
The silent catastrophe

Artaxs · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

A Tranquil Prelude to the Unseen Crisis

In the serene confines of his dimly lit home office, Jake found himself ensconced in his favorite worn leather chair. Its rich mahogany finish had gracefully aged with time, much like Jake himself. His slightly more generous physique, a byproduct of months spent in the remote cocoon of his home, was a testament to the relentless rhythm of his work.

The flickering glow from his computer screen cast mysterious chiaroscuro shadows upon his frame, highlighting the subtle signs of aging – a few streaks of silver in his reddish-brown hair, etched lines around his hazel eyes, and a need for a much-overdue trim. His office, a sanctuary of organized chaos, held bookshelves lined with weathered tomes from his years of enthusiastic exploration, and a vintage globe, worn from his many adventures navigating the world with eager fingertips.

The relentless pulse of remote work had stealthily supplanted his once-vibrant lifestyle with a sedentary one. As he cast a weary glance at the antique clock on his bookshelf, an audible sigh escaped his lips. Another demanding day had concluded, punctuated by the persistent growl of his empty stomach.

With a resigned groan, Jake shoved his chair back and stood, feeling the strain of his aching back as he stretched. His steps carried him through his domicile, the creaking floorboards beneath his feet serving as a testament to his prolonged inertia. His living room walls, adorned with an eclectic mix of art pieces collected during his travels, whispered of passions that had long been dormant.

Upon reaching the kitchen, the dim light above the sink revealed a meager selection of culinary options: the remnants of past meals, a sparse assortment of canned goods, and a half-empty ketchup bottle. The rustic charm of his kitchen, anchored by an oak dining table beneath the soft amber glow of a vintage pendant light, stood in stark contrast to the neglect it had suffered. His monthly grocery sojourn, once a routine part of life, had been swallowed by the relentless tide of work responsibilities. A pang of guilt welled up within him, a stark reminder of his negligence of life's most basic necessities.

Summoning his determination, Jake donned his worn leather jacket, a trusty companion that had weathered many adventures. He ventured toward the beckoning front door, stepping into the evening's unusual quietude. The streets lay bereft of their usual bustle, the world outside metamorphosing in the past few months, a transformation that had largely eluded Jake's attention, ensnared as he was in remote employment routines.

A few blocks away, the familiar façade of the local grocery store beckoned. Jake strolled along the well-worn paths, acutely aware of the eerie hush that gripped the neighborhood. The absence of bustling cars and pedestrians unsettled him, though he dismissed it as another quirk of these tumultuous times.

Upon crossing the threshold of the store, automatic doors yielded to his presence with a weary hum. His astonishment mounted as he beheld the shelves brimming with a cornucopia of groceries, a veritable feast when contrasted with the sparse offerings in his fridge.

Navigating the well-organized aisles, Jake's cart burgeoned with fresh produce, canned sustenance, and all the essentials for the impending weeks. It was as though this establishment had remained untouched by the chaos outside, a sanctuary of abundance amidst the prevailing uncertainty.

At the checkout counter, a vigilant cashier rang up his bounty. Unable to contain his curiosity, Jake inquired, "What's happening out there? It's eerily quiet."

The cashier's countenance tightened, and he spoke in hushed tones. "It's not safe beyond these walls. There have been unsettling reports of...strange occurrences. Stock up and remain within."

Jake nodded, unease returning. As he pushed his laden cart toward the exit, a foreboding sense washed over him, hinting at something far more unsettling than a mere scarcity of everyday supplies. The world outside concealed enigmatic truths, and he stood poised to confront the enigma, his provisions serving as both sustenance and a stark reminder of the inexplicable changes underway.

Back home, Jake hastily organized his supplies, the weight of an uncertain world outside settling on his shoulders. Just as he was about to seek distraction with the television remote, an emergency broadcast alert blared from the screen. His heart raced as he absorbed the urgent message.

"This is an emergency broadcast," declared a solemn news anchor. "A new, highly contagious virus has emerged, sowing widespread panic and disorder. Stay indoors, eschew all contact, and await further guidance. Stay tuned to this channel for updates."

Jake's hands trembled as he sank into his couch, unable to make out the entirety of the broadcast. Cursing his timing, he fumbled for his phone to search for more information online, impatiently tapping the screen. But just as he unlocked his phone, a noise from outside drew his attention.

Slowly lowering his phone, he gazed out of the living room window. There, in the dimly lit street, he saw a figure, eerily shrouded in darkness, its form indistinct and unsettling. His heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with this enigmatic being, its presence sending a shiver down his spine.

Unable to tear his gaze away, he watched as the figure staggered closer. It was a person, or what was left of one. Their gait was unsteady, and their clothes were tattered and stained.

The figure's pallid face bore the unmistakable signs of decay, and its vacant eyes seemed to harbor an insatiable hunger.

Panic surged within Jake as he realized the truth – he was witnessing a creature that should only exist in nightmares. It was a zombie.

His heart raced, pumping adrenaline through his veins. He stumbled backward, his vision blurring, and then, with a final, frenzied beat, his heart gave out.

Jake slumped to the floor, unconscious.

Hours later, Jake awoke to a world transformed. The living room was bathed in an eerie, muted light, and the air was thick with a sense of foreboding. He struggled to sit up, his head throbbing.

Gathering his senses, he ventured cautiously to the window once more. What he saw outside shattered the remnants of his once-familiar reality. There were bodies on the streets, their pallid, lifeless forms a stark contrast to the bustling world he had known.

The television, left on in his absence, murmured in the background, broadcasting a message of doom. "This is the end of times," a somber news anchor declared. "A new, highly contagious virus has emerged, sowing widespread panic and disorder. Stay indoors, eschew all contact, and await further guidance. Stay tuned to this channel for updates."

Jake's mind reeled as he tried to make sense of the chaos that had enveloped his world. The familiar streets were now a landscape of death and despair, and the broadcast displayed the infected people, their grotesque transformation a horrifying testament to the relentless virus.

As Jake continued to watch, a sudden commotion overtook the broadcast studio. The news anchor's expression shifted from fear to sheer horror. In the background, infected individuals surged toward the anchor, overwhelming the studio's defenses. The anchor's desperate cries filled the airwaves as the infected closed in.

The last image on the screen was the broadcaster's horrified face, bloodied hands reaching for the camera, and then the feed abruptly cut off.

Jake's heart pounded in his chest, and a cold sweat coated his trembling body. He was alone in a world teetering on the brink of madness, surrounded by the ravenous infected. The sanctuary he had hoped for was a distant dream, replaced by the harsh reality of a nightmare.

He knew he had to gather his wits, make a plan, and face the horrors that awaited outside. The old world was gone, and the new one was a merciless battleground. With newfound determination, he began to prepare himself for the fight to survive in this merciless and unforgiving landscape.