
The Ship with Black Sails


HollowedOutHeart · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

My Name

<p>I remember.. I remember that dark night. Was it the Numbing tragedy that filled might heart.<br/>no mother, no father, no family. only myself.<br/><br/>I remember floating in the cold waters at night when a ship came beside me. I was hoisted up and layed on the ground, as I stared up at the black sails. Footsteps creaked on the wood floors, and a person who looked like a captain looked down at me. He looked dead, not metaphorically speaking. But dead, a dead creature of the night. a Skeleton, torn flesh, and rotting features.<br/><br/>I simplly looked up at him showing no sign of interest in his deformed state.<br/>"Well hello there lad'y, ya seem a bit lost here.."<br/><br/>He bent down to me as I just blankly stared at him. <br/>"aye, looks like yous ain't afraid of me. very nice..ya mind if ya sit up kiddo?"<br/><br/>I looked away then weakly sat up. I was so exhausted from keeping my body afloat. Something could've killed me..would it have?<br/><br/>"what be yer name kiddo?" <br/>I looked up and stared at him, then looked at my ships ruins. Thinking.<br/>"Jackson..Jackson Storm.." <br/><br/>He smirked as he stood up and held his hand up, as I grabbed his hand he hoisted me to a stand. I wobbled.<br/>"Jackson Storm is it huh? Well, I've heard the Storms have powers..heh..will ya do us a favor lad, and become part of our crew?"<br/><br/>"Not that ye have much of a choice.."<br/><br/>I just shrugged. it's better then being poor, or floating adrift until I die, or a British ship comes to take me and I get hanged.. And he was right. I didn't.<br/>I looked up at him.<br/>"Sure..why not.."<br/><br/>He grinned. "Great!" He leaned on his cane. "Now, do you believe in ghosts Ms Jackson?"<br/><br/>His crew started to come out to get a look at me. <br/>"why would I not..?"<br/><br/>"Good answer kiddo."<br/>The captain looked out to the crew. "This here is Jackson Storm lad'ies. Treat 'er well. oh, and we'll be going into Port soon."<br/><br/>His head drifted down to me.<br/>"Your first mission.. it'd best ye did well.."<br/><br/>They started to talk amoung themselves. I looked around at them. Noticing all their features. Then I looked back to the captain.<br/><br/>"You'll make a fine crew member Miss Jackson."</p>