
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 213

Chapter 213 Rebel Army General Offensive Plan! Arrive at Yuba! Another vanishing oasis!!

It's just that MR.2, which initiates the attack, takes the initiative at the beginning of the onslaught.

He even flew MR.1 out of the way and smashed the wall.

MR.1 frowned slightly, intending to teach MR.2 a serious lesson, although he accidentally injured his subordinates first.

But at best, he was said the most, and once he started, he would not be soft-hearted.

"Stop here, we've lost a lot of senior agents lately, and we're going to head to rain to meet bosses we've never seen before!"

MIS's hands pointed out that the hands stopped things from getting worse.

Even if MR.2 still wants to continue to settle accounts, the other cadres obviously do not approve of him and want to stop him, and he cannot achieve his goals under the obstruction of so many cadres.

Although he was helpless, he could only swallow this breath temporarily, and mentioned the B0SS of their work club, and he also wanted to see what kind of person it was.

"They should already be on their way, and I've already called the fat turtle to pick them up."

Robin is always ready to report the latest intelligence to Klockdahl, after all, from now on, they are going to close the net.

"Have you found a replacement for the hundreds of millions of elders who were completely annihilated in that Rohara?"

Klockdahl asked.

"The replacement has been configured, and the task assigned to the new billion elders has been passed on by the bibrunner!"

"As it is, I see that I have come very smoothly!"

"Kosha, we've gotten in touch with people from other cities!"

At the headquarters of the rebel army, a guard walked in and reported.

Kosha pondered, thinking about the promises that the kingdom had made to him before, thinking about the joys of her childhood with Vivi, and now all this was going to turn into a bubble.

He stood up, "It's finally time to strike!" "

"Well, but there are not enough weapons."

"But we can only give it a go, and this country will be protected by us."

In this country, the more the chaos continues, the more disasters the whole kingdom will suffer, under the condition of a lover who does not have enough weapons and resources.

Even their rebel army could not last long, and they could only fight with all their strength to win the kingdom.

Only then will they be able to see hope.

"Well, I understand."

The guard nodded and began to make arrangements.

At this moment, on a sandy field near Yuba.

Near dusk.

"Look, there's a light over there."

Vivi pointed to the occasional flash of light in front of her.

"Have you reached Yuba?"

Luffy asked.

"The wind and sand are too big, I can't see it very clearly!"

Na Nami looked over like her, but there was wind and sand all around, and the wind seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

I can't see what's in front of me.

"What is this sound?"

They heard the familiar sound of whistling, the wind and sand around them were a few points bigger, and looking at the place that loomed with the outline of the city, they felt a little wrong.

"The city looks so weird!"

Vivi had been here, just looking at the outline, she also felt completely different from before, her face changed slightly, and a bad premonition suddenly came to her mind.


"It's a sandstorm!!"

When they got a little closer, they saw the city ravaged by sandstorms, the sandstorms were not small, the wind was howling, carrying sand, flapping and sweeping everything around them, and they could see one or two trees that were still holding on to it, shaking wildly as if they would break at any moment.

"Yuba was attacked by a sandstorm!"

The sandstorm was so big that they didn't dare to rush closer for a while.

When the sandstorm disappeared, they got closer, but they were stunned.

What they saw was a city half-buried under the sand, and next to many buildings, there were high sand dunes piled up, as if the whole city had been swallowed up.

Everyone was silent for a while.

"How can this be?!"

Vivi had a hard time accepting everything in front of her.

"It's really miserable, it's different from Elmar."

Suo looked at the spoon in front of him and said.

"Isn't this an oasis, Vivi?"

Yamaji was also puzzled, so he asked Vivi, this place does not look like it can feed people, will the rebel army really be here?

"There was too much sand, causing the formation to rise and the oasis to be engulfed!"

Vivi said sadly, another oasis has disappeared, does this country really have a future? She was a little unsure!

Boom! But just then they heard the sound of a shovel hitting a rock, and then they looked around and saw an old man who was as thin as wood digging something in a deep pit.

He was also aware of their line.

His gray face, his clothes wrapped tightly around him, revealing only a face full of vicissitudes, a thin face, his shovel had dry blood stains, and his hands were also the old seedlings of the wound millers.

So much so that Vivi couldn't recognize this person for the first time.

"Are you a traveler?"

The uncle turned back and asked…

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