
Chapter 23


As he leads the naked cat girl out of the clubhouse entirely and they begin walking down the street with her leash in his hand, Issei has to admit, he doesn't find much appeal in taking Koneko anywhere TOO public. Obviously, she still needs to be walked, that's a given. But at the same time, he doesn't feel like he needs to prove anything by fucking her in some public place.

So, right from the start, Issei steers them in the direction of his home. He doesn't go too fast, of course. He can tell just how much Koneko is enjoying this. She makes these cute little mewling sounds as they walk along, shimmying about, her twin cat tails swishing back and forth in the air behind her as her cat ears twitch atop her head.

She also keeps looking around curiously, but Issei is fairly certain she's play-acting at best. This is the kind of thing that the devil kitty cat apparently likes… a lot. Chuckling to himself, he can't help but reach over and scratch behind her ears a little bit as they go. She likes that, and eagerly pushes her head up into his hand, the difference in their height giving her more than enough room to nuzzle in as he pats her head.

Her mewling intensifies, and if Issei didn't know any better, he'd say she was outright purring. That deep chest rumbling, coming from a naked, collared cat girl that he's walking on a leash is… it's a strange juxtaposition, but certainly not an unwelcome one. Chuckling a bit more, Issei runs his hand down from Koneko's head to her shoulders and arms. He eventually moves a hand to her chest, groping and then tugging on one of her nipples as she mewls and gasps, her entire body pulled forward a little by the move.

By the time he's turned onto his street, Issei has a hand down Koneko's back and is fingering her from behind. Due to their difference in heights, this is causing the cat girl to have to walk on her tip toes as she lets out these absolutely adorable little squeaks and yelps and whimpers all the way up to his front door.

He's pretty sure nobody sees them, or at the very least, he doesn't see or sense anyone himself. But it's entirely possible that someone got an eyeful. In the end though, he didn't go looking for it. He didn't go out of his way to make sure Koneko ended up all over the internet by the morning, with tons of new fans and comments talking about how 'realistic' her cosplay was or something.

Nope, he simply directs Koneko into his home and to his bedroom, and once the door is shut behind him, he directs her to her knees. She eagerly drops down, of course, kneeling there on the carpet in front of him, her hands coming up and working open his pants without hesitation. He keeps a tight hold on her leash as she does so, and the moment his cock is out of its confines, he tugs her forward, causing her to effectively crash into his thick, throbbing, musky member.

Koneko lets out a mewling gasp as she does so, her nose ending up pressed into the underside of his shaft, her mouth kissing into his ball sack. She lets out a moan that reverberates through his nuts in an incredibly enjoyable manner, and then her cute little tongue dips out and she begins to lick and lap at his balls and cock, worshipping him orally with all of her heart.

Issei just smiles at this, pulling her over to the bed, never letting her face leave his crotch in the meantime. Her eyes sometimes show up from around his impressive girth and he makes eye contact with the delirious, lust-drunk cat girl for a moment, recognizing just how needy she really is. Honestly, she might be needier than Rias or Akeno, at the end of the day.

Sitting down on the edge of his bed, Issei spreads his legs wide and lets Koneko get to work. Planting her hands palm down on the ground between her own spread knees, Koneko takes his cock into her mouth and begins to suck dutifully, moaning around his member the entire time, maintaining fully eye contact once she's actually sucking on his dick and it's no longer in the way of her line of sight.

It's pretty hot, he has to admit. Made all the hotter by the collar combined with the swishing two cat tails raised behind her and the twitching white cat ears atop her head.

"Fuck… you're a good little kitty, aren't you? I bet kitty wants her milk, doesn't she?"

Koneko's eyes widen as he finally breaks the silence, and her pupils dilate as she moans wantonly around his cock, nodding as best she can and bobbing up and down on his dick all the faster and harder. Issei grins… and then uses the leash to yank her backwards off of his cock. In one fell swoop, he throws Koneko onto the bed face down and pins her there quite easily with one foot on the back of her head.

"If kitty wants her cream, she has to earn it. That's what you want, right? You want to prove you're worthy. Well, it's not going to be as easy as it was back at the clubhouse. I want to hear you beg."

Mewling, Koneko nevertheless finds her voice eventually.

"P-Please! Please Mister Hyoudou, please give this naughty kitty her cream!"

Cocking his head to the side, Issei angles his throbbing erection down into the cat girl's waiting raised pussy, her lower lips twitching with need. As he fills her with his cock, she moans wantonly, shuddering and spasming in ecstasy beneath him.

"Hm, and if you're so naughty, why do you deserve cream?"

"Iiiiieeee, Mister Hyoudou is breaking me apart~"

… He's not sure if that's more of the play-acting or actually what she's feeling, but nevertheless, he gives her a chance to recover and respond properly. Luckily, she doesn't make him punish her.

"I-I can be good, Mister Hyoudou! I can be a good kitty for you, sir!"

This was a completely Koneko from the animalistic one that Rias had introduced him to back in the clubhouse just hours before. Was it really as easy as giving her a good hard dicking? But then, was this all just the act, or was it somewhere in between normal and animal for her? Issei didn't know… and honestly, he didn't care.

Putting his back into it, he grunts and begins to truly and properly fuck the cat bitch into his bed. Face down, ass up, with a foot on her head and Issei pistoning into her from above at a jackhammer-like pace, there's nothing for Koneko to do but take it. Squealing, shrieking, creaming herself again and again around his bitch breaker in pursuit of HIS cream, the cat girl swiftly loses all intelligence.

