
Go and find the one who will break the seal #2

The creature treads forward, its two legs steadily carry its draconic body with a threatening energy. A jagged tail slides behind it, its tips inked black swaying side to side as it walked towards the unconscious elf. Behind it was the headless body of a man who seemed to have shrunk from his previous size to a skinny pathetic looking male. Lee scoffed as she massed the head a few metres away from its body and couldn't help but think back to what had brought this state upon the headless bounty hunter


Back into the thick woods where the group of guards that once guarded the unconscious non-combatants*, a child was trembling from head to toe under the pressure of a gaze that could and did terrify the bravest knights in the whole kingdom of Xodale

Lee looked at the boy with narrowed but interested eyes and replayed what he had heard the boy say and her eyes narrowed even more which gave her an even scarier look that would give the boy nightmares for years and years to come. Somehow, some way, the boy had pointed out the missing soul in the Six-Tailed foxes body

'Why is there a human in the monsters head' the boy had said, these words are wheat stopped Lee in her tracks because even the bounty hunter that had been in the True Profound Realm, a realm once surpassed will bring you to the Spirit Realm, a realm where you are not considered a weakling disciple but an inferior warrior able to gain your true partner your soul weapon. This soul weapon is the subordinate that will never betray you and could grow to unimaginable power, raising your power along with it

This was the reason the cowardly bounty hunter could tolerate and obey Fin even though he was a loaded cannon that could destroy him whenever he wanted to, he still followed him despite that because a soul weapon was the ultimate weapon to have for a warrior, even though they have their own consciousness once they name you as their masters then they would never betray you no matter what

Even though this man who had been so close to breaking through to this realm had looked straight at the small bird that Lee once inhabited, he didn't notice that the bird was not a bird at all but a human taking over the body of the now dead bird nut this small child who barely had any soul power at all had noticed Lee in this form, despite there being no outward signs of the Six-Tailed Fox being human at all

That's what brought this situation in the clearing were all familiar with, the very same boy was lying unconscious on the grass while the fox loomed over him, if the boy woke up now he would wake up to truly terrifying eyes, and a grinning mouth with sharp long teeth along with two tusks on each side, narrowed eyes that almost looked like smiles plastered on its face, plus the aura that she didn't know how to control yet this was a...truly terrifying sight indeed

At this time the elf that had once been unconscious looked suspiciously at the fox in front of him with his back resting upon a nearby tree, he couldn't get over or believe the explanation the fox had given him, that the little weak bird that he thought had abandoned him actually became this terrifying mutation of the six-tailed.

Ayase had power, he grew up with power and with an ego that was the fault of the people who raised him because of his unique born soul power. His real identity you'll find out soon enough but one thing you can know is that there are different types of souls in the world that represent your mightiness and your talent, these souls are represented by colours and one of the might colour's, purple was what lay inside the elf which despite all that he had been through, and his scared and bruised body looked extremely erotic

He laid with his head tilted to the side and one eye closed due to the pain, his hair fell to the side that his head lay while his feminine looking shirtless body was out, and set in a spotlight by the rising sun. All that had happened in only one night yet it felt like weeks had passed for Ayase, his kidnapping along with his meeting with this strange bird/fox put Xodale, the place he used to look down on in a new perspective, this place wasn't as boring as he had thought it was

While Ayase got into his thoughts a certain fox was looking at him in disdain, although he wasn't aware of his currently excluding this erotic air, Lee was extremely pissed off. Why did this elf, a man she might add, look like an angel sent down from heaven to capture all the hearts of mortal's, while she, a bona fide woman looked like an exact replica of those monsters drawn in anime's only made to be killed by heroes!?

She had been ignoring the elf since his rescue because she couldn't put off the excitement she had in exploring her growing mind powers, she had discovered that since she entered the fox's body her soul had unintentionally burned a kind of unfamiliar rune* in the part where the foxes soul used to be. This rune was unique in its design, it also carried a kind of stamp with it, and that stamp was her aura which surrounded it like it was protecting the rune

She checked the state of her soul power and discovered that not even a drop was missing, which concluded that this rune took no power use, it only needed time. With her more than human brain power came enhanced intelligence, and that intelligence made her mind like a computer able to figure out any impossible problems within minutes

So with that, she was able to discover what this rune was a kind of magnet she was able to attach so she could find whoever donned the magical rune, wherever and whenever she wanted, this made an unexpected giggle come out with didn't quite sound right in a foxes mouth, what came out was a 'KeKeKeKe' like sound that sent shivers to the already traumatized elf

Lee wasn't as merciless as to practice on the unconscious child so instead, she used the unaware Ayase (and as an act of unfair revenge) and to her surprise and delight the elf did not even notice her inside him and she was able to successfully mauver the very same rune by coping from the one inside the fox, and infusing her new aura around it without detection so she moved on to the Little boy

Now the extremely unlucky elf and the extremely unfortunate human boy were caught inside the red-haired devil's web, unable to escape her clutches no matter how long they ran or hid, she would always be able to find them



Non-Combatants - People who do not have any combat ability's but are useful in a battle or a mission that requires a long journey. (Cooks, Healers etc.)

Runes- Symbols used for magical purposes that only people with certain coloured powerful souls can use. (enhancing your powers, for a spell etc.)

New chapter coming tomorrow morning ;)

POwerQueencreators' thoughts