
The Silver Wolf and It's Eight Marks.

The world of Luanar is ruled by Marks and Gifts. Family lines that are so old they date thousands of years and hold respect and those that are new and fresh but powerful. Both the Families and their Marks or Gifts are catagorized in different hierarchies and must be respected or looked down upon. "She has four Marks and...and four Gifts sire." The old woman whispered in a trembling voice. The man before her frowned in thought. "I see." Was the man's only response before he nodded and a swift blade cut through the frail old woman's neck. Thud. Thud. Thud. Her head bounced three time on the cold stone floor before it rolled to the dark damp corner of her cell. "I wish I could have done more...I wish ." The old woman thought, her pale cheek against the damp stones and her conscious slowly fading to black as death finally took her.

Yamara_Cruz · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

*A Nomination"

"Aurora! Aurora, over here! Tell us, how do you feel after last night's show at the Golden Feather Ball?" A male paparazzi shouted from somewhere in the pushing crowd that circled Lilith as she, her staff and her guards tried to make their way to the Gallery's main entrance. "It was wonderful. I had so much fun and I'm very thankful they invited me to preform!" Lilith loudly responded with her deep voice. This was not true, though. She hadn't had much fun the night before. As always, she'd spent hours getting ready, gone on stage for about half an hour, gone back to her dressing room to quickly eat with Sara, Miles and a few of her most trusted staff members, gone back on stage to announce some awards given to famous people along with the host, spent a few hours walking around with Sara, to "socialize" with celebrities and political figures, and ended the night running to her limo along with some of her staff members and guards as they were ambushed by fans and paparazzi.

"Aurora, how do you feel being nominate to this year's Crystal Bell's Music Award?" a female paparazzi shouted over the rest. Lilith stopped in her tracks, absolutely shocked causing the rest of her group and guards to stop around her. She stared around silently at the flashing camaras, at her staff and at the faces of the paparazzi while processing their last question. "I was nominated?" Lilith asked, her voice cracking a bit. "Yes you were. It was announced last night. Were you not aware of this?" The same female paparazzi asked as the rest stayed quiet anticipating her reaction. "I was not. I was so busy that by the time I got home all I did was pass out." Lilith responded as she tried to composed herself looking over confused at Sara who stood beside her. Sara smiled and nodded before Lilith laughed excited and hugged her, they both jumped in excitement still hugging and everyone around them cheered and clapped. "I was nominated! I was nominated! Isn't that wonderful?" Lilith asked the crowd of fans and paparazzi excited to which many answered her with yes and congratulations. "Oh my, I think I could just pass out from happiness right now. Thank you so much everyone! Thank you all so much! Now, we really must move on or we're going to be late and we don't want this nominee to be late, do we?" Lilith asked the crowd happily and they all laughed before opening way for her and her staff to finally pass.

Lilith and Sara walked into a large office on the last floor of the Gallery. It's dark wooden floors shone flawlessly with the bright sunlight that streamed through the massive tinted floor to ceiling windows that lined one wall. Neatly arranged expensive dark wooden bookshelves lined the walls on either side of them. A large wooden desk with neatly arranged decorations and papers stood before the large windows, two white leather bound chairs in front and a heavy white leather chair behind it. A set of white couches and a light brown love seat sat around a glass coffee table to their left while a few white chairs with light brown cushions sat to their right. Beautiful vibrant green plants adorned bookshelves and tabletops while delicate paintings hung on the walls around them, stood on tabletops or lined bookshelves.

