
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
329 Chs

Chapter 171

The axe passes through Blackbeard's chest, and even though Blackbeard is tall, the area of the axe is not small.

Once the axe was pulled out, Blackbeard was in danger, and such a wound was too big.

If there is no accident, many organs in the body have been cracked under this blow.

Ordinary people simply cannot survive!

Everyone looked at this scene and was stunned, especially the people of the Blackbeard Pirates, it was almost hard to believe: "Isn't it, Blackbeard lost!?" "

"How is this possible?! With his strength, ambition and experience, how could he possibly lose?! Badgers also had a hard time accepting such a fact for a while.

They still have dreams, and their ambitions have not been realized, how can they just die like this!!

It was hard to have a being who could accept them, and it was about to die at the hands of a new pirate.

"What are you kidding?!" Rafitte's brow furrowed, and they were at one point drawn to the future and the world depicted by Blackbeard.

But it's just the beginning, it's over!

"Damn!!" Blackbeard's face was full of reluctance, and at the moment when he was ploughed through, he also made a final counterattack.

A dark light emerged from the wound in his body, and he couldn't prevent it from slashing at Reika!

At this distance, it was impossible to dodge, and Reka's attack had just fallen, and there was no time to recover.

As a result, Reika's body was spattered with blood, and the wound was extremely deep, but after all, it was much better than Blackbeard! The body is not penetrated!

"Recasan!" But Luffy and others are still very worried, such people, dying back, absolutely can not be underestimated!

"Can you even talk?" That's all you have to do is cut off your head! Reika snorted and saw the axe embedded in Blackbeard's body pull out violently, accompanied by Blackbeard's unprecedented scream.

The wounds on Blackbeard's body could not stop gushing blood.

"Why?!" Blackbeard looked back in disbelief and asked Reka.

The ability he had embodied before was completely unrelated to darkness, so why could he appear silently in his own darkness.

It wasn't until I got close to myself that I realized that if I didn't figure this out, even if I died, I wouldn't be blind.

"Because you're so arrogant!" Reka didn't explain clearly, just said sarcastically.

The work in his hand, but not slow down, once again raised the god axe Rita, and he had to cut off his head with an axe!

Such a cunning and sinister guy must have his head cut off so that Reka can really feel at ease!

Reika is indeed the most powerful force of the Sun Magic Fire, but don't forget, before that, in order to treat Nami.

He had raised his magic all over again, though he was not good at black magic, and could even be said to be the weakest.

But if Blackbeard is in battle, he has formed his own ability to only sun magic fire.

The ability of the heart to be with him and the same source must be ignored!

After all, as far as the common sense of ordinary people is concerned, two kinds of energy that may conflict are unlikely to be mastered by one person!

For this reason, Blackbeard didn't even bother to be wary of this!

So Reka said he was arrogant and wasn't completely gibberish.

"I wrote this down!! In the near future, we will definitely see each other again, and when the time comes, our accounts will slowly !!! Blackbeard failed to get Reka's message out at this point.

This made him feel very sorry, he had thought that he was now looking like he was bound to die.

The winning Reika, must be full of spirits, and with pride, may tell how he is close to his dark realm!

Unexpectedly, he was still as calm as water, and he didn't mention it, this guy is really too difficult to deal with!

"With that said, do you think you can still live?!" Reika let out a loud roar, enveloping this wave of mountains and seas of flames and pressing down on Blackbeard!

"Give me a good memory!! The road ahead is full of despair!! The next time we meet, unless you surrender to me, you will be with hell!! Thief hahaha!! "

"Darkness, Shadow!!" Blackbeard's words fell, and the whole person suddenly exploded, turning into millions of black smoke, like a giant black firework, exploding!

"Little ones! Let's go!!! Blackbeard's voice rang out.

One of the wisps of black smoke flew towards Bajas, and before they could react, they were wrapped in this black smoke, diving into the black smoke and scattering around!

"Skyfire Meteor !!!" When Leika saw this, countless flames immediately erupted, covering a kilometer range, carrying out intensive bombardment, and ploughing the surrounding area!

However, when the sky fire storm bombardment stopped, Reka's face was slightly gloomy, and there were no corpses of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment and others everywhere!


This was the first time Reika had tried to kill someone, but hadn't been able to!

"Blackbeard!" Reika's face is not very good-looking, but he is not too depressed, now Blackbeard can't beat himself, and it is even more impossible to beat him in the future!

Now Reka's playing value has reached twenty-six percent!

And the arrogance value, although it took two thousands to refresh the medicine and upgrade the magic for Nami before.

However, recently Reika has earned a lot of arrogance points, and he has also exchanged high-level overlord color domineering spirit before.

This time, the current arrogance value must be 18,000 points!

Save a little more, and Reka can get the perfect overlord domineering spirit.

In this battle with Blackbeard, Reka learned a truth.

On this sea, the strong people of various abilities emerge in an endless stream.

It may not be surprising that at some point, it is not surprising that a person who can restrain himself appears!

The more you know something, the higher the fault tolerance rate!

After all, this time, the Dark Fruit had some restraint on itself.

Darkness shrouded in darkness, and not much solar magic was drawn.

Only with the sun in your heart can you divide the victory and defeat!

Moreover, this guy's escape method is really good and extremely cunning, even in the situation where everyone just now thinks he will die.

He was still testing himself! Wonder how you dealt him a fatal blow!

"If the Shock Fruit falls into his hands, I am afraid that it will still be very troublesome in the future, since it is an enemy, there is no reason to let his enemy go smoothly, regret being an enemy of me, and Fang Xian's arrogant demeanor!" Reka whispered to herself.

From then on, Blackbeard had his eye on them, and he had his eye on Blackbeard!

No, it should be that they are eyeing the Blackbeard Pirates!

The defeats that Luffy suffered today have given them their own opponents!

Usopp, Sanji, Luffy they will all work harder!

Because I know that this world has powerful opponents!

"I actually won! Having won that Demon Fruit, isn't he himself an ability one?! Gureva looked at the situation in the field with some confusion.

The Blackbeard Pirates fled in a group, and although Blackbeard spoke nicely, it seemed to Gureva.

That kind of injury, even if you escape, is definitely a fatal injury!

"Win!!" Luffy and the others cheered!

"It seems that he really escaped!" Reika's sight and smell spread all around, and after waiting for a long time, he didn't notice that Blackbeard had gone and returned, reika dissipated all his strength, and then his body was shaky, and he fell down at once!

"Reka!!" In a trance, Nami's voice could be heard calling out to him.

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