
The Sith in Star Trek

An unknown Sith from Star Wars Legends has appeared in the Star Trek Galaxy! Follow in the journey of Darth Diederick to see if the Dark side of the force can compete in Starfleet. Book cover pictures: https_www_deviantart_com_dashinvaine_art_borg-30587336 httpswww.deviantart.comsashajoeart1704-Sith-658954022 httpswww.deviantart.comtotmoartsstudio2artTOXA-VANSCHIVER-for-vanschiver-272367605

ITGuy91 · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 5 - Through Power I gain Victory

After a few minutes the shuttle came out of warp. "Is your force telling you anything?" Chakotay asked.

"Are there any planets nearby?" Diederick ignored him and asked.

"There's one M class planet nearby. Do you think whatever threw us out of warp came from there?"

"Not likely, but not impossible. I'm pretty sure that it was the force getting our attention and getting us to come here, it can be quite subtle if the mood takes it..." Diederick said wistfully.

Chakotay raised his eyebrow in confusion but decided not to ask any more questions on the subject and plotted the shuttle to the planet.

Once in orbit they started scanning the planet. "Pre-warp civilisation, I can't go down there without a good reason Darth." Chakotay stated looking up from the console at him.

"That's OK, put me a few clicks from these coordinates, I'll manage from there. I'll contact you in a few hours to beam me back up." The Sith replied smiling. Chakotay looked at him for a few seconds and sighed "OK. Take this communicator and contact me when you've finished doing whatever it is."

<planet side>

"First planet I've consented to be on since coming to this weird galaxy." Diederick thought out loud. Feeling out with the force he found which direction he needed to go and started sprinting towards it. Chakotay was horrified to see the speed Diederick was running at, tracking him from the shuttle in orbit.

After a while Diederick found himself coming towards a town. Slowing down momentarily he pushed the force to his legs and feet then jumped 50 metres, so he was then on top of the high-rise buildings. He then picked his speed back up, hopping between buildings.

Whatever was calling out with the force was getting closer. Diederick felt it was almost palpable. Then, it was gone. like a light that had been turned off. Diederick stopped abruptly, turning back he felt it again but this time it was just a whisper. Looking down from the rooftop he saw something that made him take pause. Sighing, he jumped off the building and into the alley way. Landing, he walked over to a bloodied body lying on the floor and upon closer inspection it turned out to be a young woman, looking up at the looming figure over her. They stayed like that for a few moments, just looking at one and other.

"You look like shit..." Diederick calmly stated, not really knowing how to start this kind of conversation.

The woman stared at him, there was a cold aloofness to them almost like her mind had shut down and was just waiting for death to come.

"Are you the Reaper?" She asked, her voice was horse and weak but with a little hope in the background. They continued to stare at each other for another short period of time.

"I could be." The Sith stated coolly "Are you willing to leave this place and never return?" he asked.

"Please. Just make it all stop" she whispered "I can't cope. What they did to me, these voices I keep hearing in my head, just make it all stoooppp" she begged, her aloofness cracking the more she spoke.

"OK. You shall come with me." Diederick replied calmly and waved his hand over the girl's eyes. Using the force, he put her to sleep. Looking around the alleyway he could see what looked like seven shadows of bodies that were stood in a circle around the girl. "Fuck me..." Diederick said as he examined the alleyway. He tapped the communicator Chakotay had given to him "Chakotay, two to beam back" he slowly said. After a few seconds the girl and Diederick disappeared.


"Care to explain why there's an inhabitant of this planet on my shuttle Darth?" Chakotay asked clearly confused why there was a bloodied body with the Sith as he started making his way to the emergency medical supplies.

"This girl seems to be the reason why Voyager was thrown out of warp. She's a force user like myself but it seems that it's reach is exclusive only to her on this planet. I am going to train her to control herself, she will be invaluable to me." Diederick replied "Firstly, let's get back to Voyager"

"She's like you?" Chakotay asked who was clearly perturbed by the revaluation.

"Yes, but without the training. Like I said before, the force is a very fickle thing. Used properly it is one of the most powerful things in the universe however it can lead to madness and self-destruction if improperly used and with no training these people are the most dangerous in the universe" the Sith stated calmly.

"Then we can't let her on Voyager!" Chakotay exclaimed.

"As long as I'm here your ship is in no danger Chakotay" The Sith let out a sinister grin "I am completely aware of the ramifications of her being on your ship. However, she will be an asset to me further down the line."

Chakotay frowned, he didn't like this one bit but what could he do? He would have to leave it to the Captain to decide when they got back. In the meantime, he managed to get the poor girl stable.

