
The Skillful Lockhart

A college student thrown into the body of Gilderoy Lockhart at the start of the second book. Fortunately, the new Lockhart is given an ability that will allow him to survive the chaos that is about to befall Hogwarts. ---------------------------------- I own nothing, nor do I take credit for it. There is no promise for regular updates. I'll do my best to put up chapters, but life has a way of interfering with my writing.

LargeFarva · Livros e literatura
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18 Chs

Ch. 9

Standing in the seventh-floor corridor again, I examine the thick stack of parchments in my hand. A sigh of relief escapes me as I comb through a few of the pages. Confirming the pages are filled and correct, a grin spreads across my face at having gained a detailed lesson plan for all seven years. It only took a few minutes!

In addition to gaining a lesson plan, I learned several things about the Room of Requirement. Judging by the amount of detail contained in the lesson plan, it was either created by a supremely dedicated professor, or the Room created it for me. Since it aligns fairly well with what Madam Marchbanks advised me on, I'm inclined to believe the Room made it specifically for me.

The second thing I learned from the room, it can not change into a different room while I'm still in it. When I first entered the room, it was small and completely empty minus the lesson plan sitting on a marble pedestal. After several attempts to have the Room change into something more comfortable to read in, I was forced to grab the pile of parchment and step out of the Room.

This led to a third discovery. The moment I stepped through the doorway, my newly acquired lesson plans disappeared into thin air. Luckily, I was able to use the Doubling Charm to make a copy that is able to survive outside of the magical boundaries of the Room of Requirements. I have no idea how that works, and to be honest, I think it best if I just politely smile and give my thanks.

Looking back at the blank area of the wall where a door was just a moment ago, I begin to focus on my original plan before coming to Hogwarts. With my new destination firmly in mind, I begin to pace. As the arched door reappeared, I nearly skip across the hall towards it.

Flinging the door open, I draw up short at the sight hidden within. I step into a cavernous two-story room with an absolutely ridiculous amount of... stuff! The Room of Hidden Things lives up to its name.

All manner of different types of furniture is scattered about in no specific order. Tall piles of books rest beside bookcases filled with odds-and-ins. Trunks, statues, trophies, cages, and so many more miscellaneous items are scattered about in all directions.

Ignoring the lack of organization, I step over to several school trunks and begin rooting through them. On the third trunk, I find what I was looking for, a mokeskin pouch. A look inside the aged pouch confirms the expansion enchantment has worn off.

Half a dozen quick spells and I watch as my lesson plans completely disappear into a pouch half the size of a parchment page. From 'my' experience of magical luggage, I'm sure I could duplicate Newt Scamander's habitat suitcase. I have no desire to walk around with a magical zoo, but I could if I wanted to.

I place my new pouch on the inside of my vest, and I return to searching for lost treasure. Less than half an hour later, my previous statement became true. While looking over a pile of books, I spot a literal treasure trove.

Surrounding one of the many columns inside the room is a small group of trunks that appear to be treasure chests. Three opened trunks are filled with coins, mostly Sickles and Knuts, but there are several Galleons mixed into the piles. A fourth trunk is nearly overflowing with precious stones and jewelry.

Gilderoy Lockhart may have a net worth of roughly six-hundred thousand Galleons, I have less than two-hundred thousand in my vault. So, I see no point in leaving chests filled with money and gems when I can put it to use. I can work on my enchanting with some of the jewelry, and money is money. A few waves of my wand and I merrily watch the trunks of valuables flow into my outstretched pouch.

Securing my pouch inside my vest again, I return to my little scavenger hunt. On occasion, I spot something that I could use to decorate my classroom. A ten-foot tall stuffed mountain troll and skeletons of various creatures are sent flying towards the entrance door. It's one thing to read about something, but seeing it, or its remains, will shed new light on what you previously imagined.

I have zero plans to stay beyond this school year, but that doesn't mean I can't use the time here to cement my perceived greatness. Plus, after this school year is over, the vast majority of my future knowledge will be useless. Speaking of this year...

I begin weaving between the piles of forgotten items, quickly scanning everything for my target. If my theory is correct, Voldemort used Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem to anchor the Defense Against the Dark Arts Curse. Without someone finding and removing the Diadem from Hogwarts, Dumbledore would never be able to lift the curse.

