
The Silver Primordial

You know the deal, guy reincarnated with a bunch of wishes but however, he has an insane amount of it. World: Tensura Warning: Bad Grammar. Warning: Nothing in this fanfic belongs to me except for the story I guess.

RealHybrid · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2

I regained my vision and assessed the surroundings. It was a world of full darkness, but strangely enough, things could be seen clearly. The place was dark, so dark in fact that a normal human wouldn't be able to see here even with magic.

However, I was now an actual primordial. Not wanting to waste any time while barely containing my excitement I started to create some overpowered abilities.

[ Sunshine ]

[ Flash ]

[ Ocean ]

[ Tornado ]

[ Nullify ]

[ Perfect Vision ]

[ Weakness Nullification ]

[ Absolute Counter ]

[ Multiplier ]

[ Infinite Regeneration]

[ Soul Regeneration]

[ Magic Sealing ]

[ Disaster ]

[ Creation ]

[ Gift Maker ]

[ Curse Maker ]

[ Memory Make]

A lot of abilities I created are from the Seven Deadly Sins world because I used to watch that and found the abilities cool.

Now that I created Perfect Vision, I could see no matter what. I looked around me and saw dying trees and the ground was pitch black. There seemed to be some water up ahead however it was green.

Before I could assess the surroundings more, I realized the amount of magic there was in this place. So this is actually the Underworld huh, not what I expected though. Where is the usual fire you see in movies and stuff?

Wait, was the underworld created so long ago before the Primordials existed? I walked towards the water in the next moment to see how I look.

And I wasn't disappointed at all, I looked exactly like Muzaka except my hair had a slight shimmer to it. My appearance is a black leather outfit with my chest exposed revealing my wound.

Demons are an existence like spirits or angels. An existence that received power from the spirit of Darkness and specialized in the demonic attribute.

Similarly, the Angel specialized in the holy attribute of the spirit of Light

However, my existence is an anomaly as the first demon in existence.

I wanted to explore the Underworld a bit more so a lot of time went into that. After exploring by using Flash from Ludociel, I realized that the Underworld may be endless.


A couple of centuries passed by pretty quickly for a demon and in that time my existence was noticed by the Great Spirit Of Darkness. However, instead of fighting me like I was expecting, he just talked to me instead.

He told me his stories as well about how he fights the Spirit Of Light every five hundred years but no one comes out a victor.

My existence was still interesting to him and for some reason, he explained everything to me.

( I know the Grand Spirits don't have an actual ego so put your hands off the keyboard.)

Originally before everything exist, there is only Veldanava in nothingness so he created the "Grand Spirit of Light" and "Grand of Spirit of Darkness" where light and darkness started to exist. These 2 Grand Spirit have an Offspring, it's the "Grand Spirit of Time" which the time start revolving and everything starts to move. Next were created, the "Grand Spirit of Fire, Wind, Water, Space, and Earth" and it completes the creation of the world.

Ramiris was chosen to be the administrator of the world being only second to Veldanava in authority.

She has the duty to keep the balance of this world. However, now that I'm here, I will bring about only destruction.

I'm no good guy or bad guy, like they say, some people just want to watch the world burn.


A couple more centuries passed and the Grand Spirit of Darkness created them during that time. The Red Primordial Rouge was the first one to appear. Not long after, the second one followed being Noir Primordial Black. The third one was Primordial White. The next ones were Vert Primordial Green and Blue Primordial Bleu.

After them followed Violet and Jaune. Lesser demons then started to appear and if they reached a certain point in strength or evolution, they would receive a color of one of the primordial depending on their personality.

A lot of the demons were prideful so they mostly evolved into the color Red. Because I was an official primordial through my wish, the lesser demons could evolve and gain my color.

Unfortunately, only a few selected five have the somewhat same personality as I have and just crave destruction.

Rouge began to get more and more prideful after defeating everyone with ease even though they were only greater demons. However, when he heard the demons he was fighting at some time say that he wasn't the strongest and that the Silver Primordial was stronger, he became agitated.

