
The shadows burden: the boy who Bear’s all


Unknown184 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


Umbra pushed open the ornately carved oak doors of the Academy, a low murmur of excited chatter washing over him. Students of all shapes and sizes filled the grand hall, their faces alight with anticipation. Today's class was led by Professor Amara, a woman whose ethereal grace belied her vast knowledge of the cosmos.

As Professor Amara raised her hand, the chatter died into a reverent silence. "Welcome, class," she boomed, her voice echoing through the vaulted hall, "to a journey beyond the confines of our own universe, a voyage into the very fabric of existence itself."

With a flourish of her hand, a shimmering portal materialized before them, a kaleidoscope of vibrant colors and impossible geometries swirling within. "This, students," Professor Amara declared, her voice resonating with power, "is a glimpse into the Omniverse. A tapestry woven from infinite multiverses, each teeming with countless realities."

A collective gasp rippled through the class. Umbra, mesmerized by the swirling vortex, felt a spark ignite within him – a thirst for knowledge unlike anything he'd known before. Here, in this very classroom, the secrets of the cosmos were being unveiled.

Professor Amara continued her lecture, painting a vivid picture of this vast expanse. She spoke of clashing dimensions, of civilizations more advanced than anything they could imagine, and of gods and demons locked in eternal war. But then, the chilling truth – a war that was about to spill into their own reality.

The White Room, she revealed, was the battleground – a desolate, featureless plane where the fate of existence hung in the balance. Here, monstrous beings like planet eaters and celestial dragons would converge, their battles shaking the very foundations of reality.

The class ended in a flurry of questions and nervous whispers. Akari, a shadow shifting at the corner of Umbra's eye, materialized beside him. Her eyes, usually veiled with a brooding darkness, sparkled with a mischievous glint. "Ready to see more of the Omniverse?" she asked.

Umbra, his heart pounding with a newfound sense of purpose, nodded eagerly. Akari led him on a breathtaking journey, manipulating space-time with ease. They traversed swirling nebulas, walked on the surface of a crystal moon, and even peeked into the heart of a dying star.

Through portals shimmering with otherworldly energy, they arrived on a secluded, rocky planet. It was here, amidst the barren landscape, that their true training began. Umbra focused on the fundamentals – grueling push-ups that sent tremors through the very ground, weightlifting routines that strained his muscles to their limit, and sprints across jagged plains that tested his lung capacity.

Akari, meanwhile, honed her connection with the shadows. With a whisper and a gesture, she could summon these sentient beings – Whisper, a wispy tendril used for reconnaissance; Thorn, a jagged blade used for offense; and Solace, a comforting presence that shielded her from harm. Each shadow responded to her call, a testament to the bond they shared.

As the training hours melted into days, a silent understanding blossomed between them. A respect forged in sweat and shared determination. They sparred under the crimson light of a binary star system, Umbra dodging Akari's shadow attacks with newfound agility. Their movements became a dance, a symphony of light and shadow.

Exhausted but exhilarated, they collapsed under the shade of a towering rock formation. The immensity of the Omniverse hung heavy upon them – a tapestry woven with wonder and terror in equal measure.

"It's… overwhelming," Umbra gasped, gazing at the star-dusted canvas of the cosmos.

Akari leaned against him, a flicker of vulnerability flashing across her face. "Sometimes, I wish it were smaller," she confessed. "Sometimes, I wish I didn't have the burden of the past clinging to my every step."

A flicker of warmth ignited within Umbra. He felt an overwhelming urge to know more about this enigmatic companion. Their eyes met, and a silent conversation passed between them. In that moment, the vastness of the Omniverse faded away, replaced by the intimacy of shared gazes.

Their lips met in a hesitant kiss, a spark igniting between them. As their embrace deepened, a vision flooded Umbra's mind. Images of a young girl, fear etched upon her face, flooded his senses. He saw her endure a childhood filled with abuse – her own father, uncle, and mother using and exploiting her. He saw her escape, only to face bullying and loneliness at school. He saw her despair, her grief at losing her brother in their attempt to flee.

Umbra recoiled, his heart pounding with a ...mixture of empathy and horror. Akari pulled away, tears welling in her eyes.

"I... I'm sorry," Akari whispered, her voice cracking. "I shouldn't have let myself get comfortable."

Umbra reached out, taking her hand gently in his. "No," he said softly. "You needed to tell someone. And I'm glad you trusted me enough to do so."

