wynne was stunned.

"Definitely. Not until he get what he want," said Dooley, reaching down to grab her chin and rubbing it gently with his fingers."You're not dead yet. He'll be watching you."

A hundred questions in her mind. Who wanted her life? For what reason?