
Chapter 89

My whole body tightened. The devil... The devil was here? This guy?

He held out his hand, the leather on his jacket creaking. "Luc Morningstar."

I forced myself to blink, to think, and a slow burn started in my gut. The devil was no friend of mine, no matter how hot he was or how hot he made me, the fucker. "I donated all the money you sent me to cancer research."

His sapphire eyes widened, giving them a multi-tonal appearance when they caught the moonlight behind him. "That's really noble of you."

I cut him into shiny pieces with my glare. "Don't patronize me."

He took back his hand when I didn't shake it. "I just want to come inside."

"Yeah, I'll bet you do," I said. "If I say no, will you have a demon drag me away against my will, or are you just going to club me over the head to make me marry you?"