
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 40

"Captain Crowe, here we come, let go of Zangosang!! Are you the enemy?! Just as Chloe turned and prepared to enter the room.

Bugsham of the Catman Brothers came with the remaining pirates to kill.

Seeing Chloe and the others, they had not yet been reminded, and subconsciously called out Chloe's name.

And Reka also recognized, the most handsome man in the whole field, and holding the high pirate captives.

"This bunch of idiots." Chloe was in a bad situation, and suddenly a group of free men came and called out their names, no less than piercing the last layer of identity veil that shrouded him.

It seems that only all can be killed! What a shame!

Chloe stepped back into the villa warily and went to get his weapon.

He also thought about escaping, but three years of hard work, once in vain, proud of him, it was difficult to accept.

And if handled properly, it can be regarded as a pirate attack.

"Captain?" Merry and Koya looked at Chloe who had entered the villa.

Merry vigilantly guarded Koya's door, apparently suspicious of Chloe and would not let him rush to Miss Koya again.

But Ya is a little difficult to accept, the person who has been taking care of herself may be the pirate captain.

So what is he trying to hide here? What is there to be worthy of the pirate's plot?

Family property?!

Koya's heart, suddenly much cooler, could not accept such a reality.

If it was a captured pirate saying something like that, as Chloe said, it would not be very credible.

But a group of free men, even those who seem to have a vendetta against Reka, think of Krabatelle as Chloe, and the credibility is high.

"Boy, let go of the tall man, we cat people brothers can still give you a hard time!" Otherwise, the people present, not one stays! Sam and the others galloped, brandishing weapons to kill, fierce.

It was Sam who spoke.

"They're leaving you to practice your hands." Reika had no interest in bullying them, he had better prey.

"I believe in you." Sauron stepped out and stopped in front of the catman brothers and other pirates.

Although Reka's personality is crazy, Sauron is willing to believe Reka and feels that he is right to do so.

"I I… You can't back down! Usopp said in a trembling voice.

In any case, the group in front of them clashed with Krabatel and the others, and had something to do with him.

And now that a whole group of pirates had struck, he couldn't sit idly by, let alone let them break through the villa.

He pulled up his slingshot and aimed at the rushing pirates, each of whom seemed fierce to Usopp's eyes.

Those were evildoers who had killed people, and Usopp had no such experience in battle.

It's just that now he can't back down.

He could have lied, he could have run away, he could have bragged, but now he had to fight.

"Must kill, Pepper Star!!" Usopura raised his slingshot and fired the Pepper Star into the mouths of several pirates who ran in the forefront!

"Ah, spicy…" The super strong chili intensity made the few pirates who were shot hot and rolled on the ground in pain!

"Since you're a pirate, you're welcome." Luffy squeezed his fist.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, Recasan is a very good person!

Since the other side wants the pirates who want their lives, let's fight first.

If you have any questions, ask them again after playing.

"It's none of my business." Nami hurriedly hid behind a large tree.

Fighting so many pirates head-on, a few lives are not enough.

Both were pirate villains with bounties of more than 7 million baileys.

There is also a bounty of Captain Crowe of 16 million, so many people who have been bountyed over five million.

Moreover, the reputation of the Black Cat Pirate Regiment is not small in the East China Sea, and Nami does not intend to have anything to do with them.

The three little ones were holding wooden swords, and although they were frightened, their legs were shaking, but they did not flinch, and the bold ones had nothing to say.

"Tiger Hunting!!" Sauron is eyeing one of the Catman brothers, and Luffy is also eyeing one!

"Rubber pistol!!"

Fluffy!! The ordinary pirates along the way were bombarded by the two Sauron Luffy!

But the Catman Brothers blocked the attack of the two!

Seven million Bailey pirates, the strength is still there, with ordinary attacks, want to put it down in one move, it is not so easy!

"Blocked?" Sauron confronts the fat cat Buzhi, the fat cat is infinitely powerful, after dodging Sauron's one-hit slash! Jump high and unleash the "Cat's Trampling!" ".

After landing on the ground, the ground all crumbled and shattered, which was extremely powerful!

Even Sauron had to take it seriously!

In this sea, there are many strong hands, and underestimating any opponent is not responsible for their own lives.

Sam, on the other hand, did the opposite, and when he rushed to Luffy, he suddenly pretended to be ill and fell: "My old wound has recurred, this is the end!" "

"Hey, you're all right!" Luffy was so deceitful that he foolishly stepped forward, leaving a sharp wound on his arm by Sam, who suddenly burst out.

Their hands are like cat's claws, unusually sharp and can leave deep marks on stones.

In this superhuman flying world, there is no real skill, and it is not so easy to become a bounty criminal.

"It's so despicable that you lied to me." Luffy said breathlessly.

"This is a tactic, and you dare to destroy our ships, sabotage our plans, and pay for your lives." Sam grinned sinisterly and licked the cat's claw weapon in his hand.

You can see Chloe's shadow in them.

And their combat strength, if hypnotized by Zangao, can also go berserk and multiply their strength.

It's just that Zangao has long been reduced to a prisoner of the order.

"Damn, I'm going to knock you down." Luffy squeezed his fist and rushed up again.

Buzhi also confronted Sauron, and after a few consecutive moves, he felt the pressure.

"You're a pirate hunter, Loronoa Sauron!!"

"How? Ask for forgiveness? "

"How could it be!! Kill you, I will be famous in the East Sea, go and die! He frantically brandished his cat's claw and hit Sauron's knife with a clanging sound.

"Eh!! Arm outstretched!! It turned out to be a demon fruit ability person, and this legendary thing actually existed. Seeing Luffy's arm extended many times, these country pirates were amazed.

Even Zangao found it amazing.

"Let me hear your plans?" Reika looked at Zangao with a look of horror on his face and said.

"Having said that, will you keep your promise and take my life around me?"

"Lord of arrogance, do what you say… Hey, woman, you should listen well, and use this truth to exchange you for a ship, not too much. "Just asking Zamko to say the so-called truth will be the right one to deal with the slander that Chloe said.

But now no matter how silly and sweet Miss Kojana is, she should also have doubts.

Koya heard Reika's words and looked over, his look was complicated, he looked like a bad person, but if what he said was the truth, what he did was a good thing.

"What are you trying to say?"

Reika kicked Zangao, and Zango hurriedly explained Chloe's plan in its entirety: "I don't know exactly, but Chloe ship… He said that as long as we attack this village and disguise your death, he will give us a part of the property when he gets it! "

"How come!!" Koya thought about Chloe's purpose, but after being confirmed by others, a feeling of betrayal came over her.

All along, his kindness to himself, his concern for himself, and his handling of family affairs, all in order to win his trust, and then completely betray himself?

This feeling of betrayal made her feel so uncomfortable that she almost fainted!

"It's a pity, even if you know the truth, what can you do, everyone, you have to die." Chloe came out of the room with his hands on his ten-bladed cat's claws.

Since you can't cover it up anymore, there's no need to pretend, just kill them all!

"Krabatelle, why!!" Koya's tears dripped and she questioned Chloe with great anger and sadness.

"Miss Keya, knowing the answer to the question, there is no need to ask it again, I could have avoided killing so many people."

"Is this your last word?" Reika lifted her jaw, her face full of mockery and defiance.

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