
128. Falling Deep

Luffy, Zoro & Sanji leave the ship with their bubble. Jon look at them and want to see their progress in these 2 years. He know they can use haki from their previous fight with Pacifista, but it's just a glimpse of their power. They don't even use armament hardening to defeat pacifista.

When the trio approach the Kraken, it attack the ship instead. It tried to slam a tentacle at the ship, but Jon won't let it hit. Jon stand on the railing and face the tentacle, then he make some hand seals.

"Suiton: Water Dragon Jutsu"-Jon

3 big water dragon appear and defend the ship from the tentacle. Some tentacles try to attack again, but Jon can defend it with his water Dragons. Jon didn't hurt the kraken and just block it's attacks, he still want to see the trio's power.

Jon see Luffy strecth his right hand, make it leave the bubble and enter the sea. Of course Luffy got weakened by that, but it seem he can handle it. While Luffy preparing his attack, Sanji leave his bubble. He looks like swimming very fast, but Jon know he is running in the water.

"He can move so fast in the water like a fishman."-Usopp

"He kick the water to propel himself, it's geppo, but it's his own version. Sanji must've very proficient in Soru, Geppo, and maybe Rankyaku. He is an expert in leg tecniques, and i believe he won't train Shigan, because it use hands, and he won't fight with hands."-Jon

"Yeah, it's possible."-Nami

They look at Sanji again, and now he is spinning on his leg. Then it heat up and seem like it's burning. Sanji kick the giant tentacle and burn it like he grill it.

He finished, but then he confused to how he'll breath. They all sweatdrop at him because the bubble start to float up. Sanji run again and chase his bubble.

Then the Kraken try to catch Sanji, but Zoro slash at it's tentacle. He cut the tentacle into some parts easily. But Luffy got angry at them for burning & cutting the octopus. He want to use the octopus to pull Sunny, so he want it to be fine.

Luffy's hand that stretch to the sea is inflated, he use Gear 3rd. Then the inflated hand turn into metallic black colour. Luffy use armament hardening on his giant right hand. Then Luffy punch the kraken's head with his giant punch, knocking the kraken immediately.



"Heeh, it will be disappointing if he can't do it. He train under Rayleigh's guidance for 2 years afterall."-Jon

Luffy got elated after he succeed to defeat the kraken. Now he can ask it to pull Sunny to Fishman Island. Suddeny a shark that wear clothes come out from Kraken's body. It seem to be captured by the Kraken and almost got eaten. It approach Luffy and seem to thank him, this shark sure have maners.

The shark go to the current, and suddenly the kraken is being pulled by the big current. The trio that are close also got sucked, and Sunny too. They've come closer to big waterfall like current without realizing it.

They are pulled by the water current and try to control the ship. They keep trying to control the ship until sometime later, they arrive in a very dark place. Jon look around with his sharingan and see many strange creatures.

"The deep sea, a place where there's no light."-Jon

They lit the lamp dials to get some light, and Franky also switch on the light in Sunny's eyes. Now they can see a lot of deep sea creatures that have weird shape. This place is so cold that they need to wear jackets.

Then they try to look for Luffy & co, but some creatures try to eat them. Jon use his water dragon to repel them again. Then suddenly, it start to get warm. Nami realize that there is smoke underwater, and a lot of hydrothermal mineral deposit. She said that this must be a deep sea volcanic region.

Jon is excited at the possibilities to see an underwater volcano, he never saw it himself afterall. But contrast to his hope, the others are worried and steer away the ship. The volcano can erupt any time and it will endanger them. Jon try to persuade them, but no one accept it, so he give up.

Sometime later, Chopper see a light from afar and think it can be a ship. Franky then make a light on his nipples, and try to do some kind of unknown code. Then the light approach them, and to their surprise, it's a giant Angler Fish.

The fish open it's mouth, and Jon strike it with his water dragon again. The fish try to attack again, but suddenly it stop when a giant humanoid creature appear. The giant suddenly raise it's hand and send a punch at Sunny's direction.

Jon try to defend, but the punch is not directed at them, it's the angler fish. The giant lecture the angler fish because it try to eat the ship. He said that their captain, Vander Decken will got angry.

"Vander Decken? That sound familiar."-Jon

Suddenly a big ship appear, and it sail without any coating. It seem broken and have tattered sail with familiar words on it. The sail has 2 words, 'Flying Dutchman' on it, and Jon remember it. Brook then start to tell them the story of Flying Dutchman.

"No wonder the name sound familiar, Vander Decken, captain of the cursed Flying Dutchman."-Jon

"I-is that a real ghost ship?"-Chopper

"No-no way, there's no gh-ghost ship. Remember Brook's ship! There's no gh-ghost on it."-Nami

"Th-that's true."-Usopp

"Kraken is a myth, but we just saw it. It's not strange at all to see a cursed ghost ship."-Robin

The trio coward that start to feel relieved, got stunned and shaking again. Suddenly someone speak from the Flying Dutchman. He seem to be the Vander Decken, and he order the giant, Wadatsumi to break Sunny so he can get the treasures.