"We'll have to talk with the Captain when we get back." he said to the Sith who was currently looking over the new edition, clearly deep in thought. Not getting anything back after a few seconds Chakotay shook his head and went back to the navigation console and plotted the course back to Voyager.

<Space around Voyager>

The shuttle appeared behind Voyager and came to a stop. Chakotay hailed the star ship and was connected to the Captain.

"We have a VIP who needs medical assistance, please transport the Darth and his 'guest' to sickbay" Chakotay ordered. A few seconds passed, Diederick and the unconscious girl disappeared from the shuttle.


"Good evening Darth. Please state the nature of the medical emergency." Doc appeared in sickbay moments after he was transported.

"From the looks of it doc, she's been beaten to a pulp in an attempt on her life. I've put her to sleep so her mind can rest." Diederick reported and let the EMH do its thing. In the meantime, he waited at the back of the room with his arms crossed and brows furrowed, his eyes never leaving the girl. Ten minutes later Janeway and Chakotay arrived at sickbay to visit their new guest.

"What's her situation Doctor?" Janeway asked taken aback by what she saw.

"Broken eye sockets, arms, legs and sternum Captain. It's a good thing Diederick was there or else she would have died. Unless she's like our friend over there " Doc reported back.

This caused Janeway to now turn to Diederick who was still watching the girl lay motionlessly on the bed. "Chakotay says that this girl was the reason why we were forced out of warp. How could she do that when she was being beaten to death?" she asked.

"The force plays on its user's emotions, well trained users can convert this to raw power, I'm sure you've heard from Harry and Torres that my eyes turn a bloody red colour when I use my powers. That is the manifestation of rage and corruption. I use that rage to use the more, destructive, side of the force. Anyone who isn't trained to use that power is a ticking time bomb. She is particularly special because she is untrained, but her powers are so great even with the force around us being so weak." Diederick explained, eyes still trained on the girl.

"Which brings me back to my question. How?" Janeway repeated.

"She fired a force blast into the sky" the Sith stated

"What?" everyone asked

"That killed everyone who was beating her, and it was so strong and fast that the blast left the planet and hit our ship as it passed by going at warp." Diederick explained "I'm going to train her so she can use her powers and not kill herself in the process".

The room was deathly quiet. No one could believe it. No one wanted to believe there were others out there like their aggressive guest.

"So, you intend to train her on my ship?" Janeway asked disbelieving

"Only until I find my own ship." the Sith stated.

"Can you ensure that she's not going to blast a hole in my ship?"

"Yes, I can." he stated confidently.

"OK then. She is solely your responsibility; we don't have the means to look after her properly but if you're confident you can keep her and everyone safe. Then I will have to just trust you Darth." Janeway stated, emphasising that later part.

Diederick smiled and didn't say anything else. The Captain and commander left not long after that. Doc finished the surgery to fix the poor, broken girl. Soon it was just Diederick and the girl alone in sickbay. Unfolding his arms, he drew closer to the girl. The girl couldn't be much older than 18, had raven hair that was cut to easy to maintain Bob, was a petite build that would just make it to the height of his shoulders. She was beautiful underneath the bruises but what held his attention was on the raw power that kept radiating from her, every time it spiked his power would also flair up and quickly subdue it. A few more hours passed; the girl slowly opened her eyes to reveal amber irises; force corruption. "You still look like shit." Diederick spoke after a few minutes of looking at each other again.

"Fuck you." she hoarsely said. Diederick smiled and passed her a glass of water.

"How are the voices now?" he asked

"Thank you... they're quieter. My body hurts though. Why did you help me?" she took a sip of water and asked.

"Your powers hit my temporary home whilst we were travelling at 343 times the speed of light." Diederick told her honestly.

"What? You're an alien?" she was stupefied

"Ha ha, we're a lot similar than you realise" the Sith teased "You have the same powers as me. Though unlike you, I'm proficient in using them."

"You have Schizophrenia too?" she asked. This time it was Diederick's turn to be floored.

"We do not have Schizophrenia..." he said exasperated "We can access a universal power called the force. The voices are the force willing us to do something for it. What you need to do is train to bend the force to your will." He said with a smirk.

"And who's going to teach me? you?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"People would kill their own mother and grandmother to have the opportunity to be under my tutelage." He said arrogantly

"Sure they would..." the young girl sarcastically said and winced in pain when she laughed.

"What is your name?" Diederick asked solemnly

"It's Petra. What's yours Mr Reaper?"

"My title is Darth Diederick. I may tell you my name, if you live long enough." he chuckled "For now Petra, rest. Well speak more when you wake and start to recover." As he said that he waved his hand again and she fell asleep. Diederick then sat on the seat next to the bed he noticed that her force powers had calmed down significantly and was now resting peacefully. Sighing he closed his eyes and got some rest too.