
Convince Eleine

King Douwin, understanding Aldrian's situation, nods. He, too, doesn't wish to add unnecessary trouble for Aldrian. If Aldrian truly is the son of two conflicting families, then it might be better for him to remain silent.

"So, you're going to the front line? But aren't you trying to hide your existence from the Rivas family? There's a high chance that if you go, someone there might connect you to your mother."

"To be honest, I don't care about my mother's family, I only care about my mother, and truthfully, my mother doesn't even know I'm here—in fact, she's never known where I've been all this time."

King Douwin and Mardred raised their eyebrows in wonder. Aldrian's situation was clearly more complicated than they'd realized, but neither wanted to become too involved in his family's problems.

"Anyway, I have to go now, Your Majesty. I need to be by my mother's side as soon as possible," Aldrian said.