
88. Marineford


Luffy is elated seeing Bon come out from Impel Down with Jon's clones. The other escapees also cheer seeing him. Bon also wave his hands at them, and he arrive at the ship shortly after that. Luffy hug Bon and then dance with him, the other escapees also join them.

Jon dispell his clones and smile at them, he want to dance too, but it will hurt his body more. Suddenly he is being lifted by the escapees and they throw him on the air and catch him again. Jon have a tickmark and punch their head instead so he can get down. He know they're happy, but this will make his injuries got worse.

"STOP IT! I'm injured, so don't throw me like that!"-Jon

The escapees are disappointed, but they stop it and just celebrating their escape. After that, they enter the Tarai Current and go to Marineford. Jon just sit and lean on the main mast, then eat his medicine.

Jon has pushed his injured body many times before it fully healed. This make the healed part got injured again, and some part became worse. He keep suppressing it with painkillers but it won't solve the problem. He can move like usual just because of his adrenaline hormon.

"You pushed yourself too much, ninja-boy."-Iva

"I don't have time to wait for my body to get healed afterall."-Jon

"Hmph, you and your Captain are very reckless."-Iva

"That's why we get along right? Hahaha"-Jon

"Did all your crewmates act like this too?"-Iva

"You can say that. Iva, later, can you help me so i can move normally?"-Jon

"It will take 5 years of your life, are you sure about it?"-Iva

"Yeah, i will get killed if i can't move, so having 5 years cut from my life is better than lose it all."-Jon

After that, Jon sleep to save his energy and return some of it. He hasn't sleep since yesterday, because he stay up when Luffy is getting treated. That's why he is sleepy and tired, so he need some rest.

The escapees make some loud noises, so Jon can't sleep peacefully. Luffy want to wake Jon up, but Iva stop him and tell Luffy to let Jon rest. Jon just try to sleep without care of his noisy surrounding.

"Hmm, why didn't Jon use his coffin?"-Luffy

"Coffin? Straw Hat, did you want your crew to die?"-Buggy

"Of course not, Jon have a coffin bed that he always use when he sleep outside."-Luffy

"C-coffin bed? He have a strange preference."-Mr.3

"But he didn't bring anything before, so he must've left his coffin bed right?"-Buggy

"No way, Jon always bring all of his stuff everywhere he go."-Luffy

"How could he bring everything with him? He didn't even wear a big bag."-Buggy

"He use ninjutsu, because he is a ninja."-Luffy

Luffy cross his arms and smile proudly of this fact. Even tough he is not the ninja, but he have a ninja crewmates. He really like ninja that he often ask Jon to show him some of ninja skill that he want to see.


All the escapees have stars in their eyes, even the *ehem* 'womens'. They all have fantasies about ninja when they're kids, and even now, they will still like ninja.

"Ah, now that i think about it, he run on water."-Escapee A

"He also make clones"-Escapee B

"He did some hand seals and make ninjutsu."-Escapee C

"He throw kunais and shurikens"-Escapee D

"HE IS A REAL NINJA!"-Escapees


All of them have stars in their eyes and Luffy start to tell them about Jon's ninja skills. They got so immersed in it, that they forget they have a problem. They need to open the Gate of Justice if they want to reach Marineford. Jon have realize this, but he left it to Jinbe. Jinbe must've think about it already if he want to save Ace too.

Jon is still trying to sleep, but the escapees are so noisy, so he move from that spot and go to the front deck. Jinbe is steering the ship and there are Crocodile and Mr.1, they're just stay there silently, so it's the best place to sleep. But he still can't sleep, so he meditate instead.

'Sigh, i thought i have got used to loud noises when sleeping.'-Jon

Jon circulate his chakra and feel relaxed, his pain also lessened a bit. He keep meditating until everyone make louder noises. He wake up and see the Gate of Justice in front of them, and it start to open. He didn't think much of it and meditate again. But then, the escapees make even louder noise.

Jon wake up, and think they have reach the war site. He look around and see everyone panicked. This make him confused, because they know they're going to war, so they shouldn't panicked like this. Then he look at what make them panicked, which is from behind the ship.

"What the...."-Jon

Jon look at the sea and know they have come out from Tarai Current, so they have passed the Gate of Justice, but that's not what shock him. A tens of meters high tsunami come from behind the ship. Altough he have sail through some big waves in the crew's journey, they have never encounter a tsunami, at least not after he join. This is his first time seeing a tsunami in person, not from TV.