Jon didn't defend, because he see something come. Suddenly the giant got hit by a giant tentacle. It's the Kraken, Luffy succeed to tame the giant monster. Luffy, Zoro & Sanji also come with it, they're floating together in a bubble, then they arrive on the ship.

"Phew, finally i can breath freely, it's so cramped in there."-Luffy

"At least you're lucky because the last bubble didn't break too."-Jon

Luffy then tell them about the Kraken which he named Surume. Luffy order Surume to put Sunny on it's head and bring the ship to Fishman Island. Still, they need to be careful so Surume won't crushed the ship with it's tentacles.

Sanji that come back to the ship see Nami that has take off her jacket. Suddenly he got stimulated and just about to get nosebleed. But suddenly he jump away and scream like he see his worst nightmare.

"Oi Sanji, what happen?"-Usopp

"What happen Sanji-kun?"-Nami

"Eh, ah, Nami-san? Are you really Nami-san?"-Sanji

"Of course i am."-Nami


Jon suddenly laugh his ass of after he fail to hold it. The other are confused, but then Sanji seem to realize something. He hold Jon's collar and shake while cursing Jon. Jon didn't care and just keep laughing at Sanji.

Jon has put Sanji under his genjutsu hipnosys earlier. Sanji will see woman turn into okama everytime he got too stimulated. Jon know Sanji was training in Kamabakka, and it must be a nightmare for him. He use this chance to have some fun, but he also help Sanji to heal his excessive woman stimulation.


"Because i train in RA, and Iva is a commander. He called Dragon one day and told him about you. I was there when he call and hear everything, BWAHAHAHA."-Jon

Sanji fall to his knees and cursed Iva for spreading about his whereabout. Suddenly they hear a rumbling sound that most likely come from a volcano that's about to explode. The heat start to rise, and they need to run away from there. They don't even need to ask Surume, because it already run from there.

Wadatsumi also run away while bringing the Flying Dutchman. They all run away from the underwater volcano erruption. They get some good distance when suddenly the volcano explode, and creating a shockwave that push them all.

The Flying Dutcman crew got swept by the shockwave, but Surume & the Straw Hats can hold. Surume keep running and then jump to a big crack. They fall and avoid the 2nd explosion, but the explosion make the rocks fall to them. A boulder fall on Surume's head, knocking him out, and they pummel into the abyss.

Luckily they are still in one piece after that fall. They wake up and look around, they see a big bubble that seem like the Fishman Island. Now they just need to go there, so they ask Surume, but suddenly someone warn Surume for befriending humans. Surume got scared and run away franctically.

The crew look at the one who talk, it's a fishman. He come with some other Fishmans and 6 seakings. There's a sea lion, giraphe, elephant, pollar bear, rino, and gorilla. He introduced himself as Hammond, and he know Straw Hats and their feat, including defeating Arlong.

Suddenly he asked Straw Hats to join their pirate crew, New Fishman Pirate. They know that Luffy won't accept that, and Nami ask Franky to prepare Coup de burst. They will go to Fishman Island immediately after Luffy refuse and they start to attack.

"Stop it! I will take care of these fish that never see the sky."-Jon

"WHAT? We're 10,000 metres under the surface, there's no way we can fight here amd win."-Nami

"She's right."-Usopp

"What? We can't win? Who decide that? What's the use of these 2 years if we will run away from small matter like this? Just leave it to me!"-Jon

Jon walk to the front deck and just like their thoughts, Luffy refuse, he even mock the Fishmans. Hammond then order the sea lion to attack the ship. Jon flickered and stand on the front railing. He make some hand seals before take his hands out to the sea.

"Chidori Stream!"-Jon

Lightning current spread in the water, and Jon cotrol it to hit the seakings and fishmans. They got electrocuted, but it seem they can hold it. Jon increase the output until he can knock them out. Then Jon throw them away with water jutsu.

"See? Not that difficult. Their pride as Fishmans who have 10 times physical strength than humans make them blind."-Jon


'Shit, the scale of that jutsu take a lot of my chakra. They are swimming a little far from the ship and the seakings have big size. I also need to control the lightning current so it will not hit anything else.'-Jon cursed in his heart

Robin look at Jon and understand that he has a little problem, so she smile. They've been together for 2 years, so she know a lot about him. Still, it's not a big problem, Jon's chakra is big enough to do that jutsu multiple times. It's just higher than his prediction before, that's it, that's certainly it.

They sail to Fishman Island and enter through a gate. There are 2 bubbles that hold the island, outside bubble and inside bubble. So if they just enter through the bubble, they'll just fall because it's filled with air.

"See, you can't just enter this island recklessly. If we fall in this air space, our ship will fall to the sea again, and the coating will tear off. We can't always rely on luck."-Jon

"Se-see Nami, you can't be reckless!"-Usopp

"Aren't you support me earlier?"-Nami hit Usopp

"Alright alright, just be more mindful next time."-Jon

Finally they can enter the Fishman Island after doing some procedure and pay entrance fee.