"Miss Sara, Miss Aurora please come in!" A tall pale woman with short blond hair said as she walked towards them from beside the large wooden desk. Her black needle point heels clicked on the wooden floor as she walked towards them, seeming to demand their attention while her white suit with her black dress shirt underneath made her look more like a decoration rather then an actual staff member. "Mr. Rosethorne will be with you shortly. He just went to get some things ready for your meeting." The blond woman said with a polite smile. "Really Miss Christina, Keith went to get some things for the meeting? As his secretary, isn't that supposed to be your job? Aren't you supposed to get those things for him? Or at least look for someone to get those things for him?" Sara asked with a scoff and Lilith noticed the other woman's lips form into a thin line as she stared angerily at Sara. "That's Mr. Rosethorne, Sara, and no. If he especifically asked for me to stay here to receive Miss Aurora while he ran to get some things, then that is my job." Christina responded with an even tone while her eyes shone with dislike. "That's Miss Sara for you, and you can leave now." Sara answered dismissively as she walked towards the white couches and sat down, her back towards Christina. "I don't work for you Sara, so I won't be leaving until Mr. Rosethorne tells me otherwise." Christina answered, her eyes drilling holes in Sara's back. Lilith sighed tiredly and the secretary suddenly looked back at her with worry. "I'm sorry Miss Aurora, please sit down. Would you like something to drink? May I offer you a refreshment or would you like to eat?

"A coffee would be great, thank you." Lilith answered and Christina nodded before walking out in a hurried pace, her heels clicking on the wooden floor as she walked away. Lilith walked slowly towards the couch where Sara sat and tiredly sunk in next to her. "Want to tell me what that was or should I just act like nothing happened?" Lilith asked Sara as she stared at the giant tv that hung on the wall in front of them. The news were replaying the interview she had just had twenty minutes before. "I still don't understand how you look so good even when ninety percent of you is covered with layers of dark clothes and accessories." Sara said while they kept watching the interview. "Yes, Robert, everyone here can agree that we were all amazed that we could be here on such an important occasion. It's not every day that one gets to celebrate a moment like this with someone as beautiful and talented as Aurora!" A woman said in an excited tone as she wiped tears from her eyes. Lilith looked closely at the female reporter and realized that the woman was the one who had told her about her nomination. "Looks like you gave someone a boost in their career. I bet everyone is going to want to book her now." Sara said in an annoyed tone and sat back into the cushions. "Christina and I go way back. We used to work together and I can even say we were somewhat friends until some crap happened. After that we can't even see each other without wanting to throw hands." Sara said and Lilith nodded without asking anymore questions.

Thirty minutes passed before Keith finally walked in with about seventeen executives from the gallery. They all greeted them happily, each handing her a gift box, a gift bag, a large colorful basket or a bouquet of flowers. "Thank you so much, but what is this all for?" Lilith asked as she smiled and looked at Keith. The executives smiled and started to take a seat in the available chairs or stood against the walls while Keith walked towards her. "Well, Miss Aurora, as you know, you were nominated for a very prestigious award and it was just announced last night. We would have liked to give you the good news today as a surprise, but it seems that a woman from the press beat us to it. That however, didn't stop us from wanting to surprise you though and to congratulate you for the well deserved nomination to the Crystal Bell's Music Award." Keith said with tearful eyes and a large smile. Lilith smiled with trembling lips as she held back tears and walked towards her brother before he hugged her and they both began to cry.

Lilith sat in her high chair as Miles worked rapidly, brushing eyeshadow into the crease of her eyes and smoothing highlighter over her cheekbones. He was strangely quiet as he worked and this put Lilith a bit on edge. One of two of Miles trusted assistants brushed away at her bright pink, lilic and teal wig while the other pinned her dark ebony hair up in a braid while humming to the beat of a song that played in the background. "Miles? Is everything ok?" Lilith asked quietly and Miles tensed up before awkwardly looking at his assistants and then back at her. "Oh yes honey. Everything is fine, why?" Miles asked as he hurried to finish her makeup. "You seem worried. If there's anything wrong you know you can talk to me, right?" Lilith asked Miles but he only gave her a small smile before stepping back so his assistants could carefully placed the wig on her head and style it. "There's nothing wrong babe. I just have a lot on my mind." Miles said absently as he helped his assistants with the waist length wig and the decorations they hung on it. It wasn't long before Miles and his staff finished up with her makeup and wig, they helped her slip into her royal blue and white gown and it's matching royal blue and white bowed heels, gave her a hug and genuinely congratulated her before walking out as Sara, dressed in a tight silver sequenced black dress with matching black heels and accessories, walked in. Sara and Miles gave each other a strange glance as they passed each other at the door and then Miles closed the door behind himself, leaving Sara and Lilith alone.