Jon look at the one steering the ship, and it's Jinbe. Some other people try to take over the steer, but Jinbe brush them off. Jon look at Crocodile, and he didn't panic, so he know that what Jinbe done is correct. Jinbe is an experienced sailor, so he must've know what to do.

Jon look around and find Luffy, then he immediately go there. Luffy is holding to the railing, and Jon stand near him and sticking to the floor. He will catch Luffy if he fall or slipped. The ship is getting pulled by the wave, and it start to go up. Jon look at this and understand something.

'If the ship is going to the side and not move straight from the tsunami, it will get flipped because of the weight balance. So that's why Jinbe didn't turn the ship and let the tsunami pull it. This is the best option, but there is still a failure chance.'-Jon

The ship keep going up the wave and it start to tilt to the front. Jon feel that this is like when they go up the knock up stream. The ship is keep getting up and it start to turn upside down at the top.

Jon just stick at the floor when the others are holding onto something. He keep looking at the wave while holding a rope that he tied on Luffy. He see the ship has reached the top and then it is pulled to the top of the wave. All of them is relieved, but then they realize that the ship start to move forward again.

"Wait, will the ship fall?"-Jon

The escapees realizes this too, and they start to panic. Jon hold the rope and ready to move and save Luffy and himself. But then, the water is freezed and turn into ice. Jon know who is the one that can do this.


"That's right, and that tsunami earlier must be Pop's power."-Jinbe



Jon widen his eyes hearing this, he know Whitebeard have the power to destroy an island, but he don't know the details yet. To think he can call a tsunami is beyond Jon's prediction. Jon now think that Whitebeard must have the raw power of a tailed beast.

"The strongest man in the world. When will i reach that level of power?"-Jon

Jon is grinning widely and he have his crazy smile like when he see treasures. His heart is beating fast, his body is twitching and want to take action, and his sharingan turn into his new Mangekyou. He imagine how is the road to reach the world's top power.

"Your face look crazy again Jon, did you find some treasures?"Luffy

"Eh? Ah. *cough cough* No, i just become too excited of something."-Jon

Jon calm himself and stop his thinking about it. It will take some years to reach that level, he know it. It just, when he know that this world allow him to reach that level of power, he want to reach it too. He is not interested in being the strongest, but he like the challenges to reach the top.

Jon look around and see the others are discussing how to get the ship out from the ice. Sometime later, they decide to push the ship backward, so it will slide the frozen wave. They go down and try to push it, but it didn't budge.

Suddenly, they heard loud explosions from below and know the war has start to get heated up. They don't have much time anymore, so Iva decide to use her Super Wink and push the ship. Iva really use it, but instead of pushing the ship, it destroyed the ice below the ship completely.

"Hey, i think we're gonna fall."-Jon


The ice break and the ship finally got freed, but they fall. Jon stick up to the ship and try to find a solution so he will not get crushed. He look below, and see they will fall into a big hole that is not covered with ice. He feel relief to not fall on hard ground, but he will still get crushed by the ship impact.

Jon look for Luffy, jump to him and catch him. This happened only in some seconds, and now Jon hold Luffy because they will fall into water, and Luffy will get drowned. Jon immediately use wind ninjutsu to the ship's direction. It push him back and now they will fall onto the ice ground.

"Luffy, become balloon!"-Jon

Luffy inhale a lot of air and become a balloon. They land on the ground, and Jon land on Luffy's balloon body. The others fall on water, and the ship split into two. Jon immediately jump on the water and save the devil fruit users.

They can help in this war, so he can't let them die now. In the water, he see Jinbe has start to save them, so Jon just save a few of them. Jinbe is faster than him at swimming afterall, and this water is so cold.

When he finished, he look around the place and see many pirates and marines are looking at them. Their entrance are very eye catching afterall. He see Luffy is running to the high point on their ship and look around. He try to find Ace so he need high ground.

Jon also go up and follow Luffy, he feel he need to go there. There is something telling him to do so. When he walk up, he see Luffy has find Ace and shout.



'Wow, they are so loud that they can hear each other voice even tough they're so far.'-Jon

Jon then arrive beside Luffy, and the other also arrive. Jinbe, Crocodile, Iva, and even Buggy have arrived. He see Luffy put his right hand on the floor, and his left hand on his leg that is in horse stance position. He also see the others have their own pose.

'This is...'-Jon

Jon immediately make a pose too, and he choose Jotaro's pose while holding his hat down, so he take his hat from inventory and use it.


Jon smile and think that this is one of the best entrance he ever done.