
The Skillful Lockhart

A college student thrown into the body of Gilderoy Lockhart at the start of the second book. Fortunately, the new Lockhart is given an ability that will allow him to survive the chaos that is about to befall Hogwarts. ---------------------------------- I own nothing, nor do I take credit for it. There is no promise for regular updates. I'll do my best to put up chapters, but life has a way of interfering with my writing.

LargeFarva · Livros e literatura
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18 Chs

Ch. 5

As I finished waving off my last fan, I only gave Douglas a courtesy wave before Apparating on the spot. I was utterly drained after three hours of playing the grateful celebrity. I'm sure Mr. Flourish can forgive me for my faux pas of Apparating in the middle of his store.

Hell, even if he can't, I doubt he will voice a word about it. The man made rather reserved complaints to Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley as the two grown wizards knocked over a bookshelf in their little tussle. Of course, the small bag Lucius tossed the shop-owner may have had something to do with that.

Too bad the fight didn't take place close enough for me to EXTRACT a skill card from the senior Malfoy. Or the gigantic form that could only be Rubeus Hagrid.

Disregarding my missed opportunity, I look at the oddly familiar setting of my flat. I sluggishly move into my kitchen to scrounge up something to eat. Skipping breakfast and lunch is really taking a toll on my ability to think straight. Which is something I will need to do if I wish to figure out my new talent.

Throwing together a few thick slices of meat and cheese, I take a seat at my table as I start reviewing all the Skill Cards I acquired today. With well over a hundred cards, there are three or four of nearly every magic-related skill, all of which are some shade of blue.

Regardless of all of those cards, the crowning jewel of today's adventure is the orange-colored Magic Comprehension I gained from the scar on Harry Potter's head!

After a day at being able to see everyone's skill in magic, I'm convinced Magic Comprehension is the key to being a great wizard. I'm not expecting to learn any spells from Voldemort's skill card, but it should give me a better understanding of the spells I do know and allow me to learn new spells quickly.

At least, that's my hope. But, there's only one way to find out!

Without further delay, I ABSORB the Magic Comprehension card. As the orange skill card disappeared into my palm, I was expecting another wave of pain or energy or something. But I didn't feel anything, nothing at all. I don't feel any different!

Drawing my wand, I look at the chair across from me. As I point my wand to cast the Engorgio Charm, I suddenly stop. The growing charm is a straightforward spell taught to second-years at Hogwarts... But now that I look at it...

The best way I can describe it; is as if I was using my hands to see, but now I'm using my eyes! This little piece of magic is quite basic yet has so much potential.

Placing my wand on the table, I point my finger at the chair and focus on my desire. The high-backed dining chair unexpectedly triples in size!

There was no flash from my finger or fancy wand waving. My magic reacted exactly as I wished, and my desire became reality!

Granted, this isn't an advanced spell, but wandless magic isn't something I could have done five minutes ago. But now? Now, the method to wandlessly cast the growing charm just popped into my head!

Jumping up from my chair, I being to excitedly move around my flat. I scan my memory for basic spells, and with just a bit of thinking about it, I can cast it without the aid of a wand!

I make it all the way to fourth-year spells before I begin to have trouble casting them without my wand. I can cast Accio without a wand, making me feel like a badass, but I couldn't get Protego to work. I don't feel bad about not being able to cast the Shield Charm without a wand since Grindelwald always used his wand to cast the spell. But it's still a spell I want to master.

Finally running to an end of my wandless experiments, I curiously glance at my Magic Charms Skill Card. After staring at the card for a moment, I'm positive it's a darker shade of blue than it was when I first extracted it from Douglas.

Magic Comprehension is so overpowered!

Once I settle down, I go back to looking at the cards I picked up at the book signing. While trying to decide which card to absorb next, I notice a new word on one of my extra Magic Charms skill cards. 'Combine'!

Without hesitation, I hit the 'Combine' button and watch as another Magic Charms skill card disappears into my palm. There is a tingling in my scalp and down my back, but no pain or nosebleed. I guess there wasn't a large gap between what I already had and what I just combined with my current skill.

Checking my Charms card, I confirm it is now a noticeable shade darker. It's still blue, but I feel like it's advanced. I can take a skill card from multiple people and combine their knowledge and experience to advance my own. A predatory smile stretches across my face.

"Oh... I'm gonna abuse the shit out of this," I gleefully say aloud as I begin making plans to visit every magical building and shop I can think of.

My plans for abusing my new ability come to a halt as I take note of the green Sexual Intercourse skill card floating around my hand. I reach into my vest pocket and remove the folded piece of parchment from the sultry witch.

A sparkle begins to form in my eye, as I recognize the few written words as a pass-phrase for the Floo Network. I take a glance at my fireplace before making my way over to it.

"Well," I state to myself as I begin to adjust my clothes, "There is no rush to make plans this very second." A smirk makes its way across my lips as I reach for a pinch of Floo powder and hit ABSORB on the promiscuous card.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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