Not quite as bad as she was when Rias brought her before him, but she certainly loses her ability to speak, all of that cutesy kitty roleplay falling to the wayside to be replaced by ecstatic yowling and blissful shrieking as he feels her cunt orgasming along his member over and over. Finally, her tight wet pussy gets the better of him, but before Issei cums, he pulls out of her.

Whipping Koneko around by the leash he's still holding onto, Issei proceeds to cover her face and tits in his jizz, practically plastering her with his cum. As the needy, horny kitty cat finally gets her cream, it's with a wanton moan and her hands coming up to grope and squeeze at her breasts, as if she's trying to massage his cum into her flesh.

She licks his seed off of her lips and lets it drip down onto her outstretched tongue for a moment, while Issei just collapses backwards onto his bed, satiated at this point. Watching her with a lazy grin, still holding onto her leash… he decides then and there that she's not going home tonight. For tonight, his bed can be her home.

Tugging on the leash, Issei directs his cum-covered cat girl down to his cock and balls once more, and then once she's properly situated between his legs, he pulls the blanket over them both, covering up his little cock warmer so she can begin her night acting as his cock's personal sleeve.

As she begins to suck and slurp and lap at his member beneath the covers, Issei lays back and lets himself fall asleep. There's nothing much better than having a collared cat girl suck you off to sleep, he quickly discovers.


Waking up to being ridden wasn't something Issei was unused to, per say. Though he had to admit, he'd thought he'd tired Koneko out before going to bed. The way she was riding him so fast and hard right now made him wonder just how much energy the petite Rook actually had. Except… even as he's coming back to consciousness, it doesn't necessarily feel like Koneko's tight cunt wrapped around his dick. Or even her legs on either side of his waist.

Opening his eyes, Issei looks up and finds not Koneko looking back down at him… but Asia Argento. His eyes nearly bulge out of his head, once he realizes just who's on top of him. The gorgeous blonde nun is currently buck naked and riding him like there's no tomorrow. Her own eyes are wide, her pupils shrunk to pinpricks as she stares down at him, panting and gasping for breath, her face red in the moonlight currently filtering in through his window.

Glancing down the length of his leash reveals that Koneko is still nestled between his legs, but the cat girl has gone and curled up in her sleep, snoozing away none the wiser to the sex act going on mere inches from her head. He considers briefly tugging on the leash to wake her up… but in the end decides against it, ultimately letting go of the leash altogether as he looks up at Asia again.

"Asia… what the hell?"

His whispered shout causes her to flush a bit darker, but she doesn't stop riding him, her cute little breasts, bigger than Koneko's but smaller than Rias' and Akeno's, bouncing and jiggling with the rest of her body.

"I-Issei… I'm t-taking what I want!"

What?! Okay, admittedly he'd… not forgotten about Asia, but set her aside. It wasn't like he'd been ignoring her since she arrived in the city and started staying in his home. Not only would that be patently ridiculous, but it would also be insanely irresponsible. What, take her in, offer her the guest bedroom, and then just completely forget about her for this entire time?

No, no he hadn't done that at least. He wasn't THAT much of a monster. But… they really hadn't done anything besides kiss that first time. So far, everything had been purely platonic between them. It wasn't that Issei didn't have an attraction for Asia, it was just that there were always sluttier women to fuck and claim. Asia was the nun he could always count on to be a solid rock back home.

Except now, she'd deflowered herself on his cock and was talking about 'taking what she wanted'. It was patently ridiculous; HE was the one who did the takin-mmph!

Issei's eyes widen as Asia falls forward further onto his chest, still pumping away with her hips, bouncing up and down on his cock, but now resting her forearms on his pecs and kissing him quite aggressively as she mewls into his mouth. When she pulls back, there's an obsessive, needy look in the cute blonde nun's eyes.

"I-I saw you; you know. W-With all of them… so many other w-women. A-Am I not good enough for you, I-Issei? I can be good enough, I s-swear!"

Wait, she'd what? How was that possible? How the fuck had Issei missed Asia following him around and apparently peeping on him with the girls he'd been fucking?

Heh… ehehehehe…

Beneath the frantic, frenzied nun currently kissing the shit out of him, Issei goes stiff. Ddraig. But no… he wouldn't!

Oh, but I would. I did! It was your own fault! You had a sexy little nun in your own backyard, and you chose to ignore her in favor of countless samey-samey devil trollops! When I saw her following you around, I knew she wasn't a real threat… so what harm was there in hiding her from your senses to see what she would do, hm? After all, Issei… your senses are MY senses.

… That explained it then, he supposed. How long had he and Ddraig practically been two souls melded into one? But at the end of the day, Ddraig was still the Sacred Gear within his soul. The Red Dragon Emperor was still his own entity with his own thoughts and feelings. He could still go against Issei, he just had never had reason to before.

That in and of itself was disturbing, but also not as immediately relevant as what was happening right here and right now. Asia was still riding him, and now it sounded like she was getting close to cumming around his cock. But Issei… Issei was torn on how to respond to her. He could just lay there and take his lumps, but that sounded like the worst option in all honesty. Should he just stop this here and now instead?

He could flip the script and turn the tables, dominating her in the same manner he inevitably did all his women. But at the same time, part of him felt guilty that he'd ignored Asia for so long. Maybe… maybe he should go for a gentler sort of sex? Perhaps he should introduce Asia to some tender lovemaking instead of this frenzied feverish pace she was clearly struggling to maintain for her first time ever having sex.

Fuck, there was no doubt about it, he shared at least part of the blame for letting this issue fester. None of his choices seemed like the best ones at this point as a result. So, what the hell was he going to do?