
What am I? (2)

The world was nothing but a wasteland, You couldn't see any signs of life, except for the Enormous Titan puppets controlled by a small child, that child was you Master, or should I say a part of you.

At this moment a tiny hand appeared in front of Theo, halting his next words. When he looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him he immediately understood her actions; her head had turned to the side taking strands of hair along with her, as she raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows, making them disappear into her bangs.

An adorable mannerism that Theobold has seen his master do whenever she didn't understand something. This action caused unexpected emotion to rise within him, putting a giant ball in his throat.

Nostalgia overcame him slightly as he thought of the last time he saw his master, being the creature Theo was, emotion was a foreign notion, yet whenever Theo was with her, even near her his body did something that wasn't possible for people of his kind, he felt.

He shouldn't say it wasn't possible; it was just rare for "gods" to feel anything for anyone but themselves, they were solidarity creatures you see, yet when he met this woman in front of him long ago, his emotions overpowered his instincts

It was the reason he decided to follow her, to find out exactly why he felt when he didn't want to

"Another cup?" Theo asked as he saw that the cup he'd poured not too long ago was already gone

With enough grace to put princesses to shame, the girl pushed the cup towards Theo, an impatient look in her eyes. The man had been staring off into space and completely forgetting about her presence for longer than she would have liked.

Lee wanted to know what he meant by "A part of her," yet he had gone silent with dark eyes as a hurricane of emotions rushed through so fast that she couldn't tell what they meant.

Now he was back to the same blank look, and a plastic smile stuck on his face.

"Although this may be hard to believe, you're previous life from the world you knew was only a small piece of a complicated puzzle, that took you millennials to put together.

It was all part of your counterparts plan, to gather all the pieces scattered throughout the worlds and finally become whole again."

Lee's brows furrowed as she listened to the smiling man's explanation, and Theo could see that his report didn't satisfy the girl,

His unclear explanation was full of holes mostly because, his Master, Lee's previous life hadn't explained much when it came to this subject, no matter how much he asked. His master had always smiled and given him snippets that he hadn't realized; at the time where just enough to satisfy his curiosity but not enough to answer the full question of precisely what she was.

After a minute of contemplating he decided to give her the 'thing.'

The item was one of the things given to him before everything took place before the plan set in motion. His instructions were to give it to Lee when he thought she was ready.

At the time he had no clue of what these instructions meant, but now as he remembered he couldn't help but chuckle bitterly, she had thought of everything, even this far out into the future.

What a terrifying mind to have, and it wasn't even at her full capacity. Right now since she had just woken up her powers lay dormant it is until she destroys the black wall will she truly become the worlds most powerful being.