
The silver wolf

Meet Ashley Weston, a girl who was born into a good family from one of the second most powerful pack, “the blood moon pack” . At the age of 13 her parents were killed by the unknown. When the pack found her with her parents dead body, they thought she was the one that killed her parents because she was the only one that nothing happened to when they found the three of them. Abandoned and shunned away by her family, maltreated by the entire pack, forcing her to become the slave and omega of the entire pack, Ashley had no choice but to keep from everyone when she shifted on her 15th birthday. Struggling with life, and living in constant fear. However, all these things are about to change when she meets her mate.

Ly_123 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs



"No..... no... please stop get away from..... no... no....." I suddenly wake up from my sleep breathing heavily. i quickly turn on the light on my bed side table and check the time on the wall across the room. It says 3:00am. i tried recalling my dream but couldn't.

This was not the first time it happened. It's been going on for the past two weeks. since i clocked 18, all i know is it always terrifies me and it also felt so real and it also happens at exactly 3:00am but i end up not recalling anything at all.

I took a deep breathe, get up from my bed and went to the bathroom. i quickly splash water on my face and look down at my hands and notice that they were still shaking. i tried to steady them and look into the mirror.

I notice some changes on my body, it has become more sculpted and twine-thin. My waist now tapered compare to before and now has an olive skin complexion. my eyebrows more slender as though it was tatooed. My eyelash, longer and fuller, i now have a dainty nose, a set of dazzling angel white teeth, my hair that was once ebony-black now has strips of silver to it and my blue eyes now has a gold ring to it. my fingers are more slender and the nails slightly longer.

All these changes started exactly after my 18th birthday, ever since i've tried my possible best to hide most of the changes in me. By wearing baggy clothes, black wigs and eye contact and masking my face with heavy makeup.

Not only the changes in my body did i notice, i also notice the changes in my agility both mentally and physically. Also my hearing and sight of vision have also become sharpened that i can hear and see things from miles away.

All these changes i kept to myself, i dare not let anyone know because i know the consequences if they do.

Before these changes, i was already outcasted and hated by the whole pack, well this started on the day my parents were killed by rogues deep in the forest. when the pack found us, my parent were already dead leaving only me alive. they thought i was the cause of their death by leading them to where the rogues were. But little did they know it wasn't the rogues that killed them. i didn't tell anyone what happened that day and they never bother asking me not even my family. they all wanted someone to be blamed and i was the easiest target.

My parents were the beta of the pack, so technically i was demoted from the beta's daughter to the omega of the pack and maltreated brutally.

I was already being called a freak because they thought i had no wolf which i do but just chose to keep it also away from them. i first turned on my 15th birthday which was a very painful night for me. i had to change all by myself without the help and presence of the alpha. you might ask me why the alpha's help and presence must be needed when one is changing, well that is because he is the only one that has the power to control a newbie from going rampage and also after the change, bonds with the newbie to become an official member of the pack.

Well as you can tell, since the alpha wasn't there with me that night, i am not officially part of the pack. so no one could guess i have a wolf. one thing also, my wolf's color is silver like literally silver. it was never heard of that a silver wolf exists or existed before so i dare not tell anyone about it.

I splash water on my face once more before quickly doing my morning routines and going upstairs to the pack's kitchen to prepare meal for the whole pack. after that i cleaned the whole mansion except the rooms, i usually clean the rooms when all the pack members are down eating.

As i was finishing with my cleaning, i hear as the pack members wakes up gradually and check the time, as i noticed it was 5am, i quickly gathered my cleaning tools and dashed downstairs to the basement where my room is. i can't even call it a room. it was more like a five square meter cage built in the corner of the basement specifically for me. in it contain a single bunk bed, a bed side table, a small wardrobe and also in it was built a mini bathroom.

For the past 2 weeks, i have been avoiding any sort of confrontation with any of the pack members to reduce the chances of them noticing the changes in me.

So far so good, it been effective.

I lay on my bed listening to everyone in the mansion as they come out of their rooms one after the other. after making sure everyone is out, i quietly came out of my room masking my scent to avoid them noticing me and went to the rooms cleaning them in a blink of an eye.