
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Do You Give Nami Special Training Every Night? Close to magic valley town!!

"Next, I'm going to concentrate on drawing, you are staring at the cloud, if the cloud does not move, it means that today will be a good weather all day, if there is movement, be sure to tell me at the first time!" Do you understand? "

Nami got the paper.

I can't wait to try it out.

"Got it!"

Looking at Nami's serious look, everyone subconsciously focused on the head.

The ships sailed, but the calm did not last long.

When It was time for Reika to take a lunch break, he went to rest.

The deck soon became lively, and Luffy couldn't stay idle.

After studying what Les Reese had just dropped.

The slippery soap became a tool for Luffy's men, saying they were cleaning the deck.

As a result, I stepped on the soap and kept sliding, and soon the whole deck was foamy.

Nami's original painting was full of excitement, but the noise outside did not stop.

Angry, she came out and beat Up Luffy and a few people.

Luffy nodded on the spot and said yes.

But I didn't remember it after turning my head for a while.

Playing with it, Choba crashed into Nami's painting studio, knocked over Nami's ink, and scrapped the drawings he had just drawn!

At this point, Nami completely broke out, and with a black face, she issued a fine order to Luffy and the others who stepped into her painting room again and fined bailey a hundred thousand!

Frightened, Joba didn't dare to call Nami when he saw that the cloud had changed.

As for Luffy Sauron, they were all asleep.

Sauron was used to looking at the wind at night, and Bai's midday rest.

Luffy Usopp was purely tired of playing.

"What to do, what to do?"

Joba rushed to Nami's door alone on the deck, but Nami's words rang out again, fine Shi Li Bailey!

Too much! He couldn't afford it!

In the end, the helpless Joba could only sit on the deck and watch the sea tornado and the dark clouds getting closer and closer!

He tried to wake up Luffy and Usopp, but couldn't wake up the stars.

Until Nami felt the ship shake.

Run out to take a look, and then you know the seriousness of the matter.

"Hurry up and get up and get to work!!"

Nami woke everyone up with one punch, and if she didn't turn around, they would be swept into the tornado and killed in the sea!


Luffy woke up to see the situation, and he was stunned.

Fortunately, under the command of Nami's superb mastery.

The Golden Merry eventually had a thrilling encounter with a big storm.

"Why don't you tell me?"

Nami said wordlessly.

"Because you said, disturb you're going to be fined a hundred thousand Peles, I don't have that much money!"

Joba said pitifully.


After several days of sailing, they also encountered some interesting things during this time.

For example, they encountered The Goat Island loan sharks Chinney and now they are approaching the next island.

It was another windy and sunny day, and Robin was reading as usual, and here, it seemed, there would always be a quiet table that belonged to her!

The training room heard the voice of Luffy and the others crying wolf Hao.

After The First World War in Alabastan, Reka adjusted all of their training plans and Luffy screamed, and it was Usopp and Joba's turn.

"Reikasan, are you training Nami alone every night?"

Robin looked at Reika, who had come out of the training room alone, and asked with a little meaning.

For their relationship, and even what they did every night, Robin personally knew everything after a few days on the boat.

Recca was slightly speechless, and in recent days, Nicole Robin has always revealed her female rogue side from time to time!

And for a night or two, Reka also sensed Robin's curious use of fruit abilities to peek into their room.

Listening to Robin's words, Recca felt speechless.

But I always feel that I can't be so passive anymore.

"What, you want me to teach you a lesson?"

It's not about playing hooligans, saying who won't be the same.

Reika said, still slightly cocking her proud head.

"It's not bad, I'll find you when I have time."

Robin smiled faintly, giving Reika the feeling of punching herself in the air.

"Something in the sky fell?"

"What's wrong? It's raining? "

"No, that is, the wreckage of the ship!!"

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