I normally wouldn't care, but I have no idea how the curse works. Does it take effect near the end of the school year? Does it latch to me the moment I begin teaching? There are too many variables, and with the curse targeting me this year, I am not taking chances.

I plan to find the Diadem, destroy it, and get it far from Hogwarts. For additional insurance, I plan to announce I will only be teaching this single year. Hopefully, the curse, if still active, will not try to help with my departure.

A surprisingly short few minutes pass before I spot my target. Sitting on the top shelf of a wardrobe is a tarnished silver tiara. Ravenclaw's Diadem is a beautifully crafted piece of silver in an elegant and timeless design. Considering the thing is a millennium-old piece of jewelry, I can't help but admire the craftsmanship.

Of course, my moment of admiration abruptly ends when a multitude of Skill Cards spring up! With large eyes, I begin reading over the floating pieces of power. There is no cause to hurry, so I don't rush to ABSORB one.

There are only two orange skill cards; Magic Comprehension and Magic Theory. My heart begins to race, thinking I can gain the comprehension of one of Hogwarts' founders, but then I spot something that confuses me. Magical Language: Parseltongue is staring back at me in a light green color.

Rowena Ravenclaw wasn't a Parseltongue. It may be possible to learn a bit of the language of serpents, but not to a level of deserving a green skill card.

These must belong to Voldemort, or more accurately, Tom Riddle! A slew of questions begin running through my head. I doubt there is a time limit on how often I can extract a card from a single person. I met Douglas twice after the book signing and wasn't able to see his skill cards again.

Is this because Voldemort's soul was split? If one of his Horcruxes are able to find a victim, then Voldemort will be reborn the same age as when that specific Horcrux was created. Does this mean my ability sees each Horcrux as a different person?

If that is true, I can gain more of Voldemort's skills. They won't be as advance as what I took from Potter's scar, Voldemort was in his mid-fifties when he attacked the Potter family. Based on when the curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts position began, Voldemort was in his late twenties when he made the Diadem Horcrux.

Still, there is a legendary Magic Theory skill card. There are also purple cards in a dozen other areas. To be honest, I'm greatly interested in the Magic Rituals Skill Card. Voldemort was able to boost his power through unknown rituals, but that card could make them known to me. Then again, the thought of looking like a noseless-wanker puts a stop to those thoughts.

Looking at my own cards, the choice is all but made for me. My own Magic Theory card has advanced since I took Voldemort's Magic Comprehension, but it is still a green Skill Card. Without further delay, I Extract the orange Magic Theory Skill Card.

Refusing to touch Voldemort's Horcrux, I levitate it and begin making my way to the exit. I grab a jewelry box off of a pile of chairs and drop the Horcrux inside. I'm not sure how it would react if placed inside my mokeskin pouch, and I would prefer not to find out.

Once I make it to the exit, I wandlessly open the door and begin levitating my various skeletal props out of the room. I follow the last skeleton out and shut the door behind me.

I give the small collection a look-over before deciding everything was present. I fully intend to return to the Room of Hidden Things and comb through the collection of books inside. There are tens of thousands of books in there. There must be a few family grimoires and even a few books with forgotten spells.

But before I get to that, I have Skill Cards to Absorb and a lesson plan to review. Before all that, I need to get my new decorations down to my classroom.

"I need a few house elves," I loudly declare to the empty hall.

A trio of short ugly creatures shifts into view before me. Out of everyone and everything I've seen since arriving in this universe, house-elves have the most resemblance to their movie counterparts. Massive floppy ears rest above bulbous eyes that appear too big for the little creature's head. Of course, you can't forget the dingy pillowcase clothing.

"Professor Lockyhart called," an elderly house-elf asked. I assume he is elderly; he has more wrinkles than the other two.

"Yes," I respond kindly. "Could the three of you take these things down to my classroom, Classroom 3C?" I ask as I scan over each of the miniature servants.

With ear-flopping shakes of their heads, the small creatures hoped to the nearest item and faded from view. Alone in the corridor again, I let my smile drop before turning towards the stairwell.

I wasn't able to see a single Skill Card on any of the house-elves. Guess my ability is limited to full and partial humans... Maybe. I'll test it later. For now, I need to find a hiding place for Ravenclaw's Diadem and prepare for my first day of classes.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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