

Bhimsen asks Mahendra Pratap, who is carrying a glass of wine, "What happened, in what thought have you drowned?" when he notices that he is silent.

Mahendra Pratap exclaims, "No, Emperor, there is no such thing," bursting through his consciousness.

"Yes, the princess is quite attractive, but since it is now known that she will serve as your queen, someone else should have these thoughts while you are thinking about Princess Padmini."

After some lengthy conversation between the two, Bhimsen gives Mahendra Pratap the order to remain in his kingdom today before retiring to his room to sleep.

In a short period, Bhimsen fell asleep and entered a deep sleep.

Mahendra Pratap, on the other hand, was unable to sleep and kept switching his bed. He had no idea why he was restless at the time, but after switching his way for a while, Mahendra Pratap changed his eyes. tried to sleep and eventually did.

Only after he had fallen asleep for the first time did he begin dreaming, and only Princess Padmini was present. She wore the same clothes, makeup, and voice, and he could see and hear her.

Mahendra Pratap was eager to approach the princess and see her face, but Padmini got up and backed off out of shyness. Mahendra Pratap expresses to her his desire to see her face become brighter and brighter until it surpasses the moon in his fantasy.

"Beautiful! Please just reveal your face once because ever since I heard your wonderful voice, I've felt a peculiar movement under me.

But even so, Padmini ignores his statements and walks away.

Mahendra Pratap seems to see this, wakes up, and begins to look around for Padmini. It is only then that he realises he has seen a dream. He starts sipping water out of a glass mug that is stored in the room before sitting down on his bed.

How am I infatuated with that woman, what has happened to me? She is now my future sister-in-law and my friend's queen, thus I am unable to do that.

"So what happened Mahendra Pratap, you are also the ruler of Arabia and all the states of the South work on your command," the malicious mind underneath him then asks.

"So Bhimsen has given me that also because I was an orphan, he has brought me here, so it would be a traitor to deceive on him," Mahendra Pratap informs the soul. What, however, has transpired since I arrived from Rupnagar?

Mahendra Pratap hears the diabolical mind exclaim, "So you have always supported him, his armour has been constructed," in a furious tone.

" Also, keep in mind that you helped Mahendra Pratap's state of Bhandup Nagar grow into an empire. Princess Padmini has captured your heart, therefore you have fallen in love with Princess Padmini, so she should be your queen rather than Bhimsen's understanding that she should be your queen."

"Yes, you are correct. Padmini first appeared in my dreams at that point, and I believe I have fallen in love with her. However, I must work very hard to win her over. It won't be simple, but don't break either."

"Well done!" the devil of Mahendra Pratap exclaims with a smile. Now that this has occurred, I will continue. You ought to maintain your course of action."

After hearing the thoughts of his evil mind, Mahendra Pratap begins formulating a plan for his conspiracy and considers ways to seize control of Padmini so that he can maintain his business and his friendship with Bhimsen without jeopardising either.


i)What is Mahendra Pratap thinking about?

ii)Has Princess Padmini captured his heart as well or it's just an infatuation?

iii)Will Mahendra Pratap permit the reconciliation of Princess Padmini and Emperor Bhimsen if this occurs?

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