Guy had to think of the possibilities that I am stronger than him after all I was born way before he was.

However, his pride took the best of him and he searched the Underworld to find me. He eventually found me in my territory since most Demons do have their own territories if they are strong enough while we the Primordials all have one while the demons who gained our color mostly reside in the territory of its color.

One other thing I found out when Guy was first created, was that lesser demons are just presences that you would feel by their energy but later on when they evolve and gain a color, it just looked like a body made out of energy with the energy being the color of the demon.

I apparently also just looked like a giant silver energy to others.

Guy came into my territory and started walking towards me, who was in the middle on my throne or what you would call it.

He arrived at my throne and stopped five meters away from me. My demons wanted to test their strength on him since we found out the demons of my lineage are the strongest out of the colors as well.

" So you must be Primordial Silver"

" And you must be too prideful, to come here and challenge me. Even though we Primordials are indestructible, you do know what happens when I destroy your heart or core right?" I asked knowing that he is aware.

" Of course, I would be a servant to the one who destroyed it. However, you're facing me, the Primordial Red, you will become my servant if I destroy your core. Then, I might change into a woman and make love with you"

" Disgusting. Even if you have no gender, that is still profoundly disgusting to even think about."

" Youll enjoy it after I obliterate you that is"

" Napalm Burst" Guy muttered with his palm facing towards me and in the next second, a heat explosion-type magic creates infernal flames which swell into the shape of a dragon and is headed towards me.

I smiled lightly and when the flaming dragon was right in front of me, I waved my right hand horizontally at the air and muttered " Absolute Counter". I removed the weakness of having to need an object that's in the shape of a stick.

The flaming dragon that was headed towards me now turned around instantly with many times more power than the original.

At first, Rouge was going to show his endurance by taking the hit head-on, but his instincts warned him of the danger of that attack and he barely evaded causing his spiritual body's shoulder to burn ever so slightly.

' What the hell was that attack?' Guy thought in his head.

Guy assessing the movements from me dashed towards me with his skill thought acceleration at full throttle.

He was preparing to hit me from the side with a straight left hook. However, I still was a Primordial even without my abilities so I saw this attack easily.

I again waved my right hand at the air horizontally and muttered " Absolute Counter".

In the next second Guy got hit back with multiple times the force he used making his spiritual body crack.

' What, but I'm insanely durable. I felt like I got hit back with three, four no five times the amount of strength I used, what the hell is that ability.' Guy thought using his fast processing abilities.

" I suggest you give up Rouge," I said trying to make him leave.

After all, he is necessary for a lot of things such as fighting Milim, fighting Veldanava, oh right, I'm going to fight Veldanava as well after Rouge so the world will know that I'm stronger than any True Dragon.

The demons in my territory were grinning after seeing me completely overpower Rouge. After all, demons admired the strong, and Rouge being one of the strongest Primordials and still being absolutely beat down was godly in their eyes.

" I now understand your ability. You can throw your opponent's attacks back at them with multiple times the force right?" Rouge asked.

" Who knows? Maybe I can maybe I can't " I replied with a carefree smile.

Although Rouge wanted to fight exciting battles, he didn't want it to be a one-sided fight especially with him on the losing end.

But in the end, it doesn't even-I mean in the end, he put up some more futile attempts at me while I just countered all of it.

I then pulled an Escanor and fired a Cruel Sun at him, that blasted him miles upon miles away since he didn't want to admit defeat.

Most of the Underworld later caught news of Rouge's defeat because of my demons that were bragging to everywhere they wreaked havoc.

Two of the Primordials that caught news of this that there has been an official strongest primordial wanted to fight me to prove their stronger.

These were Vert, and Bleu.

( A/N: This is a taste of the story because I won't be releasing in a while since I'm extremely busy. Btw, the mc is pretty homophobic since I use a fantasy character personality generator for my mcs.)