Akari squeezed his hand, a flicker of gratitude battling with the shame in her eyes. Just then, a harsh ring shattered the quiet moment. Akari fumbled in her pocket, pulling out a small, sleek communicator. A distorted voice crackled from the speaker.

"Akari," the voice sneered, laced with a sickening relish, "you shouldn't have run away. Your little games have consequences."

Umbra's blood ran cold. He recognized the voice – Akari's father.

"What do you want?" Akari spat back, her voice trembling with a barely contained fury.

"Simple, my dear," the voice replied. "We have your precious 'parents' in our custody. And they're not looking too good. But fear not, reunite with us, and we'll ensure their safety."

A cruel laugh echoed from the communicator before the connection abruptly went dead.

Umbra felt a surge of rage course through him. He wouldn't let these monsters use Akari like this. But a cold dread settled in his stomach as he remembered the video the Zenith Federation had shown him. His own parents, their faces contorted in pain.

"They took them," he whispered, his voice thick with despair.

Akari nodded, her eyes blazing with a newfound determination. "They underestimated me once. They won't again."

She grasped his hand, Solace swirling around them with a renewed intensity. They teleported instantly, leaving the barren planet behind in a blink.

They reappeared in a desolate warehouse, its only light source flickering fluorescent bulbs humming with an eerie monotony. In the center of the room, two figures were strapped to metal chairs, their faces bruised and bloodied. It was Akari's parents.

A man, radiating an air of smug authority, stood beside them. He was tall and imposing, with a cruel smile twisted across his lips. He wore a dark uniform adorned with a crest – a stylized eye casting a cold gaze. This was Commander Alastor, leader of the Zenith Federation, a clandestine organization that had been hunting Akari and Umbra for years, fearing their growing power.

"Finally decided to grace us with your presence, shadows," Alastor sneered. His eyes, icy blue and devoid of warmth, flicked towards Umbra. "And you, the shadow boy. A surprise, but not unwelcome."

"Let them go," Akari demanded, her voice a low growl.

Alastor threw his head back and laughed, a cold, chilling sound that echoed through the warehouse. "Not so fast, shadow girl. We've been studying you. Your abilities are fascinating. We call it 'God DNA.'" He gestured towards Akari's parents. "But sadly, your little rebellion has consequences."

Before Akari could react, a team of heavily armed guards materialized around them. Their advanced energy rifles crackled with a menacing light.

Alastor's smile widened, his eyes glinting with a sadistic pleasure. "Seems your precious shadows are useless here, girl. One touch from these soldiers, and your little charade ends."

But before anyone could move, a new combatant entered the fray. Whisper, silent and swift, snaked out from the shadows, wrapping around the barrel of the nearest guard's rifle. With a sickening snap, the weapon twisted into a useless mess. In a heartbeat, Thorn materialized beside him, a jagged blade forming in its grasp. The guard screamed as Thorn struck with lightning speed, disarming him and sending him sprawling.

Umbra, fueled by a potent cocktail of fury and despair, snatched a fallen guard's weapon. It felt alien in his hand, but desperation fueled his movements. He fought with raw ferocity, driven by the image of his own tortured parents and the desire to protect Akari.

Akari, a whirlwind of energy and rage, moved among the guards with terrifying efficiency. Whisper darted in and out, disarming them before they could react. Thorn danced a deadly ballet, leaving a trail of disarmed and groaning soldiers in its wake. Solace, a shimmering shield around Akari and Umbra, deflected stray blasts of energy.

The battle raged. The warehouse echoed with the clang of metal and the screams of the wounded. But despite their skilled fighting, Umbra realized that they were outnumbered.

Just then, Alastor raised his hand, and a new wave of guards materialized, their faces grim under their helmets. This time, their suits bore shimmering energy shields, rendering

...Akari's shadows useless. Alastor cackled, his voice echoing in the confined space. "You see, shadows? Powerless against true technology."

Umbra felt his heart plummet. Just as despair threatened to consume him, a searing pain erupted in Alastor's shoulder. Akari, a blur of dark energy, had somehow bypassed the guards and materialized behind him. A dagger, materialized from solidified shadow, pierced his flesh.

Alastor roared in fury, the energy shield around him flickering momentarily. It was the opening they needed. Umbra, fueled by renewed hope, unleashed a surge of his God energy. The world sharpened around him – he could see energy flows, predict movements, and exploit weaknesses. He weaved through the hail of energy blasts, his blade flashing in a deadly dance, disarming guards and creating openings for Akari's shadows.

Chaos erupted. Solace, overwhelmed by the sheer number of energy blasts, flickered precariously. Akari, sensing its distress, channeled her own energy into the protective shroud, reinforcing it just as a particularly powerful blast slammed into it.

Umbra, his body screaming in protest, finally reached the remaining guards separating him from Alastor. With a final, desperate lunge, he disarmed a soldier and ripped the energy rifle from his grasp. He blasted Alastor point-blank, the leader screaming as he was thrown back against the wall, his armor smoking.

Alastor, defeated and enraged, attempted to summon more reinforcements. But before he could utter a word, a dark beam erupted from Umbra's hand, fueled by his God eye. It struck Alastor with unerring accuracy, disintegrating him in a blinding flash. The remaining Zenith soldiers, witnessing the demise of their leader, faltered. Their confidence shattered, they dropped their weapons and surrendered.

The battle was over. Umbra stood panting, his body shaking with exertion and adrenaline. Akari, drained from her relentless assault and the strain of maintaining Solace, slumped against a nearby wall, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. The air hung heavy with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid scent of burnt ozone.

But amidst the devastation, a flicker of hope remained. They had saved Akari's parents, who, though battered and bruised, were still alive. As they rushed to their side, the weight of the battle seemed to lift from Umbra's shoulders.

Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through him. One of the surrendering soldiers, a flicker of defiance lingering in his eyes, had lunged forward and touched him. The world dissolved into chaos. Colors bled together, sounds became distorted screams, and the ground beneath his feet turned to swirling mist. Akari's horrified scream was the last thing he registered before he was ripped through the fabric of reality itself.

...Akari's shadows useless. Alastor cackled, his voice echoing in the confined space. "You see, shadows? Powerless against true technology."

Umbra felt his heart plummet. Just as despair threatened to consume him, a searing pain erupted in Alastor's shoulder. Akari, a blur of dark energy, had somehow bypassed the guards and materialized behind him. A dagger, materialized from solidified shadow, pierced his flesh.

Alastor roared in fury, the energy shield around him flickering momentarily. It was the opening they needed. But before anyone could react, a surge of power coursed through Umbra. It wasn't just adrenaline, it was something more, a deep well of untapped potential awakening within him.

He closed his eyes, focusing on the Professor's lecture about the vastness of the Omniverse. He envisioned the swirling vortex, the impossible geometries, the very fabric of existence itself. In that moment, a connection sparked – a connection to his own God Eye.

The world around him seemed to slow down. He saw the energy blasts moving in slow motion, the guards' movements became predictable. He saw a weakness – a small gap in Alastor's energy shield regenerating after Akari's attack.

With a surge of this newfound power, Umbra didn't reach for a weapon. Instead, he unleashed a concentrated beam of pure energy from his God Eye. It struck Alastor with unerring accuracy, disintegrating him in a blinding flash. The remaining Zenith soldiers, witnessing the demise of their leader, faltered. Their confidence shattered, they dropped their weapons and surrendered.

The battle was over. Umbra stood panting, the world still a little blurry around the edges from using his God Eye for the first time. Akari, drained but alive, rushed to her parents' side. A wave of relief washed over Umbra, a newfound confidence blooming within him.

Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through him. One of the surrendering soldiers, a flicker of defiance lingering in his eyes, had lunged forward and touched Umbra. But this time, it was different.

Umbra, fueled by his awakened God Eye, didn't experience the usual disorientation of dimensional travel. Instead, he saw the soldier's attack coming in slow motion. He saw the potential future – a future where he was ripped away. But he also saw another future – a future where he transcended the attack altogether.

With a final burst of power, Umbra didn't teleport. He phased. He existed momentarily out of sync with this dimension, allowing the soldier's attack to harmlessly pass through him. The soldier stumbled back in shock, his plan foiled.

Umbra solidified back into reality, the soldier now whimpering on the ground. He deactivated his God Eye, the world snapping back into its normal speed. Exhausted but exhilarated, he joined Akari at her parents' side.

This brush with death had unlocked a new power within him – the power to transcend time and space itself. He had glimpsed the potential of his God Eye, and the future seemed a little less daunting, a little more full of possibilities.